"Ah, Mr. Fujita, I, I don't know what you mean. I, I've been doing things according to your orders all the time."

Watanabe followed Fujita for a long time. I know his temper very well, and now I feel that my boss seems a little unhappy. But he didn't know what he had done wrong.

Tonight's press conference, but I'm just one of the small responsible persons on the scene, and I'm responsible for things and there's no problem.

"At my command, isn't it? So. I'm still responsible for some things! "

Fujita looked at Watanabe with a smile, but his heart was more angry. This bastard, up to now, doesn't know what he has done, and even wants to put the responsibility on himself. Damn it!

"Ah, boss, no, no, it's not, but, but..."

Fujita was staring at him. Watanabe was in a cold sweat. He explained for a long time in a panic, but he didn't know what he had done wrong?

Is it that some activities with CAI Songlin were reported? Yes, it must be xuemu Yoko, who just got shriveled on his side and went to complain.

Because Watanabe also knows that his boss has just come back from iconA's booth. I immediately thought that someone had accused me of blackness.

However, the other side certainly has no evidence for their own affairs, which are at most shadowy.

Thinking of this, Watanabe immediately put on a sad face, pretending to be very pitiful, and explained to Fujita:

"Ah. Boss, you, you don't want some people to talk nonsense. Just now, xuemu Yoko was carrying some bad guys. Want to come here to see the star, the result was rejected by me, she has a grudge! This woman, you know, is the same as I used to... "

"No three, no four, baga. You rubbish, stupid man! Why don't you run into it. Do you know who the other party is? "

Fujita listened to Watanabe's cry. Even more angry, he smashed the delicate bone spur tea set on the ground and pointed to Watanabe.

Just now, this man was at the iconA booth, and he had already choked his stomach. Now when he saw Watanabe, he didn't know what he had done, and he was even very proud of it. He was even more angry.

"Ah! Boss, thank you. What do you mean! I, I

He found that before he finished his words, he was scolded by Fujita, and Watanabe was stupid. With a face of surprise, the tone also began to stutter incomparably.

Is the young man who xuemu Yoko brought with him just now really a big shot of the other party? But what about that? When he has R & D, even if the other party is a senior executive or something, he can ignore them.

Last time when the group held a meeting, the boss humiliated the other party because of the lawsuit between the two sides, but how could it be now!

It can be said that the reason why Watanabe dared to do this to Yoko xuemu at the scene just now is also because of Fujita's previous performance, so Fujita is really a bit responsible for this matter.

But because Watanabe was busy just now and didn't watch the news at all, he didn't know about the iconA press conference just now.

"Hum, I said you are a waste. Now I'll give you a chance to talk about the cooperation between our group and iconA. If you can't make it, go away!"