"You, you, I, I have apologized. What else do you want? Anyway, things have been done. Big deal you go to complain, I don't want this job! You must be satisfied

But to the surprise of those present. In the face of Han Yang's sarcasm, Tang Xuanxuan raised her head and stared at each other, responding impolitely.

"Shut up. Tang Xuanxuan, what's your attitude at this time? You didn't mean to repent when you did something wrong. Do you really think you dare not withdraw you? "

Tang Xuanxuan's unexpected performance also made Xing Yusen angry. The old man slapped the table heavily and said it like a roar.

From the morning till now, Xing Yusen has been trying his best to help Tang Xuanxuan clean up the mess. He even gives up his old face. He is tens of years old and still smiles at young people like Han Yang. I just want to make up for it.

But this woman is not sensible at the moment. If it irritates the other party again, you will not be the only one affected. Maybe even the whole security office will be affected.

So at the moment, many of my colleagues around me also think that Tang Xuanxuan is a little too much and say to one side:

"What's the matter. It's such a disaster this time. I really think this place is owned by her family. "

"Ah, this is our Miss Tang. Many generations of our family are big men here. If there is any trouble, they will be covered."

"Well. I believe that there will always be justice. This time, if she is still like this, I will go to the top and complain! "

"Ah. Xiao Tang was not like this before. What's the matter today! "

When Xing Yusen saw that his subordinates began to talk again, his face sank and he yelled at the people around him seriously

"Shut up, everyone. What's the mess here?"

After all, the old man has a high prestige here, so after the words. The scene also became silent for a moment, but people still stare at Tang Xuanxuan.

"Tang Xuanxuan. This time it's very serious. I'll let you know now. Has been suspended, you must immediately apologize to Mr. Han Yang, and then wait for the next step of investigation

In this situation, even if Xing Yusen wants to protect Tang Xuanxuan, it's impossible. He can only do it according to the regulations, stabilize Han Yang's mood, and then talk about other things.

"Woo woo. You, you all bully me. Fire me. I don't want to do it anyway. I don't want to do anything

But it never occurred to me that as soon as Xing Yusen's voice fell, Tang Xuanxuan squatted on the ground and began to cry, looking very uncomfortable.

"Well, what's going on?"

Xing Yusen still knows her lover very well. A very strong girl usually doesn't like this. Is there any secret or grievance in it.

"Shit, what's going on?"

Han Yang was a bit silly when he saw the domineering policewoman yesterday crying like a little girl today. How could he make it look like what he had done to her.

"Ah, what are you doing? Don't you know that Xiao Tang's grandfather had an accident today?"

Just when everyone was a little puzzled, a white coat came in from the outside of the interrogation room and said to them with dissatisfaction.

"What do you say? What happened to my old leader? This, this is not true

Tang Xuanxuan's grandfather was Xing Yusen's old leader and master, so he asked anxiously.

"Ah, when the old man went out for a walk this morning, he accidentally fell down, resulting in multiple fractures. But at this age, he did not dare to have another operation."