Li Dagao went straight to Han Yang and said in stiff Chinese, "Mr. Han, I've heard a lot about you. It's a great honor to meet you."

Han Yang had to respond politely, "are you Mr. Li Dagao? I've heard so much about you. I didn't expect to see you

Li Dagao said humbly I'm no big shot. I'm just a go lover. I just heard that you won two games of chess. I've seen it carefully. Mr. Han is really a rare top player in the world. Although I have retired for a long time, I really want to play for you. I wonder if you can give me a face and play against me. If you can really satisfy my wish, my brother Li will die without regret! "

Han Yang said with a smile, "why do you say such unlucky words as death? If master Li is willing to compete with me, of course I can't wait. We can compete immediately. I don't have to wait a minute. "

Li Dagao waved his hand and said, "I'd better not. In order to compete with you, I've spent a lot of effort. I'm going to vomit just by flying. If you are willing to fight with me, let's start tomorrow and set the bet at 500 million. If you need to increase the bet, we'll talk about it then“

Han Yang nodded, "that's good. I'm looking forward to this game very much now. Li Dagao also politely greets Jin Chen, and then ignores other people and swaggers out of the venue!

Of course, many people in go know Li Dagao. So they all gathered around to introduce the situation of that man to Han Yang, and warned him that although that man has retired, his strength is still above Park Zhenhuan. If Han Yang plays chess with him, he must be careful, careful again!

Han Yang laughs. He's not afraid of failure at all, and he can't fail himself. It was the guy who came all the way to the competition. Just for a close match, it's a chess maniac.

Ye Fei and Wang Bingbing were very angry when they heard the news. They put Han Yang in the middle one by one. You bury a word, and she scolds another. Han Yang was so upset that they had to beg for mercy. "Can you spare me, two elder sisters? But I spent a lot of energy in the match with Park Zhenhuan. Now I just want to have a rest. Because I have to take part in the competition tomorrow“

Ye Fei glared, "didn't I persuade you? Don't compete with Li Dagao. Why don't you listen? Originally, I got more than 300 million, but now I'm making you suffer. I'm afraid we're going to lose again! "

Han Yang said with a smile, "why do you have no confidence in me? No matter how powerful Li Dagao is, he is a human. As long as his opponent is not an immortal, I am not afraid! "

Ye Fei said aloud, "well, we're not here to argue with you. Can you give us a message, leave or stay?"

Han Yang said firmly, "of course, stay. I have to finish the work before I can leave with you!"

Ye Fei said angrily, "forget it, I don't talk nonsense with you. Anyway, if you want to stay, you can stay. Bingbing and I will leave now!" Then he took Wang Bingbing's hand and went out of the meeting.

Han Yang is really muddled at this time. He didn't expect that what was very simple had come to this point. He was also very resentful. Why can't Ye Fei understand him.

Jinchen came to comfort him and told him not to think too much. Now it's better to prepare for the game.