Wanda complacently said, "this is the unique technology of our vision company, which makes light and shadow play to the extreme, so that people who fall into it can't distinguish between real and unreal. If you want to know more details, please look again. I'll show you the process of change!

She snapped her fingers again. The restaurant disappeared immediately! Han Yang found that they were in an open warehouse, surrounded by walls. There are glittering metal devices, countless cameras, and countless drones in the air, which are also equipped with cameras and laser projection devices. Once all kinds of light and shadow are projected, they will create different realistic effects!

At this time, Wanda changed his gestures several times. Sure enough, the environment around Han Yang and Ruyun is constantly changing. There are mountains and forests, blue sky and sea, or interstellar universe. As long as you can imagine the scene, you can change freely in this instant!

Finally, Wanda switches the scene to the previous temple, pointing to the tea on the table“ Don't worry. The tea is real. If you feel thirsty, you can taste it. "

Han Yang did feel a bit dry at this time, so he immediately took the cup and drank it. At this time, his heart fluctuated, but also with a little excitement, looking at the clouds, eyes flashing light!

Xue Ruyun naturally knew what Han Yang meant and immediately said to Wanda, "since your company has such advanced technology. Then, can we cooperate with our company? We are willing to invest in you and become the shareholder of the project! "

Wanda smiles“ I can't react to the fact that you've spoken ill to me just now, but now you want to cooperate with me. Let me think about it again. "

Han Yang said with a smile, "just now we don't know each other very well, so we have those boring misunderstandings. Now, when I see it. Your company's strength is so strong, of course, there are other ideas. What's more, in the business world, there is no impassable barrier. Everyone's common goal is to make money together. Since I have the capital and you have the technology, why don't we work together? "

Wanda chuckled, "it's OK to cooperate, just. Someone has agreed to invest in our company one step ahead of you, but I haven't made up my mind yet, so it's not easy to handle this matter! "

Han Yang was stunned for a moment. Then some understand, "than we go a step ahead of that person is not gongsunrui?"

Wanda chuckled, "Han Yang is well-known in the business world. You really have a quick mind. You can immediately guess who is in your way?"

Han Yang sneered, "we really have some conflicts with the Gongsun family, and we have a lot of trouble with each other, but I believe that Ms. Wanda, you should understand who is the more worthy partner!

Although the Gongsun family is rich in financial resources, its moral character is rather poor. It has destroyed many partners, and even some people have lost their family property and even their lives. Can you really let go when you cooperate with such a family? "

Wanda sneered, "in terms of manipulating people's minds, I'm confident that no one is my opponent. Even though Gongsun family is full of tricks, they are all smart in my opinion, so I don't need to worry about them! What I'm focusing on now is to see whose investment is more stable and whose investment amount is larger. That is to say, I'll hold whoever has thick thighs. Do you understand that? "

Han Yang laughed, "well, it's easy for you to say that. No matter how much the Gongsun family invests in you, Han Yang will double immediately! This speech, not only Xue Ruyun panic, even Wanda are rare to change the expression!