Chapter 41:Tender Loving Care

Clarence drove toward the place where they were staying. He went straight to his room as soon as he walked in. Beauty just followed in silence, but she stayed in the living room.

Lifting up his eyes from whatever he was doing, Ronald saw their moods. Feeling that he was ignored, he began asking.

"What happened to the two of you?" The glassed guy asked the two but got silence as an answer. Not giving up, he asked the girl who was silently brooding at a corner of the couch, "What happened?"

"I made him angry." A squeak came from Beauty.

"What have you done to make him angry?" Figuring out his boss' attitude, he found it unbelievable.

"Ronald, please stop asking. I've messed up, okay?" She had no idea how to explain the whole thing. Her emotions were muddled as well. She just learned that she fell in love but caused him to be angry. Actually, he was only trying to control his desires, but she didn't know that was the case.

"Then I might as well go out and do some mission alone. I've been paid so I have to work. Goodbye and make things right while I'm gone." He left as he used a valid excuse, purposely giving them space.

She just remained sitting there until it was almost lunchtime. She thought of knocking at his door and apologizing again, but she doubted it was the best course of action. What was she going to do now?

The girl thought of making amends; food was the best with an apology in tow. There was also an old adage: 'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.' This was the best way she knew. She checked the fridge and saw there were only eggs, a few spices, a bottle of oyster sauce, and a wrapped leftover burger. She saw their way of living: eating out or buy ready-to-eat food. Nevertheless, she decided to cook an omelet for him.

She cut an onion, a clove of garlic, and a tomato. She scrambled two eggs in a bowl and then added a pinch of salt and pepper.

Beauty separately stir-fried the spices and then poured a spoonful of oyster sauce. She made sure the egg mixture was poured on a hot skillet with enough oil. When it was ready, she tumbled it on the burger wrapper placed on a plate. She poured all stir-fried spices on the flat omelet and distributed it well. The meat and cheese were taken from the burger and cut into strips before getting scattered on top of the spices. She slowly rolled the omelet and its filling having the wrapper as a guide.

The rolled omelet was placed on a plate. She cut away the uneven edges and then sliced the rest into three portions evenly. Looking at her work, it was still not appealing to her. She remembered a small packet of ketchup she kept after eating a steam bun. She took it from her bag and designed a heart-shaped ketchup drawing on top of each.

Beauty knocked on his room door and then left the supposed lunch on the floor in front of the door. Scurrying to the kitchen to cook one egg for herself, the girl waited for any movements; but there were none. She went back and picked up the dish. As she was about to knock again, Clarence chose to open the door right at this moment. They were now facing each other while she was holding the plate of egg rolls in front of him.

She was about to run back to the kitchen, but Clarence caught her and saw the three egg rolls with heart-shaped ketchup on top. He found out she really knew how to charm him. He was really happy about this newfound knowledge.

The boss brought the presentation specialist to the dining table and made her sit beside him. "Feed me," ordered Clarence.

"What?" Beauty gasped a bit.

"Are these for me?


"Then feed me."

"Why would I feed you? You can eat by yourself." The girl grew hesitant, refusing the command.

"If you wanna make amends with me, then feed me." Clarence decided to play along, seeing the apology through.

"You're such a tantrum baby! Here!" Defeated, Beauty sighed in resignation. She took a fork and shoved the first omelet to his lips, but he didn't eat it.

"Please, it should be with some TLC." He whined.


"Tender loving care." The man throwing out a tantrum restrained his lips from curling.

"Pfft, fine." Beauty pouted at the request. She cut a portion from the omelet and fed him slowly.

'This is wonderful. If I knew this would be the outcome, I should have made a lot of tantrums before.' Clarence thought, pleased with the situation. He chewed the egg slowly to stretch the time.

'I never thought I would be this glad feeding him. So this is how it feels to love someone. Just this gesture makes one happy.' Beauty felt wallowing in the feeling: she was blissful. This was the first time she did this to the opposite gender. Most of all, to the man she's in love with.

After eating the three portions, he took her hands on his. He looked into her eyes and tenderly told her, "I love you."

Her heart was beating fast as she heard those affectionate words. She was not sure how to respond. She just stared at him. He kissed her hand and said softly, "Please be my girlfriend. I love you. I promise this pledge isn't temporary. I will continue to promise you this even after marriage if you are willing to become my wife."

She already heard him said these words to her father, but to hear it from him directly was… she was not sure what to feel. She wanted to cry of happiness, but she felt unsure if that's appropriate—she only intended to make amends. What're the proper words to say? What kind of attitude should she show?

Clarence watched her face's changing moods. He understood her well: she was thinking about things too hard. It made him laugh.

"Pfft, don't think too much. We still have a long way to go before marriage. We're still young. That's for later." He looked at her and saw her eyes lovingly gaze at him, but he remained silent.

He continued to hold her hand and softly said, "Beauty, will you be my girlfriend?"

She wanted to say yes, but she continued to have doubts. "I… I… I want to but…"

"You want to but what? What's stopping you?"