The roar began, and when several people quarreled, a huge energy came down on the eighth small platform.

At one time, all eight moat seals started, and huge energy hit the light door. The light door looked shaky and seemed to be about to be broken.

The elder looked back and his hands began to tremble. This is to destroy their access here. Absolutely not.

Looking at Ye Shi, who was still struggling in front of him, the elder also clenched his teeth.

The cohesion of the left hand is still so weak, but it can't be ignored now.

"Ask for fairy fingers." The elder shouted and pointed forward with both fingers of his left hand.

Ye Shi's eyes stared fiercely. Facing this move, he felt a strong threat.

There was a premonition of death in his heart, which showed that the other party's move was enough to kill him.

"Leaf ten." Lin Xiayu, who has been watching Ye Shi on the helicopter, exclaimed.

Ye Shi took a breath of cold air and roared at the same time. At the time of life and death, Ye Shi unexpectedly broke through the peak of the king's realm at this moment.

"What a genius, but it's too late." The elder shouted.

No one should be able to resist the divine skill.

Bang, this pointing point is at Ye Shi's chest, but Ye Shi just feels a pain in his chest, and then it seems that something is broken.

Didn't get hurt? Ye Shi was surprised, and the elder opposite was even more surprised.

But he used up all his concentrated strength, but he didn't hurt each other.

Ye Shi also took a long breath, felt the pain in his chest, and suddenly realized something.

He reached out and pulled out a necklace from his neck. The gem on it was indeed broken.

These days, Ye Shi sent out all the nine gem necklaces he cut by hand.

The woman also consulted, so she bought an emerald necklace and gave it to Ye Shi. Unexpectedly, she saved his life.

What a good life.

Feng Chunhua was also startled. However, seeing that Ye Shi had nothing to do, she immediately restrained her mind and constantly attacked the other party.

She wants to defeat each other as soon as possible so that she can support Ye Shi.

Both sides have come up with the strongest means. At this time, whoever can succeed first can grasp the chance of victory.

The elder was gnashing his teeth. He never thought that his strongest finger would be blocked.

"Rush." At this time, the rear of the Divine Land team was in chaos.

The zodiac team has killed in and protected Bai Jiao in the middle.

The head of the bull was the bull. Two bull heads were lying and waving. It was really close.

On both sides of his body, the rats and the rooster protected him. Eleven people quickly crossed the battle line in the middle, and then went towards the huge light door.

"Stop them." The elder shouted, since he didn't know what these people wanted to do, it might be bad for them.

However, in front of the zodiac team, there are only some ordinary disciples in the divine land. Their strength has not even reached the king's realm. In front of the zodiac team, they can only cope reluctantly.

However, the members of the zodiac team are not very high. Now they are adhering to a spirit. When the spirit dissipates, I'm afraid they won't be able to charge anymore.

"I'll stop them." A huge figure stood out with a fan axe in his hand.

This man is a strong man in God. When he attacked just now, his strength also made the soldiers on earth suffer enough.

At this time, his big axe was wielded, and with a momentum of destroying the sky and the earth, he cut at the bull in front.

"Bull, be careful." The mouse behind obviously saw the Hercules in front.

"Keep the impact formation, you move on, this man is up to me." The bull's eyes were cold. He knew that the team must not stop here, otherwise the whole team would be stopped here.

However, the Hercules in front of him is really a master, so he can only stand up by himself.

When, with great impact, the bull and Hercules retreated two steps respectively.

Taking this opportunity, the tiger directly replaced the first place of the team and continued to rush forward with the team.

Hercules wanted to intercept, but the bull stood in front of him.

"Your opponent is me." The bull bored the two heads and knocked each other twice, then flew up and hit each other.

The Hercules fought with the bull with a huge axe. Both of them touched each other with force until their hands were bloody, and the axe and the bull's head bore flew out.

The two finally fought hand to hand.

"Sorry, brothers, I'll go first." Manniu and the other's hands are intertwined and cannot be separated at all.

However, Manniu smiled coldly. He saw several disciples of the Divine Land rushing up around him. Obviously, he saw that his hands were entangled and could not move. He wanted to take the opportunity to pick peaches.

At this time, the bull made a strong force and made a snap. One of his arms was directly broken, but he broke his other hand.

Then the bull pulled at his waist, a fuse was lit and made a sound.

Poof, the sound of the sword entering the flesh came, and several divine disciples finally stabbed their weapons into the bull's body.

Those people were all grinning grimly. They could all go back and record their merits.

However, when they looked up, they saw the bull and showed a proud smile.

Boom, the huge explosion and impact directly blew the disciples into blood clots and flew out.

The bull disappeared, but at the same time he disappeared with more than a dozen divine disciples, even the Hercules.

The team in front was not in disorder, but the members of the zodiac team had tears in their eyes.

"Shit, I'm going to chop you into meat sauce." The fierce tiger in front threw the tiger's tail whip directly out of his hand.

Bai Xiaoqing just caught up and handed the pestle to the tiger.

In the center of the tiger's medicine pestle, Bai Xiaoqing twisted it hard, and the medicine pestles on the left and right sides were separated into two small hammers.

In the tiger's hand, there was a double-sided four blade sword. The light of Youlan's sword flashed, showing the sharpness of the sword body.

Brush, the two people who just rushed over were directly beheaded by the tiger. The tiger has killed his eyes red.

"Be careful." The pig in the back looked around and shouted.

Four fast figures rushed over. In the air, they cooperated with each other, instantly made the two people speed up and stabbed at the tiger.

At this time, the tiger was entangled by four or five people. There was no time to fight back. There was no doubt that he would die.