And compared with other luxury car booths, there are at least four or five cars on display there, in the iconA exhibition area of rispur. At the moment, it seems very chic, even. It's still a little empty.

On the whole booth, the decoration style is full of science and technology. The future atmosphere of science fiction is everywhere. In the sky of the exhibition stand, there are some UAVs with spotlights hovering, playing a series of patterns and subtitles on the stage, which looks very cool.

In addition to a large LCD screen, only one car was parked in the center of the booth. At the moment, he was still tightly wrapped in his car clothes, and he couldn't see clearly.

"Cousin, what's going on. I haven't heard of this brand! Why is there only one car here! It's a bit too shabby, isn't it

But Han Yang several people just walked to the exhibition area, that Ling Xiaoyue looked around, directly a face curious asked.

Just now I said I didn't care. But Ling Xiaoyue is still a little sorry. She thought there was a new car launch on her cousin's side. I can also watch the excitement, but this press conference is different from the situation I just had.

There are more than ten new cars on the exhibition stand. And beautiful models and stars. According to Ling Xiaoyue. Even if you don't invite stars here, you should at least be more lively.

Although there are a lot of people in this booth now, there are no stars, and even cars can't be seen right now. This makes Ling Xiaoyue feel too boring.

"Miss Ling, iconA is a free brand of our group. Belongs to the concept of mass production car! It's different from other new cars. "

See Ling Xiaoyue and even other women are a face puzzled appearance, that snow eyes Yoko smile, also quickly introduced.

IconA is a brand that is not well-known to the general public, even very strange. However, the real insiders are very familiar with it.

As the only car brand owned by reserpool, iconA's sales are indeed not high, or even poor.

It only produces less than 50 cars for each model at most, and it is not affordable for anyone with money. To buy this kind of car, you need to apply and even pass the second-hand car transaction

Its launch is not for sales and fame, but to show other car companies their cutting-edge technology. Therefore, the real buyers are all car companies. Occasionally, a few cars are paid by local tyrants, but the price is even higher.

For reispur, the real money is always the technology output. For example, many auto companies in the world have used some of their key patents and technologies.

Each iconA will be a display of the latest technology of rispur, which integrates the latest technology of the whole group. Many car companies buy this car for technical research. In addition, the production of each car is limited. In fact, this car is quite popular.

So now, although the popularity of the whole booth is not as lively as the press conference just now, it's all the real bigwigs in the auto industry.

"Oh, well, the car must be very expensive!"

In fact, Ling Xiaoyue only understood the explanation of xuemu Yoko. For her, it's still the price to measure the quality of a car.

It's said that this is a global limited edition. In Ling Xiaoyue's opinion, it's no more than a few million. Maybe it can exceed ten million.