5 The Precinct and My Future... Final

Name:I'm a Vampire God Author:Ellendria
Oh my God this food is amazing! I feel like I'm going to cry like a baby; it's that good after all. Okay, break from gorging time; I need to focus on the ladies. "So, Yumi and Sarah, do you think things will be okay when I get to Japan? Yumi you are Japanese racially, by chance do you know how to read and write Japanese? Sarah, what do you think the best food in Japan is?" Yumi had a sparkle of excitement in her eyes as she began to speak. "Yes I know Japanese; my dad is Japanese after all. He met my mom here in Brittania during a business trip. Did you want me to give you a little crash course tonight?" Sarah looked at me with a smirk and said, "He he.. P*cky St*cks; can you guess why?" Hmm I wonder... 'Hey system, by chance is there anyway for me to take in Yumi's knowledge of Japanese and Japan's culture?'

[Indeed Clyde, all that is needed for this is for you to make physical contact with her and focus on her 'blood memory'; which can be found in her mind in the shape of a microscopic ball of blood. As you are The Vampire God, this shall take no effort to find. It's that simple.]

I found myself doing a mental victory dance, and then I looked at Yumi in the eyes and decided to bull shit. "Yumi as we started talking about this, a strange memory popped up in my head with a lot of pain. I saw myself reaching to someone whose face I couldn't see, and touching them. Then knowledge from them entered my mind. It might sound crazy, but I think that I'm somehow able to absorb your knowledge of Japanese and make it mine." I took a deep breathe, and focused on Yumi's face waiting for her reaction. A look of shock crossed her face for a second, then she smiled and nodded and said, "Okay let's give it a try Clyde! I trust you." Yumi placed her hand in front of me, and with a nervous gulp I grabbed it. I then closed my eyes and began to focus. I felt my consciousness flying through the veins in her hand, and up her arm. Suddenly, I was in her heart, and found a tunnel that had a faint glowing golden trail. I knew that was a guide from my soul and it would lead to her 'blood memory'.

I raced down the tunnel from the heart, and found a cluster of veins that were glowing faintly gold. I immediately entered one and began to flow up rapidly. Suddenly, I found myself in a very compact space, and there was a tiny golden ball in the middle of the area. I made my way over to it, and as soon as I made contact with it I focused on learning Japanese spoken and written language. I also picked up some social, and formal behaviors that men use in her 'blood memory'. Now that I've found what I was looking for, it's time to back out. With a simple thought, my consciousness returned to my body. I opened my eyes and made eye contact with Yumi. She smiled back at me, and asked, "So did it work? If so that's beyond amazing." I nodded at Yumi and she looked surprised for some reason. I then replied to her. "Yup everything is working great. I picked up the Japanese language and the culture from your memories. This is crazy; I wonder how this is possible?" I looked over to Sarah and noticed she was looking between Yumi and I with eyes full of confusion. I looked back at Yumi, and noticed that sparkle I saw in her eyes before turned into high beams. She suddenly shot up from her seat and did a guts pose, then she shouted, "He did it! He actually did it! Clyde you just spoke in perfect, and fluent Japanese! You sounded like a native speaker just now!" Now that she mentions it, when I was speaking to her just now something felt different. As I thought back on my words, I was able to confirm she was right. I really did speak in Japanese. This is big news! This will make spreading my influence around the world so much easier! Ku ku ku ku ku! Ha ha ha ha ha! Ahem! Right anyway, this is only the beginning. One day in the future, people who hear my name will either shake in fear(my enemies), or in awe(my friends, and allies). Forever people shall bow before the might of The Vampire God Clyde!