On the fifth day when gray came to Narnia, with the help of many snake people and tree people, gray finally gathered the materials he needed.

Even under the efficient collection of tree Terrans, he estimated that there would be a lot of surplus, but who hasn't lost any magic props yet? It's a little normal.

However, how to make it now has become a difficult problem. Gray himself has a way to make magic props, and ensure that the finished products must be high-quality products, but he is reluctant to give up. He won't use it unless he really has no choice.

Therefore, we need to find a place to make what he needs, and then we can carry out the next plan.

Even the survival of the snake people is a problem. A lot of materials have been accumulated, but even weapons are still used. There are no armor or anything. You don't have to think about it. There is no such place for him.

Gray asked the well-informed tree man sekes, but the tree people didn't have such a place, because they didn't like fighting, and they were mysterious and rare. They didn't have such a demand at all, and naturally they didn't.

"Many races have their own casting workshops. The most famous is the dwarf. Their weapons and armor are the best. But now they have taken refuge in the white witch. We can't find them."

Sekes said that he seemed to think it was suspected of discriminating against the dwarves, adding, "of course, I'm not saying that they are not trustworthy. In fact, the dwarves are also a kind and hardworking race, but I think we should be careful not to be found by the white witch."

"Of course, caution is responsible not only for yourself, but also for others." Gray nodded. "I heard that the big white rabbits in owl forest have a foundry. I'll go there."

In the afternoon, gray came back from the big white rabbits.

"How are you, sir?" Sikes cares.

"The rabbits were warm, hospitable and friendly... Gray recalled his memory of the rabbits.

"That's it?"

"But the rabbits are too small. Their tools are toys to me. They can't be used to make props at all." Gray shook his head with a bitter face.

"In addition to the rabbit family, I went to the eagle family."

"Yes, the eagles are big. You should be able to use their tools." Sikes clapped his hand and said happily.

"But the eagle family has no foundry, because the foundry will pollute their feathers, and the high temperature will scorch their feathers and affect their flying in the sky." Gray shrugged. He got nothing when he went out today, except for deepening exchanges with all races.

When sekes heard his words, there was such an expression on the wrinkled tree face, "those arrogant birds regard themselves as the Lords of the sky, but they always only care about their feathers, not the peace and prosperity of Narnia."

Gray was a little surprised. He always stressed that all races in Narnia are kind and peace loving. Seks actually scolded the eagle family for being too arrogant.

However, the eagle family is really strong. The sky Lord not only claims to be himself, but is recognized by many Narnia Lords. It is normal to have pride in his bones. When he went to the eagle family last time, he could feel their pride hidden under their politeness.

"If the eagle clan doesn't have a workshop, how can they get the tools used in daily life and weapons in battle?" Lamia wondered.

The serpent people live in the northern swamp, which can be said to be semi aquatic. They don't have contact with the eagle people. In addition, Lamia was born after the ice and knew little about the eagle people, so she asked.

"Their things are basically made by dwarves." Sikes explained, "what shall we do next?"

If the plan cannot be implemented smoothly, the next plan will be difficult to continue.

"Let me ask you this. You know more about Narnia than we do. You should show us where to go next." Gray turned to look at him.

"You're right. Let me see. Although the dwarves are the best, they are not suitable for us." Sekes, the tree man, touched his chin and fell into meditation.

Gray watched him touch his chin, his eyes gradually lost consciousness, and his heart was speechless.

After getting along with this guy for several days, he found that this guy would become like this when he was free. Is the tree man clan thinking or in a daze?

Gray called out the map of Narnia. Because of the supplement of tree people, many places in Narnia not only marked the ethnic groups living in this place, but also marked their specialties and other information in great detail.

His goal now is to find a race that is not different from his body size and can use tools, such as snake people.

Finally, gray locked in a small Centaur group and a semi sheep group. Both, like the snake people, have the upper body of normal humans and can use various human tools flexibly.

And the two races are on the side of Aslan. Although they are afraid of the power of the white witch, they are not completely surrendered. They are more likely to succeed by asking them for help.

Other options include tauren, pig man, Orc and dwarf, but these guys are basically under the white witch, and gray basically doesn't consider it.

He kicked Sikes's roots and woke him up. Gray pointed to two places on the map. "I think finding a centaur or a half sheep may help us. Which side do you think is more reliable?"

"I thought of it!" Sikes shouted excitedly and looked at gray excitedly. "I think of a guy who can definitely help you."

"Who is it?"

Gray is still very confident in the recommendation of tree man. After all, tree man is a famous old monster. There can't be more things in his mind. Narnia basically has nothing they don't know.

"I was confused and didn't remember. It was an old friend of mine." Sekes sighed softly. "His name is ente. He is an elder of the dwarves, but he doesn't like the white witch. He has been looking forward to Aslan's return or the realization of his prophecy. If we go to him, he will certainly help us."

"Every dwarf elder has his own casting room, and we don't have to worry about being found."

Gray glanced at the map. The current place where the dwarves live is on the mountain near the esteen wasteland to the east of the white witch. It is said that they hollowed out the mountainside and built a huge space to make weapons and armor for the white witch.

Therefore, this is also the arsenal of the white witch. Basically, the white witch can arrive immediately and the Tauren orcs at the foot of the mountain will gather quickly.

"The problem is that once it is found, it will be really troublesome." Gray held his arm and tapped his fingers.

"But no, if he knows your arrival, he will be very happy. Even, I can persuade him to give up the White Witch and join your command." Sikes said quickly and looked forward to gray.

"Sekes, I personally believe in you very much, but you know, I shoulder not only my safety, but also the future of Narnia."

Gray raised his eyebrows and looked at him. Being discovered by the White Witch too early means that everything behind will not be too smooth. Only if he can really defeat the White Witch alone or restore Nania to spring in a short time only by his own ability, can he have an advantage again.

Obviously, both are difficult.

"I can swear by the reputation of the tree Terran that ente will never betray us." The tree man hurried.