The northern swamp is rejuvenated. The painting style suddenly changes from the sad black-and-white painting style to the colorful colorful happy painting style. The tone is different.

Now the ethnic groups living in the northern swamp are basically happy every day and spend it in the sound of joy.

At present, there are two main points in the construction of the northern swamp, which is the joint efforts of all races. One is to build a residence for the upcoming 100 dwarves. The forging workshop needs these professionals to build it by themselves, which outsiders don't understand.

The second is to establish a defense line in the South and southwest of the swamp.

Gray now plans to build a high wall and accumulate food. He never wants to be hard with the white witch, so he thinks about defense and wants to build the northern swamp into an iron bucket.

After the restoration of the northern swamp, many places have become puddle wetlands. In fact, there are not many places where we can march. We only need to build towers at several key points to effectively defend against possible enemies.

Because gray divided the collection areas of all ethnic groups as early as possible, there was no conflict because of collecting food.

However, gray found a problem, that is, when these ethnic groups collect food, they basically collect it according to the state of crazy storage, as if they were afraid that such a scene would disappear in front of them in the next second.

So gray had to issue a directive to restrict picking and sustainable development, leaving some room for the coming ethnic groups.

With orders, they gradually calm down and stop hoarding food as crazy as before. Of course, they may have enough.

Then when gray passed by the water, he found that fish traces appeared again in the river and lake that had been frozen into an ice lump.

I don't know if it's because of the lush water and grass below. These fish grow very fast. Although they don't grow at the speed visible to the naked eye as before, they are also bigger and bigger day by day, and they can catch fish and fish in a few days.

Seeing this, Gregory realized something. He thought of what happened in the second part of Narnia.

Because of the departure of the four brothers and sisters, Narnia has fallen into an unprecedented crisis. Food is no longer rich, Narnia residents are no longer smart and capable, many Narnia residents have disappeared, and more and more beasts can't speak.

The reason for all this is only because there is no human king in Narnia.

Therefore, gray guessed that the existence of human beings favored by Narnia also plays a vital role in Narnia itself, so the world prefers human beings so much.

The law of Narnia is enough to prove that Narnia will be rich only when human beings are the king of Narnia.

Because he was human, he liberated the land, so the land became rich at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Sekes, was the food so rich before Narnia?"

"Although Nania is rich, it will not produce such uncontrolled output." Sekes shook his head and picked a fruit from the tree root. "You see, after the fruit is picked, the growth rate of the new fruit is much slower, and some plants don't even bear fruit anymore."

"I guess it's because Nania has been frozen for a hundred years and Nania's power has been released. In the end, it will gradually become what Nania looks like in normal times.

But you don't have to worry. Even in normal times, Narnia grows enough food for all races to eat, and there will be no shortage of food. "

"Does Narnia in normal times refer to Narnia ruled by Aslan?" Gray continued to ask.

"Yes, Narnia was the most peaceful and prosperous time when Aslan ruled, so everyone respected Aslan and looked forward to Aslan's return."

"Why did Aslan leave Narnia? If he doesn't leave, the White Witch won't have a chance to rule Narnia, right?"

Sekes was silent for a few seconds. "I don't know. Aslan's decision can't be questioned or asked by others, but there is no doubt that he has important things, otherwise he won't leave Narnia."

Gray shook his head gently. "What important thing can't be done in a hundred years? Maybe Nania is not that important to him. "

In a word, sekes was shocked, and the tree face looked at him in horror and anger, "how dare you say Aslan? He will never leave Narnia."

"Sorry, I made a mistake." Gray looked at him and apologized calmly. "You know, I'm not from Narnia and don't know much about Aslan. I just made an objective comment from a fair position and guessed the reason for this situation. I didn't mean to speak ill of Aslan."

At last, his voice turned, "but it can't rule out such a possibility, can it?"

"Aslan loves Narnia as much as the people of Narnia love Aslan. He will never give up this land. When he left, he had determined the king for Narnia to ensure that Narnia could continue to be peaceful and prosperous forever. It was the evil white witch who usurped the throne that led to Narnia becoming what it is now. "

"Then where did the prophecy come from? I remember you said that Aslan gave you the prophecy. If he didn't know the current situation of Narnia, how could he make such a prophecy?"

"Although Aslan was the creator of Narnia, the day he handed down the throne, his power was limited. He had to rely on human power to defeat the white witch." Sekes explained that he was still angry with Gray's questioning Aslan.

"Well, let's skip this topic." Gray waved his hand. It seemed that he really just said it casually. He didn't want to be serious with him, nor did he really doubt Aslan“ Narnia has a law that Narnia will be rich only if human beings are the king of Narnia, right? "

Sekes thought about it, found the relevant information in his huge memory, nodded and determined, "yes, there is one."

"Then, how did Aslan make Narnia rich when he ruled this land, or was it not the best time for Narnia at that time?"

"Aslan created Narnia in his song. He is the real king of Narnia. Naturally, he has the ability to make Narnia peaceful and rich." Sekes took it for granted.

Aslan is the creator of Narnia. He has some magical abilities to take things for granted. There is no need to study deeply, and it is meaningless to study deeply.

Because Aslan created Narnia a long time ago, the information of that era can't be verified at all.

Gray stopped worrying about this, "can you tell me what's the law of Narnia? I think this may be the key to our defeat of the white witch. "

He is very curious about this. The magic of this land is that he has magical laws, everywhere, and seems to integrate into every inch of the land and every living creature of Narnia.

"Aslan created Narnia in his song, and formulated Narnia's laws with the ancient existence. The laws are written in the high magic scriptures in the depths of Narnia. Even Aslan cannot violate Narnia's laws." Sekes looked at him. "Therefore, after Aslan left the throne, he can no longer use the power of Narnia to deal with the white witch who usurped the throne of Narnia, unless there is a real human king to help him limit the magic of the white witch."

"High magic code?"

"Yes, the magic code can distinguish right from wrong and dominate the fate of all Narnia." Sekes looked pious.

"Where is the advanced magic code?" Gray couldn't wait to ask.

Obviously, this is likely to be a powerful artifact. King Gray said that he is the future king of Narnia. It is necessary to see his own artifact.

"High magic scriptures are everywhere." Sekes said mysteriously.

"Cut!" Gray knew at a glance that this guy didn't know where the advanced magic code was?