Ye Fei is a little angry, "boss jack, please pay more attention. This Han Yang is my good friend. He is very capable. You shouldn't insult him so wantonly!"

Jack Ma said with a sneer“ What can he do? At such a young age, he is not well-known in the industry. As is the practice of our automobile industry, we will not accumulate enough experience and technology without decades of hard work in this industry. I've seen a lot of hairy boys like him. It's just bragging and fooling a little girl like you. My eyes don't rub the sand

Yefei's face is very ugly. After all, jackma's sarcasm in front of her is beyond her endurance. If it wasn't for the engine that decides the fate of the car, she would have turned around and left long ago!

Han Yang but with eyes let her steady, must not be angry.

"Boss jack, if you allow me to say the next paragraph, you will understand why I came to your office!"

Jack Ma Ao nodded slowly, "OK, young man, I'll give you three minutes. You can say anything you want, but if you can't convince me beyond this time, you must go away and don't appear in my eyes! "

Han Yang has no ambiguity, immediately in the next three minutes, one breath said jackma's factory. The six best-selling engines, the models of each engine and their advantages and disadvantages, are described in great detail, and the difficulties faced by these engines are pointed out. After all, the future is the world of electric vehicles. However, jackma's engine factory is still producing a large number of fuel engines, which is against the law. If he wants to continue to work in the engine industry. We must cooperate with Ye group!

Because the M-type engine they are cooperating with now is an electric vehicle engine, which is developed separately and is not suitable for cars of any other manufacturers. If the automobile factory of Ye's group closes down, then this engine will have no use. Will seriously delay the development and progress of jackma's factory!

After a series of arguments, Jack Ma was shocked by the other party's profound automobile knowledge. And the other party did say the defects and weaknesses of his factory within three minutes, if he did not cooperate with Ye group. So the future will be a desolation, will be eliminated by this industry!

However, Jack Ma, who loves face very much, certainly won't surrender immediately. He sneered and said, "young people, don't scare me. Even if the future is the world of electric vehicles, fuel vehicles are still the mainstream of the automobile industry. I will never starve to death within one year. The factory will be prosperous all the time. What can I worry about? "

Han Yang said with a smile, "what you said is reasonable, but. If you don't plan for the future, there is no way to survive. For example, the former mobile phone giant Noah Kee was thrown out of the first-class group of the industry and became a second-class enterprise just because he didn't master the development plan when the smart phone came.

As a result, the company's stock price has declined year by year, and now it has become a small manufacturer.

If your factory takes the former two as examples, the end will be much worse! "

Jack Ma was sweating when he heard this, because what the other party said was straight to the point, and not a word was nonsense!