Some of the relocated households didn't believe it and yelled, "don't you want to cheat us, come here and pretend to be the chairman of Baiyun company, just think we will believe you? I tell you, our brothers and sisters are all people who have gone through big storms. I haven't seen any tricks. Now you pretend to reach an agreement with us, and then you don't admit it when you come back. When we look for you, we can't find anyone. Who are we going to argue with at that time? "

Han Yang said with a smile, "I'm really the boss of the silver company. I won't cheat you, and there's no need to cheat you. Now you'd better sit down, have a cup of tea, have a bun and have a good talk. It's good for you and me. It's good for everyone. Why do we have to fight each other like this? At the end of the day, people are hurt and nothing is gained. Isn't that even worse? "

Among the relocated households. The leader, Gao Qiu, came out of the crowd and looked up and down at Han Yang. "If you are really the person who is responsible, we'll talk to you and tell you. We are not afraid of sacrifice. This is our home where we have lived for decades. How can we leave casually because of your words? If you want us to become homeless tramps, we might as well fight to the death. Anyway, I've got a big scar on my head. It's nothing at all! " As soon as the voice fell, it caused a lot of cheers!

Han Yang nodded and raised his thumb. "Well, it's really heroic. I admire it. It's just that I think what you've done is a little thoughtless. In fact, if you can calm down and discuss with me. I'm sure I won't treat you badly as I usually do, but you do it now. It's very irrational! "

Gao Qiu said impatiently, "don't tell us all this nonsense. What are you going to do about it? Make it clear! "

Han Yang said with a smile, "don't worry, don't worry. I'll listen to your conditions first. Let's talk freely and make this matter clear. I'll give you another suggestion. Let's discuss it. Do you think it's ok? "

Gaoqiu see Hanyang has been polite, he also feel embarrassed to say too much. So, those relocated households began to put forward their own conditions. It can be said that there are all kinds of things they want!

Some want a house, some want money, some want the shares of Baiyun company, and even ask Han Yang to help find a school for his children. Han Yang can't laugh or cry. He doesn't feel like a real estate developer, but a bit like the director of the street office!

After collecting these conditions, he looked at them carefully, and it seemed that he was not far away from the bottom line he had set. So he said to Gao Qiu gently, "I've read everyone's opinions. This matter is not difficult to solve. I can probably afford what you want, but we have to say that it's illegal for you to live here, This is commercial land. It is the land reserved by the government in order to develop the market economy at that time. It doesn't mean to let other people live.

You are forced to move here, and if I don't give you a cent, it's totally reasonable to build so many houses illegally!

However, God has the virtue of a good life. I will not do anything too well. Everyone is born by my parents. Who doesn't want to have a good life? I can especially understand your feelings. Let's make it clear that I can meet your requirements. However, since your requirements are so diverse, I can't help you one by one. Let's cash them out directly! "