While calling for an ambulance, the shop assistant was in a hurry to explain to the guests that the puffer fish in the shop had been strictly tested and would never be toxic. Moreover, the chef would taste every puffer dish first. As long as they're OK, the guests will be OK.

But the female guests were reluctant. Angry that the shop is looking for an excuse to escape responsibility.

Han Yang couldn't help asking, "this lady, did you eat puffer fish, too? If you eat it, too. Why only your brother is poisoned, but you don't, it's not logical at all. "

For a moment, the female guest was speechless, but still said firmly, "I don't care. Anyway, my brother has eaten your food now. If something happens, you must be responsible."

Han Yang is too lazy to quarrel with her. He just looks down at the young man and asks him where the pain is?

The female guest was very puzzled, "do you want to divert your attention on purpose? You're not a doctor, even if he tells you where the pain is and what the problem is

Han Yang said without raising his head“ If you want to save your brother, shut up and don't interfere with my treatment. "

He asked about the young man's pain site, and soon determined that it was acute cholecystitis. He first gave him two pills, and then massaged his abdomen twice, and the patient didn't feel any pain.

Everyone around was surprised. They praised each other and clapped their hands.

The shop assistants admire Han Yang even more. They think that the boss is really unfathomable. Originally, his property strength is amazing. He even knows how to use medicine. He is a god!

The young man recovered quickly. Repeatedly said that it was amazing, I felt that I had met a miracle doctor.

In fact, a few days ago, Han Yang learned a set of systematic medical knowledge and emergency strategies through the super second kill app, and also got some pills as gifts. It happened that someone got sick. I didn't expect to use it.

Female guests see his brother is OK, of course very happy, busy to Han Yang apology, said he really did not take the initiative to curse meaning.

Han Yang said it's nothing, no matter who met his brother, something will be worried. As long as it's ok now.

The female guest insisted that Han Yang leave his contact information and invite him to dinner again in the future. beholden.

Han Yang said with a smile, "I own this shop. If you really want to thank me, come here often for dinner. "

The female guest nodded with a smile and introduced herself to Wang Xue. She would surely come to support her in the future. Then she left with her younger brother.

Li Jiajia was stunned to see all this. She opened her mouth wide and said to Han Yang, "brother, you are so powerful, not only in business. How do you know something about medicine? "

"It's nothing, just a little bit, just a little bit."

The more light Han Yang is, the more Li Jiajia adores him. He's an idol.

After Li Jiajia was sent away, Han Yang thought of another thing. Entrusted by a friend, he wanted to go to the antique market to buy a gadget. Now that he's OK, he might as well go there to have a look and do it by the way.

When he got to the antique market, Han Yang walked around and looked around. After a long time, he didn't find a suitable object.

Now it's not as good as before. Maybe it's because of the improvement of machine technology. The streets are full of fake antiques. It's hard to find a real one.

When he came to a stall, he turned left and right, and suddenly found that there seemed to be something glittering in a mess of bottles and cans.