After pursuing for two days and nights, Merida's face has already become dirty, but she doesn't care too much. Should soldiers consider whether their posture is elegant, whether their behavior is appropriate, and whether their body is stained with dust because they avoid the enemy's attack?

It's impossible. It's not a soldier, but a show guy.

And her royal highness is a real warrior.

On the flying eagle, gray trimmed his hair, which was a little messy by the wind. He was going to use some hair gel to set it. When he was going to do so, he suddenly sneezed.

"Your Highness, it seems to rain." The old hunter pointed to the sky. A dark rain cloud was on their head. Occasionally, lightning flashed through the rain cloud.

Merida raised her head and a look of doubt flashed on her face. "This cloud is so strange. How can it be so low? It's much lower than other clouds. It's like covering our heads."

Others also raised their heads to look at the rain cloud. From among the sparse trees, they can get the general of the rain cloud into their eyes.

"It's really strange, and the rain cloud is too small, as if it only covers this area."

"Can it be a powerful Warcraft? I heard that Warcraft in the depths of the forest has some magical abilities. It's not a normal phenomenon anyway?"

A group of people talked about it. The appearance of this rain cloud is really strange. The dark color is particularly depressed at first sight. It doesn't look like a good thing.

Listening to their discussion, the adjutant suddenly turned his eyes to the old hunter holding the hound, "do you know what this is?"

"No, I grew up at the edge of the forest. I don't know how many times I have entered the forest, but I haven't seen such a thing once. But we have a saying that is specifically to deal with the current situation. " The old hunter was also looking at the rain cloud, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"What do you say?"

"If you encounter something you don't know but look dangerous, run quickly, run outside the forest, and it's okay to run out of the forest. Things in the forest rarely go out of the forest. The more powerful they are, the more so." The old hunter replied, holding the rope holding the hound tightly in his hand, and his knuckles were white.

He has the impulse to run, but he also knows that he can't offend this group of people. He either takes them out together or dies here together, or even if he survives, he won't have a good life.

"Run?" Merida looked at the rain cloud, then at the others, and finally gritted her teeth, "first bypass this strange cloud, and then we'll continue to chase after it disappears."

As a soldier, Merida didn't want to let go of those who attacked them and brought casualties to them.

But now she also knows that if what the old hunter said is true, they are likely to die together under this rain cloud. In contrast, the life of their teammates is more important.

After making the decision, Merida decisively took people to withdraw outside the forest, but not far away, the soldiers who saw them told them that the rain cloud was moving away from them.

Merida looked at the old hunter. The old hunter pulled out his eyes and said, "maybe he didn't notice us. Although there are such legends, I haven't met him, and I haven't heard anyone say I met him."

"But if it finds us and is hostile to us, we have little chance of escape."

The old hunter is very cautious. Although the reward is rich, he is also very moved. He is willing to leave a lot of money for his family to die, but if he can earn a lot of money and still live, wouldn't it be better to enjoy happiness.

The hound stayed at the feet of the old hunter, quiet and clever.

"Continue to withdraw."

As the eldest son of dunbnooch, Merida is eager to live like a soldier. Although she is still ruthless to pirates, she is absolutely awed of life in her heart and does not want to take innocent people to death.

On the other side under the rain clouds, a line of two people are running away. They specially choose those difficult roads, all according to the roads where horses are sad and pedestrians are difficult to walk.

No one spoke. They both walked forward in silence. Their weight had been thrown away long ago, leaving only a handful of weapons. Not much food had been eaten long ago. When they were hungry, they pulled a handful of leaves and stuffed them into their mouth. No matter how bad the taste was, they endured to swallow it.

They did not notice that there was a lot of rain clouds in the sky, because it was very dark and there was a light rain last night.

Gray came right under the rain cloud and looked down. He didn't find anyone.

"Is the tracking range of this tracking technique a little too large?" Looking at the rain clouds with a radius of several kilometers, Gray was speechless.

However, although the range is a little larger, it is not a needle in a haystack if it can be locked within this range.

The eagle under his feet turned into leaves and floated in the air. Gray fell through the trees on the soft ground below.

The ground of the forest was a little wet. Gray looked around, reached out and took out a magic wand and gave a meal to the ground. The blue crystal flashed and an invisible wave spread out.

Gray felt countless sounds pouring into his ears, but he could clearly lock in the sound he needed.

Man's voice is different from that of animals. After magical treatment, he can accurately distinguish the differences, and distinguish the direction and distance.

A moment later, gray opened his eyes. "Two groups of people? There are more than ten in one wave and only two in the other. "

There was panic and panic in the voices of both groups, but the group of two was stronger.

The information also said that few people escaped at last, and the group of more than ten people were far away from themselves outside the rain clouds. Gray tended to find the two people first.

The two men were not far in front of him. Although they were still moving, the distance was no more than one kilometer.

The cloud over his head dissipated and gray raised his legs to chase after him.

Stepping on the slippery leaves, the man behind sat down on the ground. The fall seemed to have lost all his courage, with a trace of despair in his eyes. "I don't want to run away. I'd rather go back and be a slave."

The other man didn't speak. Although they escaped together, they were not together. One was an old aristocrat and the other was a powerful man swept up by Merida.

He didn't say anything, looked at him, asked if he was sure, turned and planned to leave.

Suddenly, he saw a flash of night, and a tall and powerful man dressed neatly appeared in front of him.

"Who are you?"

"What family are you from?"

"Are you the wolf under the puppet king?"

Gray's eyes narrowed, and the distance between them was shortened to the extreme in an instant. He squeezed each other's neck with one hand and slammed it to the ground.

Tie the two men to the tree and gray goes to the position of the more than ten people again.

He wanted to see if there were any other words about aristocratic forces hiding in the dark, which had been omitted at the beginning and were uprooted together.

After finding the more than ten people, gray found that it was Merida and them. It was much easier now. He directly handed them over for interrogation.

As for the test of his learning results, gray thought it was very good. Tracking magic was very, magic control was very, magic sketching temporary array was very, and the total score was excellent.