Han Yang took Fugui to the best hospital in Qingshan city. Fugui was a tough guy. He didn't say a word in the process of treatment. Even the doctors admired him very much. Moreover, he insisted not to be hospitalized when he strongly asked him to be hospitalized. Said to immediately into the work!

Han Yang told him there was no need to be so anxious. To be a bodyguard can wait until his injury is completely healed!

But Fugui said that he was born as a fighting player, and it was nothing to wear some color on his body. Moreover, he became ill when he stayed in the hospital. It's better to go directly to work, but it will make him feel at ease.

Han Yang thinks this guy is very interesting. He hasn't seen such an active demand for work. Moreover, there is such a fighting master guarding by his side. Indeed, the sense of security has increased dramatically!

Fugui was born as a special forces soldier. He was very familiar with the job of bodyguard. He didn't need anyone to call him. He could start it soon. Although he still had a few pieces of adhesive tape on his face to cover up the injury, he was fully involved in the role.

Every place Han Yang goes to, rich and noble are the first to inspect. And observation is different from ordinary people, will analyze the safety of the surrounding environment in a very short period of time, if there is something wrong, will immediately remind Han Yang to leave, can say due diligence, let Han Yang quite satisfied!

Fugui also took the initiative to act as a driver. His driving skills are first-class, and he can reach any place Han Yang wants to go as fast as he can without violating the traffic rules. Han Yang immediately feels that the bodyguard is too valuable! Have to admire their own vision is really too good!

On the way to Huayang science and technology building, Han Yang asked what kind of treatment Fugui wanted. Although he has decided a price in his heart, he still wants to discuss with Fugui to see what he still needs?

It's a sign of wealth. He doesn't want any money. He works for Han Yang for three years for free. After all, Han Yang has paid a huge sum of money to redeem his freedom. If he still licks his face to ask for money in this case, it's too unkind!

Han Yang said with a smile“ That money is nothing. I'll make it back soon. But a thousand troops are easy to get. It's hard to get a general. It's a great joy that I can get you as a capable general. It's priceless. In this case, if I use you for three years in vain, wouldn't I look down on myself? Well, I'll give you 30000 a year. If you are willing to continue to work for me after three years, your salary will double! As for all the other expenses, the company will take care of them for you free! "

Wealth has a rare psychological fluctuations, stopped the car. Let yourself calm down for a while, and then said with a wry smile, "boss Han, I really admire you. You are the first person I met in my life. I was so moved by your words just now. I have never seen such a good person to me! Please forgive me for being sarcastic. If boss Han has any needs, I will be loyal to him to the death, even if I will give my life! "

Han Yang said with a smile, "brother, I hired you to be a bodyguard, not to make you work hard. Anyone's life is worth cherishing. You just have to do your duty well. Don't have the idea of dying for me. People's life is doomed. When they are in danger, I don't want anyone to pay the price of their life to save me!"