This sentence is rare, let Franklin's eyes from the field to Han Yang, "what do you say? You don't cooperate with me about the car. What are you talking about? Is it heaven? "

Han Yang laughs, "yes, what I'm talking about with you is the matter of heaven!"

Franklin was a little confused, so was Yefei. I don't know what Han Yang is talking about at all!!!

At this time, Han Yang began to talk about his dream and plan!

Ye Fei listened for a while. Only then did I understand that Han Yangkou's grand plan turned out to be a space tourism plan!

With the current level of science and technology on earth, space tourism is almost impossible. Therefore, she winked at Han Yang continuously to stop this crazy idea!

But Han Yang still insisted on telling Franklin his ideas in great detail. To Ye Fei's surprise, Franklin listened very carefully and his eyes were shining from time to time. His attention was completely attracted by Han Yang and he no longer went to watch the game in the field!

After thinking about it for a moment, Franklin finally woke up from silence and asked Han Yang why he didn't see similar successful examples in the news since the prospect of this technology is so broad?

Han Yang immediately explained to him that if he just went with the flow. If others succeed, they will follow suit. That's the same idea as most people. They will never succeed!

"The plan I'm proposing now has no precedent in the world. This is also an opportunity to make a lot of profits. Please think about it for yourself, as long as this task can be successfully developed. It is a dream for many people to travel in the universe. Some rich people can't realize this dream. In fact, they are always depressed. If we can fully develop this business, it will not only revitalize the local tourism industry, but also make a big step forward in human space technology! "

Ye Fei still feels absurd about Han Yang's dream and plan. Even think that he is a bit Utopian!

Franklin also raised his doubts, "but with the current human technology, there are still many difficulties to be solved in order to make space tourism normal. In particular, the transportation cost of rockets is very high. Throughout the world, few people can afford to pay for the tickets, let alone carry out this business to the end! "

Han Yang said with a smile, "what's the difficulty? I've already planned it. Isn't it enough to reuse the launch vehicle? "

As soon as the idea was put forward, Franklin and yeffi were shocked. Franklin, in particular, spent many years in technology. Naturally, aware of the development of various kinds of science and technology, he immediately raised his objection, "it's impossible. As far as I know, all the launch vehicles are disposable, and there are no examples of return. Before, some scientists did put forward the idea of reusing rockets. But it's too difficult. After many experiments, it still fails. I don't believe it. Now we can come up with this technology! "

Han Yang said with a smile“ Don't worry. Now I have mastered the core technology of this reusable rocket. As long as we can widely use this technology, the cost of space tourism will be greatly reduced. One day, even an ordinary salesman or taxi driver can afford to travel to the moon! "

As soon as his idea was put forward, Franklin and Yefei were stunned!