12 Fulfilled Destiny

Name:I'm a Vampire God Author:Ellendria
We're now waiting for Delria to return from the Guild Master's office. As I looked around, I realized that the guild had gone completely silent and everyone was staring at us. Then someone began to speak. "What's going on?! I've never seen Delria act with so much emotion before. You saw her run off after she talked to those guys right?" This was said by a little gnome wearing steam punk goggles on his head and a crossbow on his back. He also had a horse whip on his hip. Interesting, it seems there really are all kinds of races and play styles in this game after all. Speaking of the game, I forgot to see what passive skill I got for the rescue quest. Let's see here:

Passive Skill: Child of Hell

Skill Description: The one who has this skill, has their body tempered by the very flames of hell and boosts an increased resistance of resistance to the element of fire. First level is 20% increased resistance. Gain of 1% resistance per level until skill cap. Max level is 200. Leveling speed is extremely slow, must be constantly exposed to flames or extreme heat environment.

Skill Level: 1 (0/1000) Gain experience via combat, or meditation in extreme heat environment. Experience required doubles every 5 levels.

In other words I'm definitely an unholy type. This is definitely because I'm The Vampire God. I'm not evil, but the game sees vampires as evil. I'll be the first to admit though, to my enemies IRL I'll show no mercy, and make the vampire horror movies look tame to them. After all, I AM A GOD! Therefore I need to learn to act like one. Obviously I need to learn the being a vampire part too. Right anyway, back to the game. At this moment Delria returned, and she gestured towards me. I nodded at her and walked past my buddies saying, "Let's go guys". As we walked through the ancient looking hallways of the guild, I felt a pulsating energy beneath my feet. When I looked down, I didn't see anything but it feels good almost like something deep beneath me is sending me energy. We finally stopped outside a gigantic pair of golden doors with black trim and paintings of ancient battlefields on them. Delria knocked on the door and said in a quiet voice, "Guild Master, the party is here." Suddenly, I heard the voice of a beautiful woman speak and said, "You may enter adventurers."

Stepping inside, I gasped as this room was massive and could easily fit 100 of our dorm rooms in it. We walked forward until we reached a brown leather sofa in front of a massive cherry red desk with a small bonsai tree on the front left corner. I took the initiative to sit in the middle, and Bartook and Zubarius sat on my sides. I looked up and was surprised by what I saw. An angel! No I'm serious, she's an actual bonafide angel, wings, halo and divine aura. Shit! What if she thinks I'm evil and attacks me right now? I mean, the game has basically called me Satan, or his son since I started. But no, luckily she is smiling at us. White hair down to her waist, a halo in all of the colors of the rainbow, golden wings of light, and a sexy red goth lolita dress. What an over the top, and unique combo! She continued to smile, and took a sip of some tea, before she began to speak. "Hello brave adventurers! My name is Lucifer and I'm the Guild Master of The Adventurers Guild. I'm an archangel as I'm sure you are already aware. I've been Guild Master of all Adventurers Guilds for about 6000 years now. It's been quite an ordeal let me tell you! Nonetheless, I regret none of it! Now, on to business. The three of you are due a great reward for preventing a Stampede from reaching our fair city. I've decided to raise your ranks one rank, and I will have the Guild spread your party name, 'Fulfilled Destiny', to our clients. This shall increase your renown, and help you find new members if you so wish. Now then, if there are not any questions, then I must get back to work."

Her name is Lucifer and she's an Archangel... Really devs? Could you be more obvious? Sigh... Right let's get going. We bowed our heads and thanked Lucifer before leaving her office. We headed back to the main hall, and were surprised to see it cleared out. Oh well, probably for the best. I looked over to Bartook and Zubarius with a big grin on my face and said, "We did it guys! 'Fulfilled Destiny' is in business! And we've got free advertising! Free advertising! Let's go to the tavern and celebrate boys!" I led the way, and found a nice looking tavern called, 'The Mares Locks'. I pushed open the door and found a large and rowdy crowd of people drinking, eating, and being merry. I chuckled as the proprietress came forward. "Just the three of you? Table on the floor, or will you stay at the bar?" Unfortunately since we're minors we can't drink booze, because alcohol has the same affect in game as real life. I smiled warmly at her and said, "The floor is fine thank you, and we'll have the recommended for minors." The woman nodded clearly understanding, and brought us to a large round table near the back of the tavern but in the open area. Now we just need to wait.

Suddenly I heard a girl's voice just beside me, "Do you mind if I sit with you? People here don't seem to like vampires." I looked up in surprise, and saw a pale white woman with glowing golden eyes, and a pair of fangs sticking out over a set of light pink, and small lips. Her hair was white, whiter than snow, like her skin, and it flowed down to just below her shoulders. She stood at just about 5 feet tall, and had a C cup breast size roughly. She's wearing a black cloak over a Victorian era looking dress that's gold and black in color. I nodded at her warmly and said, "Vampires are always welcome to sit with us. Right guys?" I looked over, only to see both my roomies looking like their souls left their bodies a million years ago. I laughed awkwardly, and turned back to the vampire girl. I introduced myself and the boys. "Hi, sorry about those two idiots, I'm called Draven in game, and these two are Bartook the orc, and Zubarius the dwarf. I'm a halfling in game." Yeah, I keep saying in game, because I'm getting a very familiar feeling from this girl. Like that vampire girl from the airport. I think it's possible this girl is a real vampire.

She looked me in the eyes carefully for a minute, and seemed shocked, then nervously began to speak. "I'm called Tesla, and as I've said I'm a vampire. In game as well as in real life.. The question is what are you? Why do I feel an amazing power from you, and it feels like mine but at its purest form?" I shivered and realized the Vampire God's out of the bag now. "Tesla, the truth might shock you. I'm assuming you charmed my friends here, and for that you have my thanks. The truth is I'm your God. I'm The Vampire God Clyde. Don't reveal this to anyone. I'm taking a leap of faith to even tell this to you. But I'm certain you're trustworthy, this is what I feel from you." Tesla's eyes began to grow huge, then she immediately got onto the ground next to me and began to shake like a leaf before saying. "Forgive me my Lord! I knew not with whom I spake! Mine true name is actually Tesla in real life as well. Tesla Dracul. Yes that Dracul. My father is the infamous Count Dracula. I'm currently 796 years old this year. If I may ask you in private chat where you're located in the world?" I nodded, and proceeded to tell Tesla my location with her promise not to kill any humans while in Japan. She agreed while telling me that her father's exploits disgusted her, and she loves humans and is actually working to protect them from evil vampires and other creatures of evil. Right now, she looked Bartook and Zubarius in the eyes and snapped her fingers, snapping the boys out of their hypnosis.

Just in time, the waitress finally arrived to our table with some orange ice cream tasting soda for me and the boys, and animal blood for Tesla. We enjoyed our drinks, and had some laughs, before long it was time to leave the tavern. I'd managed to convince Tesla to join our party and found out her class is Slayer, with her main weapon as a silver monster slaying short sword, and her secondary weapon is a wooden stake. Yeah, she's badass, and surprisingly she has a subclass. Her subclass is a tailor. In other words, she makes light armor, clothes and cloth armor. She's just what we're missing in our party! Now we have a frontline melee, Zubarius is a tank with his tiger form, I'm a long range summoner, and Bartook can summon with blood and do curses involving blood or diseases. Now, let's go register her to our party.

We're now here at the counter getting Tesla signed up to our party, and everyone around us keeps throwing dirty looks at us and lusty looks at Tesla. It's understandable, I mean she's basically a veritable goddess in anyone's eyes. She's just that gorgeous, and she's playing as a vampire. The irony is since she's a real vampire, her aura is flawless and draws people to her even more with her natural animal magnetism. We're all done here, so let's pick up a simple quest to get used to fighting together as a party. I walked over to the quest board, and browsed through the Spirit Rank quests for parties. I found a good one!

Quest Name: Defeat The Direwolves

Quest Description: Travel to the village of Veyral in the Western Aelands, and defeat the direwolves threatening the villagers peace.

Quest Target: Defeat 100 direwolves

Quest Reward: 10 silvers per individual and credit towards guild rank advancement.

Right, this should be simple enough. We just need to travel to this village in the west, and take out a hundred puppers. Talk about easy, after all our party is freaking op! So, we made our way over to the carriage hiring center, and paid 30 coppers for the three of us to ride to Veyral. We climbed in, and I 'explained' to the guys, how Tesla and I 'know' each other IRL. They were jealous at first, but then they looked at me like it just made sense because it's me. Hey guys! We barely know each other, don't judge me too early or I'll turn you into ghouls! Wait shit. I actually can do that. But I'm not going to, if anything I'll make them among some of my first noble pure blood vampires, and I'll purify Tesla's bloodline to make her a progenitor. But I want to get to know her first in real life as well as them, before I do anything. I'm not letting myself jump the gun on this stuff. It's way to dangerous to trust people with too much before I know them. Anyway, enough reflection. We spent about 1 in game day before we made it to Veyral. 6 days left in game play time. Now, it's pupper slaying time!

We're now making our way over to a large clearing where the village head told us the direwolves were resting. We'd all came up with a game plan, and honestly it's pretty bad ass. Bartook and I will be on the hill above the clearing summoning down towards the direwolves, while Tesla will dash in from the opposite side and we'll be doing a dual pronged surprise attack! Hell yeah we're awesome! Now let the battle commence!