
Elvin Manuel.

Of course, we had previously made an appointment to meet, but I didn’t expect him to appear at such perfect timing.

His breathing seemed uneven as he clutched Irene’s shoulders. It was as if he ran over from elsewhere.

Although he ran quite a distance and seemed fatigued, he firmly held Irene to prevent her from falling.

“Are you… okay?”

Irene asked in a small voice, however, instead of answering, Elvin looked alternatively between Irene and the soldiers.

Not long after, he stood in front, as if to block the soldiers from attacking her. The soldiers also ceased chasing her and stood in front of Elvin.

“What is going on?”

After he stated his question, the soldiers hesitated as they faced each other.

They most likely figured that he was a boy from a noble family.

“We are working to catch the wizard who has performed illegal transportation magic. That’s the girl.”

Wizard? Elvin glanced back towards Irene. Irene wanted to deny the truth, yet she was forced to nod.

The wizard who had done wrong… She assisted him.

“It’s best not to meddle with the Royal family.”

It was somewhat of a warning. It was a very dangerous deed to protect a person who had violated an Imperial order.

Elvin seemed worried for a while, yet soon changed his expression, as if he had come up with an idea. Wearing an overbearing expression.

“Why can I not interfere?”

He smiled confidently.

“I handed this person my consent.”

“Th, that’s…

One soldier managed to build up a voice to retort, but another hurriedly pulled him by the arm. It meant for him to be quiet this instant.

Their eyes turned to Elvin’s sword. Anyone who worked in a land related to the Imperial family was educated to recognize such a sword beforehand.

No, they’d know even without receiving an education.

The dragon’s pattern engraved on the sword was only allowed to the immediate Royal family members.

A black-haired boy holding an Imperial treasure.

There was only one person in this country who could meet these conditions, and he was right in front of them.

“…Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

He was also their master. The soldiers hurriedly leaned down.

“That, we did not recognize them being a wizard was under your Highness’s order, and behaved rudely.”

“W, we didn’t mean to. Never…!”

“I realize.”

Elvin was only abusing his power to force them into retreating. Therefore, he couldn’t rebuke them recklessly.

“So, you may leave.”

Elvin sighed, and he repeated it was fine when they seemed terrified they committed a wrong act.

They bowed desperately, so much that their noses touched the floor, and slowly disappeared.

The surroundings turned silent.

Seeing as no one was strolling by, it seemed the soldiers who retreated were guarding the area so that no one would approach them.

They didn’t have to go that far.

‘Now… Let’s not be surprised.’

Elvin imagined what Irene, who had been standing behind him, would wear as her expression.

Would she be surprised, now that she knew who he was? Would she merely think that something was wrong? No, that might not be the case.

‘…What if this child thinks I’m scary?’

With such a thought in mind, Elvin regretted his manner, that could’ve been more gentle towards the soldiers.

He counted to three inside his mind.

Nonetheless, he still didn’t have the courage. He then mustered up all the courage from his entire being.

Then, he barely managed to turn around to face the girl behind him.

After turning back, Elvin was horrified.

The cause was Irene. She was squatting on the floor, holding her head down while breathing heavily.

He quickly knelt in front of her.

He couldn’t even speak to her when he heard her painfully gasping for air. As he anxiously observed Irene, Elvin reflected on himself for a moment.

In fact, he was rather curious of Irene’s reaction to the fact he was the Crown Prince.

Irene had only now escaped from running with all her strength.

Of course, considering how hard it must have been for her.


Elvin thus realized his difference with Benjamin.

Perhaps if put in the same situation, Benjamin would have gently taken care of Irene’s condition.

After all, the position of ’brother’ was not one fit for anyone. It was a rewarding title.

Elvin diminished his delusions of, ‘I could also be a brother-like person to Irene.’

The wind blew, holding the remnants of winter. Elvin slightly adjusted his position slightly and took care not to let the wind touch Irene.

She must have perspired a lot since she ran such a distance. If she caught a cold wind in this state, she may catch a terrible cold.

Perhaps, even Irene catching a cold would make Elvin feel a sense of shame and become unable to raise his head for the rest of his life.

As time passed, the sound of her breathing gradually calmed. When Elvin heard Irene sniffing, he hurriedly dug through his pockets and held out a handkerchief.

Irene, raising her head a little, glancing at the handkerchief he had pulled out. However, she hesitated in accepting the napkin.

What’s wrong with the handkerchief? Elvin carefully observed his handkerchief.

Ah, the patterns of the Imperial family were engraved. Very big and clear.

“It doesn’t matter.”

The handkerchief bearing an engraving remained just a handkerchief. If one couldn’t blow their nose on it, it would be just a piece of useless cloth.


Irene hesitated.

She violated the Imperial order and used mobility magic. However, she wouldn’t bring herself to blow her nose on the symbol of the Royal family.

“It’s really all right, so use it to your heart’s content.”

He said so while placing the handkerchief in Irene’s hand.

He said this much, so Irene accepted the handkerchief and she pulled it up to her nose.

I was honestly at my limit. I was also going crazy holding the urge to quickly blow my nose. I was about to let it go, a long sneeze.

“Is it really all right?”

Irene confirmed the safety of her neck for the final time before burying her nose into the handkerchief.

“Of course.”

“…Will I not be captured for insulting you?”

“That isn’t an insult to me.”

When he proclaimed solemnly, Irene, with reassurance, blew her nose.

…Making the Royal family’s emblem sticky.

Anyhow, it became easier to breathe after I warmed my nose.

Even though my legs and body were still trembling.

Irene rolled the handkerchief as she smiled awkwardly.

Elvin put out his hand to retrieve the handkerchief, however, Irene wasn’t about to hand him something like this.

“It’s dirty… Can I give it to you later?”

“It doesn’t matter, even if you don’t wash it.”

“Well, I wish to.”

She didn’t open the handkerchief, but Irene was sure. It was probably huge.

“Then, do as you wish.”

“I’ll hand it back to you soon. “

“I don’t mind if you take it easy. You can return it through Benjamin.”

Elvin and Benjamin meet periodically anyway.


Irene shook her head passionately.

I didn’t want to be seen as on Elvin’s side when the two meet. .

“I will give it. I will definitely give it. “

Her voice seemed so stubborn, Elvin couldn’t help himself from laughing.

He seemed to resemble Benjamin.

“Are you all right now?”

Irene nodded.

“I have a few questions for you.”

“…Magic… you mean?”

Irene scrunched her face anxiously. Elvin did save her from the situation, however, she must have troubled him.

“By any chance, am I obliged to write down a police statement?”

“Hm, well. I’m more curious about how you learned such a word.”

“Ah, a while ago.”

I received it several times from my juniors. Of course, Irene would also write her own report.

There was a bloody man in that damn company who would say, ‘write a police statement’ out of nowhere.

What’s more interesting was that the phrase ‘police statement’ was tossed in KakaoTalk, and the police statement would be carefully handwritten and uploaded. It was a piece of cake.

“…A while ago?”

“I, I just happened to overhear it. I play in my father’s office. Rather, we were speaking about magic. “

Irene quickly changed the conversation. Fortunately, Elvin did not question any further.

“Yes, magic. Did you have a talent for magic?”

“It’s not that. I somehow ended up teleporting with a wizard.”

“What happened?”

“That’s… a little complicated.”

Furthermore, looking back at the circumstances leading to this incident, it seemed so bizarre it could not seem plausible.

1. My father wrote a strange advertisement to search for a tutor.

2. The same kind of person applied.

3. It turned out he was a wizard from the tower.

4. He said he wanted to be an aide of the Crown Prince, so I decided to hire him as a teacher.

5. The teacher wizard helped me run away from home for a short amount of time.

“It’s hard to explain. I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. I’m just…”

Elvin wore a worried expression.

“I was only asking in case something bad happened to you.”

“Police statement… not because of that?”


“So nothing wrong happened. Although it was embarrassing.”

“In fact, there are many magical restrictions on the lands owned by the Imperial family.”

“I see. Legally?”

“Magically. It’s something I’m not too sure about.”

Magic constraints?

Irene recalled the absurd incident just now. They attempted to use mobile magic, yet only Nicholas disappeared.

Would the restrictions have affected him? As I thought of it, I began to feel a little worried about Nicholas’ who put his life on the line.

“Do you need any help?”

Irene shook her head. For now, she had to wait and see.

“It’s all right.”

“I’m glad if it is.”

“Oh, and.”

Irene was so distracted that she had failed to recall something important.

“Thank you.”