Chapter 234

Name:I'm a Billionaire Author:Baiduyun
After saying this, Zhou Meng takes out her mobile phone and wants to call Shen Fei back. However, Qin Yao grabs Zhou Meng's mobile phone

"Oh, if you call him now, we will be exposed. Besides, I have bought all my things and I don't need him anymore. Let's go, let's go."

When Zhou Meng heard these words, his face was tangled and he said to Qin Yao:

"That's no good. After all, Shen Fei came with us. We're leaving now. Don't you inform him?"

Seeing the appearance of Zhou Meng, Qin Yao's eyes suddenly turned, and suddenly remembered something. This is to say to Zhou Meng:

"Do you think he wants to be with us? You didn't see what he looked like just now. When you bought him that little bookmark, you said that it was a gift of thanks to him. Didn't you see his sad face? He must feel that we have given him less thanks. After all, that bookmark is worth more than ten yuan.

This guy is mercenary. He must think that it's good to follow us. That's why he actively contacts us. When other boys accompany us shopping, they will take the initiative to pay the bill or help us buy things. As a result, we help him buy things, and he hates the bad things. What's the meaning of being with him? "

Hearing this, Zhou Meng frowned tightly and said to Qin Yao:

"Please! Qin Yao! What you said is a little too much. Shen Fei has no obligation to help us buy things, and the little bookmark he bought is for other girls. With that expression on his face, he may think of other girls. Didn't he say his girlfriend was missing before? Would it be the girl friend before him?

"Well, this is not a good man. You think his ex girlfriend just disappeared, and now he is ready to buy gifts for other girls. Such a man must be a scum man. Let's go and ignore him."

Qin Yao did not expect that Zhou Meng was so stubborn, so she could only add a few words of dissuasion.

But at this time, Zhou Meng's mobile phone suddenly rings. Qin Yao takes a look and finds that it's Shen Fei, and Zhou Meng also thinks that it must be Shen Fei's call. She says to Qin Yao:

"Give me your cell phone, it must be him again. I'll explain the situation to him, so that he won't worry."

But Qin Yao didn't want to do that, so she connected the phone directly and said to Shen Fei, who was opposite the phone

"Come on, Shen Fei! Can you be more interesting? You don't see that we both want to get rid of you. Go back quickly. We have other things to do. Don't call me again. I'm tired of you! "

Having said this, Qin Yao hung up directly.

Seeing Qin Yao's impolite attitude towards Shen Fei, Zhou Meng felt embarrassed

"Oh, Qin Yao! How can you be like this? "

After all, in Zhou Meng's opinion, Shen Fei should be paid to follow them and protect their safety, but they didn't pay much. They just bought Shen Fei a small bookmark and didn't even invite Shen Fei to drink. As a result, Qin Yao is still so impolite to Shen Fei!

Anyway, Shen Fei is also his boyfriend's roommate. He also accepts his boyfriend's advice and follows him. Now that things are like this, how does Zhou Meng face his boyfriend?

So Zhou Meng directly wants to take back the mobile phone from Qin Yao, and then call back to Shen Fei to apologize.

But at this time, Qin Yao and Zhou Meng felt a strong push coming from behind them, pushing them into the car together, and even Qin Yao's mobile phone fell to the ground.

All of a sudden, Qin Yao and Zhou Meng were surprised. They all looked back and found that the man pushing them was the man just now!

This time, Qin Yao and Zhou Meng frowned tightly, but they were helping the man. Why was the man so rude to them? Even if they disliked their slow action, they shouldn't use such an attitude?

But at this time, Qin Yao and Zhou Meng suddenly feel that their mouths are covered by others. It turns out that there is a third person in the car!

"Ha ha, I caught you! Qin Yao

At this time heard the voice, Qin Yao and Zhou Meng suddenly is a thrill, because they can clearly remember the voice.

The man sitting behind them is sun Ze!

Qin Yao and Zhou Meng clearly remember that sun Ze had a grudge against Qin Yao. At that time, sun Ze wanted to give Qin Yao medicine. Qin Yao found out and slapped him directly.

But who would have thought that there were many forces in sun Ze's family, so he directly launched the family forces to oppress Qin Yao, and wanted to let Qin Yao come to apologize. Qin Yao was very anxious and was about to despair.

But later, I didn't know what the reason was. A big man directly calmed down the incident,

From that time, sun Ze saw Qin Yao was hiding, and did not dare to face Qin Yao. When Qin Yao saw sun Ze, she also sneered at Sun Ze. But now who can think that they met sun Ze at this time!

"Sun Ze! You should be careful. I'll help the elder brother in front of you. If you dare to have any bad ideas about us, if you hurt the pregnant elder sister, the elder brother in front will not let you go! "

At this time, although Qin Yao's heart was shaking, she was still calm. They were looking after the pregnant woman for the elder brother in front of them. Although they didn't know what the relationship between sun Ze and the elder brother in front of them was, the pregnant woman was still more important, right?

Hearing this, sun Ze gave a sneer and said to the man in front of him

"Brother Zhang, he said you won't let me go. Is that true? Or, Xiaozhou, they said they would hurt you! "

"Young master, why do you think these two women are so stupid? They've come to this point. Can't they figure out what we mean?"

At this time, the man in front of the car turned his head with a smiley face. What made Qin Yao and Zhou Meng even more scared was that the pregnant woman sitting in front of him actually took off her hair and took out a soft pillow from her body!

This pregnant woman is not a woman, but a man disguised!