The eagle family's stone mountains are towering and steep, standing in the dense owl forest.

In fact, although the name of the forest was set by Aslan, the former owner of Narnia, the eagle family does not think this name is worthy of the forest. The only one worthy of the forest is their Eagle family.

However, if a forest is named after a certain race, it is often not because which race lives in it is more powerful, but because which race is more prosperous, which is more common in this forest.

There is no doubt that the owl race used to be all over the forest. Don't feel strange to meet owls anywhere in this forest. The name of owl forest is worthy of its name.

It's just, it was a long time ago.

Gray recovered from his meditation and saw the towering Stone Mountain and the large and small caves on it.

"Are there so many Eagle people?" Gray said slightly surprised.

Because from above, there are hundreds of caves on the stone mountain.

"Those, ah, were opened up before. Now many are empty, and only a few dozen really live." Santa casually explained, holding gray outside the top cave.

"This is the leader's home. His temper is not very good. You should be careful. If he beats you, you must resist. Don't be afraid. Beat him hard in the face, and I'll keep an eye on you." The introduction in the first sentence is quite normal. In the last few sentences, it doesn't seem to be a normal instruction at all.

Gray smiled and said not to worry.

Santa came up and knocked at the door. "Chief, he's coming."

"Call him in."

A slightly old voice came from inside. Santa nodded to gray and reached out to open the door.

The inside and outside of the door are quite different. Even if the door is open, the wind and snow outside the house cannot enter it. The cold and warmth change in an instant.

Gray just stepped on the door, and the eagle leader spoke, as if to himself, "a long time ago, Aslan created Narnia in his song, formulated Narnia's rules with some ancient beings, gave us a strong physique, gave us the power to protect ourselves, gave us a smart brain, and made us good at thinking. The eagle family is deeply loved by Narnia. It has a vast sky as its territory. At any time, the eagle family is the most powerful sky Lord. "

make love!

Gray came in with his palm in his hand and a smile on his face. "The leader is right. The eagle family is indeed a well deserved sky Lord. Just when Santa brought me back, he met a griffin on the way. When the other party saw Santa, he immediately gave way without saying a word, and consciously reduced the flight height, and did not dare to fly at the same height as Santa."

The eagle leader smiled at the speech. This is what he is proud of, and it is also the pride of every Eagle family.

But Gray's voice turned, "but the wheel of history rolls by. Even the greatest existence may disappear in the long river of history because of the passage of time.

How many people still remember the ancient existence mentioned by the leader who created the law of Narnia with Aslan? How many people even remember Aslan who left Narnia a hundred years later? I've heard that not one or two races have fallen in the hands of the white witch. "

The eagle leader was silent for a moment. Gray was not aimless. Many races fell into the hands of the white witch, and even some had completely disappeared in the land of Narnia.

But that will never be the end of the great eagle race. The eagle race existed in this land at the beginning of the birth of Narnia. It is a powerful race recognized by all Narnia races, and can not be the same as those weak races.

"If the White Witch wants to do anything to us, we must make her pay a painful price." The leader smiled confidently and didn't care.

"I believe in the courage and strength of the leader and the strength of the eagle family." Gray nodded. "Just before falling, I saw hundreds of caves on the Eagle mountain. Even if a cave only lives in one eagle family, the strength of the eagle family is unparalleled. You really have the strength to make anyone who has a bad heart towards the eagle family pay a price."

"So what are you here for? The great son of mankind, the future king of Narnia? " The eagle leader looked at gray with eagle eyes, as if he could see through his inner thoughts.

Although he called Narnia's future king, there was not much respect for the king in his eyes.

"It was only because the serpent people mentioned the strength of the eagle family that I remembered to understand the grandeur of the eagle family. I had no other ideas." Gray shook his head, his smile was still sunny. "Now I see it, it really deserves its reputation."

"If the leader has anything to deal with, I'll leave first."

"Just one look and I'm leaving?" The eagle leader asked in surprise.

"To be honest with the great eagle leader, the snake people can't stand the cold. For a hundred years, they can only shrink underground. Because of the shortage of food, the people have shrunk by two-thirds. Since they have been loyal to me, as their king, I have the obligation to find a way to solve their suffering."

The eagle leader was silent for a moment. "If you can, I want to know how you plan to solve their plight. Maybe the eagle can help. The eagle is a generous race."

"As you can see, like the white witch, I am also a wizard. My ability is better at fire, so I can restrain the White Witch's magic. I plan to take the snake people to a place with more abundant products, arrange a powerful magic array to melt the ice and snow, so that they can get enough food and rest."

"Good luck. My promise remains unchanged. If you need our help, the eagle family is willing to help every Nanian in need." The eagle leader nodded. He couldn't help with magic.

"Thank you."

"Since you're here to visit the eagle family, it's impolite for you to leave at a glance. Why don't you let Santa show you around? What do you think?"

"Thank you."

"Oh, Santa has something else to do. Let my daughter show you." The leader suddenly changed his mind.

"It's all right. She cooks meat at home. How can she have time? I'll do it. " Santa answered carelessly and pulled gray out.

Walking on the Eagle mountain, gray looked at the slightly deserted Stone Mountain, and then looked at the large number of stone caves. He could probably think of how lively and prosperous it was a hundred years ago.

"Can you really melt the ice and snow?" Santa took gray around and asked curiously.

"Of course!" Gray nodded. "In fact, even if I don't do anything, just because of my human identity, the ice and snow will gradually melt under the action of Narnia's law, but it will take a long time."

"Can you arrange one for us in the forest?"

"Of course, but the snake people are more difficult now. I need to solve their problems first before I can help the eagle people."

"Great." Santa said excitedly, "don't worry, you helped us, and we won't let you suffer. Part of the eagle family supports me. I can lead them to become your subjects."

"It doesn't matter. We're friends, aren't we?" Gray said, "but is it really OK for you to do so? Won't there be any contradictions among the eagles?"

"No problem, my friend and my wife often tell me that if the eagle family wants to rise again, it needs to break the shackles of the past. I think now is a good opportunity." Santa smiled heroically.

"The leader will not object?"

"He is old. What the eagle family needs is to forge ahead, not stick to the rules." "My wife said it," Santa said without any disguise

"Your wife is a wise man." Gray gave a thumbs up.

"Of course, she is the smartest person of the eagle family. Even the leader will ask her a lot of questions. If nothing happens, she will be the next chief of the eagle family."

Gray smiles more brightly. Compared with the eagle leader, he prefers to communicate with an honest Eagle like Santa. He can get a lot of information in a few words.