Except Terry, who is on the night shift, everyone else gets up very early. Now there are only a few people. They basically have no nightlife. Everyone goes to bed early and naturally gets up early. Their lifestyle is particularly healthy.

Anna and Norma are chefs. They prepare meals every day. At this time, they have entered the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone.

"Gray, according to my observation, there are no zombies from other places. Generally speaking, you can eliminate some zombies here, and you can eliminate them all in a few days." A group of people sat on the sofa, Michael analyzed.

"Yes, I thought it would take more than ten days. Later, after Andy joined, I thought it would take seven or eight days. It turns out that it is." Gray nodded. "By the way, the seeds have been found. I haven't seen the specific seeds. Take a look. Plant what is suitable for planting. There will be vegetables to eat in a while. Don't worry."

Michael said solemnly, "don't worry. I think we should take a long view."

He cleared his throat, "even if all the food on the roof is planted, it is not enough for us to eat. When we finish eating the stored food in the mall, we need to go to other places to collect food, but the stored food is limited. Sooner or later, there will be no food to eat, so we need more land, plant more food and be self-sufficient."

Gray nodded. This guy is not bad. He has basically determined the death penalty. At this time, he is still thinking about what to do in the future for everyone.

"I thought about this. If there are no zombies in other places smelling of living people after cleaning up the zombies, we can try to build a base and surround a large farm. In this way, there should be enough space for everyone to use and raise some livestock.

But there is a difficulty in this plan, that is, the land to be enclosed must be very large. It is impossible to build it in a short time just by these people. Once a zombie comes within this time, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Another thing, after the zombies here are cleared, I'm basically leaving. Well, if you're okay these days, help me refit the bus in the parking lot. The car shell is thickened to withstand the impact. Install sharp knives on both sides of the car and make a device in front that can divert the zombies. "

"Boss, are you leaving?" Bart was shocked. He thought gray would stay here forever. After all, gray is now the boss here, and two beautiful women are jealous of him. If it were him, he would never leave.

"I've thought about this for a long time, but don't worry, I'll clean up the zombie before I leave. You can do whatever you want as soon as possible." Gray nodded and gave them a shot today.

"In addition, if we want to build a base, we really need to build it more firmly, and the ground should be bigger, so as to collect more materials as much as possible. If there are no survivors elsewhere, I think those zombies are likely to come by smelling of living people. "

"Of course, maybe before they find it, I have successfully found a way to kill all zombies. At that time, you don't have to build any base."

"Boss, I believe you will find a way." Bart said firmly.

Looking at these people, gray sighed slightly and said, "it's hard to say whether it will succeed or not. We can only say everything."

Gray is not sure. He just wants to try. If he succeeds, he estimates that he can achieve a lot of achievements in an instant and definitely make a lot of achievements.

If he doesn't succeed, he can only say sorry, and then run away with the elf himself.

When gray wants to achieve something, it's true that he can't bear it, but between his heart can't bear it and his own life and the ELF's life, he will still choose to run away.

He remembered that at the end of the film, there seemed to be only a few thousand people left in the world. Of course, except those who were refrigerated under the umbrella.

For a population of 7 billion, this number is really not even a dime. It is really tragic.

If he solved the problem of zombies now, the number of survivors around the world could at least increase hundreds of times, or even more.

Of course, he really can't control how to continue fighting with the umbrella people in the back. He can only hope that Alice's leading role halo will bless her to continue to take down umbrella companies all over the world.

CJ just listened vaguely at first. Later, according to the thinking of several people, the zombies were cleared - you can go out - to build a large and safe base. He came up with a wonderful idea.

So he immediately said his thoughts excitedly, "boss, since we can go out after you kill the zombies here, why don't we go to the sea? I remember there are several islands out of the port. They are not desert islands. Those zombies must not be able to cross the sea to attack us? "

Gray looked at CJ in surprise. It was not that he couldn't pay attention, but that the idea was great. The sea was so wide that the zombie wanted to cross such a wide sea. It was a dream.

That is, he didn't know it was near the sea at the beginning, otherwise he would have thought of this attention. After all, he was so smart, unparalleled in intelligence, both wisdom and courage, and superior in wisdom···

"I think this method is very good. How about you?" Gray looked at the others. After all, what they decided now was where they would live in the future. They needed to make their own decisions.

Then he found that everyone else was looking at CJ with bright eyes.

This method doesn't sound very good, but when you think about it carefully, you will find that there is no better way to avoid zombies than going to sea. Moreover, the sea water around the island is a natural barrier. Unless zombies can fly, you don't have to worry at all.

"I remember Steve mentioned that he had a villa on an island and his own yacht." Monica said.

"An island must have enough resources and land. As long as we bring more seeds, we basically don't have to worry about food, and we don't have to worry about the threat of zombies." Said uncle Tucker.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and the picture of a paradise gradually unfolded in their minds.

So is gray. The more he thinks about it, the more he thinks about it, the more feasible it is.

If people living by the sea can think of this method, in ten years, there will not be only thousands of people left in the world. After all, there are still many islands in the world, not only islands, but also islands in the lake and islands in the heart of the river.

Even if there are zombies on some islands, the number of zombies cannot be compared with that on land. As long as the zombies are removed patiently, one paradise after another can be built.

Anna and Norma came out. They told them again. They were also very excited and expressed their willingness to go to the island.

"Well, that's settled. Andy and I will continue to clean up the zombies these days. You can help me transform a car and come out. After the zombies are cleaned up, you first collect the necessary materials, and then I'll send you to the seaside to find a boat." Gray said firmly.

"Cheers, everyone, for a better future."