Radio New York downstairs.

Gray holding a bunch of roses, bored watching the traffic coming and going, while calmly bearing the praise and flirtation of women coming and going.

There are even a few bold women who want to invite him to their house for coffee, watching TV, repairing light bulbs and pipes.

As a three good boyfriend waiting for his girlfriend to get off work, he naturally refused with justice and told them to be clean. Even if his family lives in xxx not far away, and his girlfriend is definitely not at home from noon to 4 p.m. every 123, he will never agree to their requirements or tell them that their phone number is XXXXXX.

Before long, Becky came out with a beautiful figure and face. When she saw Gray, she ran to him in surprise and gave him a warm hug.

"Why are you here, waiting for me?" Becky was pleasantly surprised by the result of the rose. "I like it very much."


"Of course, in addition to the beautiful miss Becky, who can make me so fascinated and willing to spend precious time on her?" Gray grabbed her waist and walked to a sports car by the side of the road.

Becky naturally recognized that this was gray's car. Since she heard that she had radio stations and suitors at school, gray bought the car and drove to these two places to wait for him. With strong economic strength and peak appearance, she made those suitors retreat, while others relied on strong fists to make them retreat.

Of course, as we all know, it is mainly their appearance that makes them feel ashamed.

In short, after two times, Becky felt much easier to go out and didn't have to worry about the flies.

"I've left there and am going to study magic in a magic school. I looked at the address of the magic school. It's still far from your house. I bought a floor here. The security is very good and the environment is very good. It's close to New York University and radio. Let's move here." Gray said casually.

Becky smiled, "OK, are you going to the magic school now?"

be curious!

"Do you want to see it?"

"Of course."

be curious!

"Yes." Gray smiled. "But it's tomorrow. You see, it's off duty now. It must be the same in the college."

New home, after dinner, Becky looked at gray vaguely and made a hum.


And remind you? I'm a good, considerate boyfriend. Can't you understand that?

Gray put the bracelet into his backpack, picked up the beautiful woman and walked to the bedroom.

Becky looked up at him and kissed him.

The next day, gray successfully came to the magician college, which is a castle outside the city. It covers a large area and belongs to private territory.

According to bassaer, gray rang the doorbell, and soon a young man with a walking stick came up, "who are you looking for?"

Of course, gray didn't know who to look for, but bassac said just give his name and handed bassac a letter of introduction. "Bassac Blake introduced me here and hopes to learn something in the college."

"Bassac Blake?" The man poked his chin with his walking stick. "The name is a little familiar. Wait, I'll be right back."

Then he took the letter of introduction and walked away.

"This is the master's college. Why does it look like the private residence of those big people?" Becky looked inside curiously.

Gray shrugged. "It's a pity not to use such a big place. Of course, we should make the best use of it. Do you still expect the students studying magic to really talk like they are in school? The teachers can't listen to them at the bottom."

Basazze told him about the college. In fact, several old guys studied magic together. Later, they accepted disciples to teach together. As a result, they taught several good students, so they handed down this form.

As gray said, sitting in the classroom is not the magic school in the world, although gray knows it.

In this world, the students of magic schools are still looking for themselves. There are few students in a magic school.

"I don't know if I have a chance to learn some magic in that world."

Gray secretly expected that compared with the other world, the magic school in this world could not be called a college, but that many people taught at the same time.

Moreover, the development of magic in this world is mainly the development of magic tools and the use of magic, while the other world is the development of spells, which are two very different worlds. If you have the opportunity to go to that world, apart from others, magic knowledge can definitely increase a lot.

Before long, the young man came back and invited two people in. He didn't say that ordinary people can't go in and so on.

When he entered the college, gray met an old man who was one of the principals here. The other party politely said that he wanted to give basadze face and let him study here, but there were many conditions for him to abide by.

Gray looked and found that it was not a harsh condition, so he agreed and officially began to study here.


Seven months later, gray went to see bassac. The other party was still teaching David magic. David was wearing a brand-new ring, and his magic level was very high.

Make sure that he hasn't released moganna's plan for the time being, and gray hasn't offered help. After talking, he leaves.

Before long, a video began to spread wildly on the Internet. Where there is an Internet, there is his figure.

In the video, there is a man who claims to be the God of fire gray. Behind him is a pair of huge flame wings. His whole body is burning with flames, and a sword cuts open a mountain.

There are also some videos of him coming to dirty civilian caves, going to distant war-torn areas, carrying food and seeds into poor areas, treating the pain of devout people, blessing devout people and helping everyone in need. The holy light is great.

"Well, it's not... When Becky saw this man, it was easy to see that this was gray. Besides, he also gave his name. It's hard to know if it's him.

"Is there really a God in this world?"

"Who knows, some computer experts say that there is no trace of special effects in the video. Maybe it is really the birth of gods."

"Those who were helped were also talking, saying that there was such a god falling from the sky."

"Why hasn't there been any news before?"

"Yes, look at this report."

One video caused an uproar and made people all over the world busy.

And Becky just wanted to go home.

In seven months, the new home became the old home.

When Becky came home, she didn't find gray around. She kicked off her high heels and walked into the bathroom.

When I came out to cook, I suddenly found a letter on the tea table.

"Are you going to find any magical creatures or magical materials? It's just time to go out so as not to see him again. " Becky muttered that they had been making trouble in recent days and were in a bad mood.

But did he really look for those things? The man in the video is so similar to him and claims his name.

When I picked up the letter and opened it, the expression on my face became sad.

She threw down the letter, took the car key, put on a pair of sneakers, and Becky slammed the door.

The stationery fell slowly to the ground:

My dear Betsy, you guessed right. I'm leaving again. I think you've gradually got used to my occasional absence, but this time I may not come back. I'm going to pursue the mystery of magic.

You don't have to worry about me. I have the most powerful ability in the world. Even if they bomb me, I can escape. Yes, I'm so powerful. Your man is the most powerful.

But it's not enough. I want to be stronger and know more magic mysteries. Magic is really magical. It's more magical than all existence in the world. I can't resist it.

The house and car are bought in your name. There is a bank card in the drawer at the head of the bed. The password is next to it, and everything else is there.

When you encounter something that can't be solved, go to these people. One of them will help you. After all, they are a little friendly. These guys are still good people and will give me some face.

Live happily in the future. Do whatever you want. It's OK to travel around the world. Cary has enough money and doesn't work all his life.

Don't be cheated by the slag man again, especially the slag man who looks good with such a smile and speaks softly and properly.

Becky drove to the mage college and asked them where gray had gone, but no one could answer her.

She went to where gray used to go, but she couldn't wait for him, so she had to go home. Maybe he was just kidding.

Bazadze found her and told her that someone had made a big mess this time. The world was about to turn over and asked her not to say she knew this person.

Becky asked him why gray did this. Basazze vaguely mentioned an ancient magic conjecture, and faith became the way of God.

Many people used to walk this road, which is also one of the sources of myths around the world, but in the end, none of them succeeded. Later, people didn't continue to walk this road. I don't know why gray tried again.

Becky couldn't understand and couldn't find him.

Gradually, with more and more time, Becky graduated. With that magical bracelet, she can easily see through people's emotions hidden under the mask. Her position in the radio station is higher and higher, her career is better and better, and everything is back on track.

Finally, she couldn't even stay here. She went out to set up her own company.

Sutton media.