After Han Yang has dealt with all the affairs of Russia and Mao, he takes Ye Fei back to China. Ye Fei asks Han Yang what he plans to do?

"Now that the experts in goose feather country have decided, the urgent task is to quickly open up the domestic scientific research bases and set up the corresponding science and technology companies. This is basically the right thing to do!"

Ye Fei said that he was whimsical. It's not so easy to start a technology company. It's not enough to rely on a few experts. All departments should have corresponding talents, not just scientists.

Han Yang nodded, saying that her point of view is right, but where to find so many talents at present?

Yefei told him not to worry. It's important to think about how to start the company first.

Han Yang said with a smile, "in fact, during that time in Russia and Maoism, I have ordered the corresponding personnel in China to set up the company. Although things are not very comprehensive, at least the company's structure has been almost established. We are waiting for the two of us to cut the ribbon!"

Ye Fei was quite surprised. He didn't expect that Han Yang's efficiency was so fast, and he had already started a technology company in such a short time. He immediately said that he was very impressed!

Han Yang said with a smile, "don't flatter me like that. There's no praise for such a trifle. "

Ye Fei is also very curious. He wants to see what kind of scale the technology company Han Yang started. He is eager to have a look.

The technology company Han Yang is going to set up is set up in Qingshan city. The reason for setting up the company here is very simple. The city is not big or small. But the land is cheap, and the relevant taxes and fees are very low. Therefore, Han Yang had the idea of setting up the company here.

For this small city, all of a sudden, there is such a big company here. It's just pie in the sky. It not only creates countless job opportunities, but also has become the big news in the street.

Pang Lu is a junior in Qingshan University. She is from a poor family. I'm looking for a part-time job. I heard that a technology company has recently landed in Qingshan City, so I want to go for an interview to find a job.

Her requirements are not high, as long as you find a temporary job, you can greatly ease the economic pressure and continue to study.

Pang Lu is proud of her good looks and outstanding figure. I feel that I have a great hope of passing the interview, and at the same time. She also called her two best friends, Lu Yao and Ma Rong, to see the world with her.

Her best friend is very interested in the new Huayang Technology Company and keeps asking about the specific situation of the company. Seems to be eager to try, hoping to find a position in that company.

Pang Lu has always been worried about the interview, and is not sure about it. After all, the company has a strong strength, there must be a lot of competitors, and the threshold will be broken. How can a student who has not graduated be competitive?

It's still a few miles away from the company. Both Luyao and MaRong say they are too tired. Asked to stop for a while, suggested to go to the next cafe to drink coffee.

Pang Lu had to promise three people and went into the cafe. There was no one in the cafe, only a seat not far away. Sitting in an ordinary young man, he didn't even ask for coffee. He just drank a glass of water, holding a newspaper in his hand, and carefully looked at the local news of Castle Peak!

Lu Yao curled her lips. "You see, this guy is poor. He can't even light coffee when he enters the cafe. He only dares to ask for a glass of water."

Ma Rong also sneered, "this kind of poor force is everywhere, don't worry about him, let's drink our."