On the first floor of the shopping mall, CJ just wanted to command everyone to smash the ground with a sledgehammer and dig for soil. Suddenly, his face changed and looked at Bart.

"Have we forgotten something?"

"Forget what? I think you want to be lazy. I'll tell the boss. " Bart snorted coldly.

CJ slapped Bart on the head and said, "damn fool, don't you forget that there is an underground parking lot below this floor. There is fart soil?"

"Then let's dig below?" Bart remembered that the ground floor below them is not thick land, but an underground parking lot that is not often used in the market.

Although he knew he was wrong, he still looked at CJ angrily. Just speak when you remember. Why slap me.

"Of course, if you want to dig, you can only go below unless you dare to go out."

Bart certainly didn't dare to go out. Even gray had to retreat at this time. He didn't have the courage to go out. "We're the only ones using the underground parking lot. Other people's cars are usually parked outside, and we closed the door below early in the morning. There shouldn't be any danger below."

"Oh, we closed the door yesterday morning. Who knows if anything ran in before yesterday morning?" CJ sneered, "you know, according to what was said on TV, it happened in the early morning of yesterday or even earlier. If something happens when everyone goes down, will you be responsible? How do you explain to the boss?"

In any case, CJ himself will not easily take risks, and only others can go.

"Didn't you say that gray is very strong? Why don't you let him go down? He asked us to dig. Should he clean up the danger below?" Aunt Norma said, and the others agreed.

Obviously, these people are still dissatisfied with gray. Gray can kill Steve, which means they can kill them in the future. They can't be afraid.

"I can go down with you, but in case of danger, it's not enough for us alone. Who else is willing to go down?" Andre stood up and said that he must prove his value and loyalty for his wife, even if Gray said it might be only one in ten thousand.

But no one continued to stand up. Michael and Anna stood behind silently. They still had a grudge about gray killing Steve.

It can be seen that no matter how powerful gray is, the use of force alone can only make people afraid. It is not a simple thing to convince people.

Bart doesn't want to bother gray, but look at this group of people, no one is willing to go down except him and Andre. Their plan can't continue without inviting gray down.

Hate to see these people, Bart turned upstairs, came to the roof and told gray about it.

"Boss, these people are so hateful. There are so many people, but they don't want to go down one by one. You have to clean up the danger." Said Bart angrily, very dissatisfied with those guys.

"It doesn't matter. I said before that I would deal with the danger. They didn't do anything wrong." Gray said indifferently.

After looking at the zombies that had not decreased at all, he got up slowly. Whether these zombies could not be killed in a short time, or whether the following things were more urgent.

Walking to the first floor, looking at a group of leisurely people waiting here, gray nodded expressionless, "come with me."

Without waiting for their answer, they went straight to the stairway leading to the underground parking lot, opened the door and went straight down.

"Boss, flashlight." CJ turns on a flashlight and hands it to gray.

"There is no light below?"

"The underground parking lot is rarely used. The lights inside have been broken for a long time and haven't been repaired." CJ explained that he couldn't help it. It didn't say he wanted to repair, so he naturally didn't care.

Gray disdained to smile. Oh, horror films are often used to create a terrible environmental atmosphere to pave the way for the emergence of ghosts. He is 70% sure that there are zombies waiting for people to go down below.

"I don't need a flashlight." Gray shook his head and took out the sword in the lake with his right hand. The flame gushed out of his hand and instantly covered the sword in the lake and turned into a torch. The fire light brighter than the flashlight lit up the stairs below.

Step by step, they soon reached the next door. The door was closed and the door handle was covered with dust. It can be seen that they really rarely used the underground parking lot.

Without hesitation, gray opened the door and went out.

"Boss, shall we find it?"

"What are you looking for?"

"Zombies!" Everyone took it for granted that we came down to find zombies to kill, turn this place into a safe place, and then facilitate the excavation of soil?

Gray is really convinced that these people are definitely the main characters in horror films, or at least an important supporting role.

Obviously, I don't have any advantages, but I have to volunteer to die.

"You need to find the zombie yourself? They will come naturally when they smell us. Are you not afraid of being bitten by zombies in the dark? It's too long. " Gray scolded angrily.

"Wait here and make some sounds. Whether it's a living person or a zombie, it will be led over. The living came to help check. No problem. Take it to the top. When the zombie comes, kill the zombie. You have to find it yourself and die? "

Gray doesn't understand. Don't use your head at all. Can these guys really live in this last world? He really wanted to tell them that they could feed the zombies without using their brains. Keeping them would also take up space.

Even if you donate it to others, you can't do such an outrageous thing. It's too immoral to have a son in the next life.

"Boss still has a way. Boss, you are really brilliant and resourceful. You are so much better than these pigs. I admire you so much."

"Well, although my IQ is really much higher than yours, don't say it in front of everyone. It hurts your feelings." Gray waved his hand with a smile and said without taking it to heart.

"OK, boss, I'll talk about it in private."

"Don't say it in private." Gray looked back. "Little Bart doesn't mean anything else. He just wants everyone to use their brains more in future, so that they can reduce a lot of unnecessary dangers in the future."

Shit, we all heard him. He said we were pigs. I'm going to kill him.

Before they started, the zombies smelling the breath of living people had rushed frantically, and the ferocious zombies rushed out of the darkness, startling everyone.

Several people were about to shoot, gray looked at the number of zombies, raised his hand and pressed down their muzzle, "this zombie, don't waste bullets, leave some ammunition for self-defense."

With that, gray took a sword flower with the flaming sword in the lake in his hand, and walked forward with big steps to meet the zombie.

There are not many zombies, just more than ten or more. In gray lake, the sword is changed to the left hand, and a long gun appears on the right hand. The gun and sword come out together and enter the zombie group, which is more violent than the tiger entering the sheep. It's like chopping melons and vegetables.

In the eyes of these people, gray has a long gun and a long sword. He can advance and retreat freely in the zombie. He is very natural and unrestrained. He is simply the regeneration of the God of war.

Before long, the zombie body had been lying on the ground. About one-third of the Zombie's head was cut off, and the brain kernel inside was scorched. Some of the rest were broken, and some had a blood hole in their head.

The last zombie fell to the ground.

Looking at the stunned group of people, gray smiled as if he had just done a trivial thing, "there should be no danger here now. Look around with weapons, check it again, and be careful."

Why did he let these people down when he couldn't use them? Just for this moment, let them see the strength gap and don't give birth to some strange thoughts. He hates intrigue and is in trouble.

"The boss is powerful."

"The boss is awesome."

Waving his hand, gray also took the flaming sword in the lake and walked deep into the darkness for the final safety check.