Dumbenoch's castle is not different from McGovern's castle. They are all made of stone. They are quite different from the castle of the stone castle king, and they can't be compared with the castle he is building.

The castle is located on a lake peninsula. The fortifications are done carelessly. The houses inside are also some simple, but they are all stone houses. The most center is the castle where the leader lives.

The gate of the castle was closed. With the arrival of the party, the gate slowly opened.

The three leaders all brought soldiers, and gray also brought 30 people. If they crowded in, the door would collapse.

Gray shook his head and stood with people waiting for the three to go in first. The three were not humble. They were very skilled. You pushed me into the castle. Gray was the last one to walk in with the soldiers.

When Gray went in as like as two peas in the hall, three seats were arranged in the hall. The head of dumbledochi was sitting in the middle. The well dressed queen sat on the right side of the leader. A girl who looked very strange in Gray's seat was sitting on the left. On the far side was a shorter chair, with Three Identical triplets.

Four teams were standing in the center of the hall. The other three teams were noisy and messy. Gray took the team and divided it into two teams. He stood there with his chest straight and his head raised. He stamped his spear on the ground neatly, picked it up and stamped it down, making a neat and dull noise, and gradually crushed them all.

After a while, everyone else stopped. As soon as careen waved his hand, everyone stopped immediately.

At this time, the leader of dunbunokee stood up and hugged his hands.

"Look... Here we are, four tribes... And... King gray, gather... For..."

Fergus said every word as if he had exhausted all his strength. He tried to recall. He looked very funny. Gray looked funny, but his expression was absolutely serious.

The queen could not continue to watch. She estimated that Fergus had almost forgotten what to say next. She stood up and walked to Fergus, and then said, "the display of the suitor."

Next, Fergus was like parroting. When the queen said something, he followed.

Then Fergus welcomed the tribes and asked them to show their suitors, which didn't need to be taught by Wang later, because just call out the names of the tribes.

The first is the Macintosh tribe. Well, their eldest son is very similar to the leader. According to the leader, he defended the Macintosh tribe against the invaders in the north and killed a thousand enemies with a sharp blade called thorn red.

Then came the eldest son of the magfen tribe. His record was to sink the Viking ship, kill 2000 enemies with his bare hands, and break a big wood to perform his talent.

Finally, the dingshou tribe, whose is the only son of the leader, is even more powerful. His record is to kill the siege of 10000 Romans and sink a fleet alone.

At the beginning, when Ding Shuai introduced the leader, everyone thought he introduced the giant man in front, more than two meters. A muscular Qiu knot, a look is a powerful soldier.

As a result, the son of leader Ding Shua stood behind the giant man and was still shaking when he was pulled out by leader Ding Shua.

"Brag." When Ding shook the leader, someone in the crowd shouted.

Ding grip leader scolded a few words, and then the three tribes sneered at each other. Ding grip leader was ridiculed and angry. He immediately closed the door and let his son go. A big war was imminent.

Gray silently took the group to one side to make a few steps to avoid being involved. He thought it wouldn't happen when he came, but he didn't expect it to happen. However, it's normal for these guys to urinate.

Fergus was very excited about the fight and cheered on it, but after shaking his head to see the Queen's white eyes, he had to reluctantly stand up and stop them.

But Fergus's three naughty little sons came and poked one of them secretly, which made them mess again. Fergus personally joined the carnival.

The queen had no choice but to stand up and calmly walked into the chaotic crowd, ready to stop the farce.

"Madam, if you don't mind, I can help." Gray thought the queen had better not get in there. If any guy doesn't have eyes, he'll have a lot of fun.

"Is that ok?" The queen looked at gray. She felt that the young king was much more mature and stable than the old guys in front of her. The queen who wanted to pay attention to etiquette soon became interested in him.

"Of course, madam. Just a moment." Gray nodded, jumped lightly, crossed the crowd directly and jumped directly into the battle center.

Before long, someone was thrown out. The first was Fergus, the owner of the place, the second was megfen, and the third was the leader of the Macintosh.

The fourth one didn't come out. Just when everyone stopped and looked inside, leader Ding grip also flew out.

Compared with others, Ding Shuai's situation is a little miserable. If he didn't have an iconic dress, it's estimated that even his son wouldn't recognize him as his father.

Gray came out slowly and patted his palm like dust, "madam, live up to his mission."

"Why did you hit me?" Ding grip leader said sadly and angrily.

"Aren't the other leaders fighting well? It has nothing to do with me." Gray showed an innocent look and refused to admit that the injury on leader Ding's face had something to do with himself.

Everyone was speechless. After the other three leaders were thrown out by you, you beat the leader for a minute, which pushed the responsibility on others? Do you want a face?

The queen coughed gently and revealed it for a while.

The leaders apologized for their actions. Fergus sat back on the throne. The queen took over the dominance and cleared her throat, "well, next, we welcome King gray from the distant kingdom and the Stone Castle Kingdom, and welcome you to the dunbunoke tribe."

"I'm glad to visit the dunbunokee tribe. May the dunbunokee tribe prosper forever."

The queen and gray exchanged a few polite words, and the queen reluctantly shifted the topic to the princess. In her opinion, Gray was the proper communication etiquette between the tribes. It was particularly comfortable to talk, rather than fighting at a word.

"According to our laws and our inheritance rights, only the eldest son of every great leader can recommend and compete to hold hands with the princess of dunbunokee. In order to win her heart, we should prove our ability, strength and means. According to tradition, the challenge project is decided by the princess herself. "

Hearing this, merrida, the princess of dembucci, brightened her eyes. As soon as the Queen's voice fell, she couldn't wait to stand up and shouted, "archery! Archery! "

Archery is one of her favorite battles, but she only focused on opposing the queen before. Unexpectedly, it was decided by herself.

What a failure.

Merida thought to herself, and then saw her mother's dissatisfied and stunned eyes, as well as the underground people. She immediately straightened her posture, followed the Queen's tone and said slowly, "I choose archery."

"King gray, are you married?" After daimerida chose the competition project, the queen looked at gray and asked.

Originally, she would ask about it immediately after she said the rules, but she didn't expect to be interrupted by Merida.

Gray thought about it. It's not fun. It's hard for the princess to say anything else. The clothes are very ugly. Her hair is wrapped up. It looks like her face is very round and there are some freckles on her face. He didn't like it very much and made a gesture to careen in the back.

Kairuien nodded to understand that his Majesty was relieved and stepped forward, "queen, my king is 17 years old. He is the greatest dragon slaying warrior and the most powerful soldier in China. He once suppressed 800 pirates by one person, including five werewolf pirates. He is still unmarried."

Gray's angry, Maddy. Do I want you to say this? I told you to refuse her for me.

The queen nodded with satisfaction. Compared with other people's achievements, gray, who has just shot, is much more real. He is only 17 years old, very close to Merida, and has a more sincere smile. "King gray, your identity is qualified to participate in the competition..."

"Madam, I just happened to pass by this time. I came here to see the style of the four tribes. My kingdom is far from the other side of the sea. It will take months to go back and forth, which is very inconvenient." Gray had to speak for himself.

"That's a pity." The queen sighed in her heart and looked at gray with regret. Her eyes turned to the three tribes, "then, let's start."