Chapter 37:Beauty’s Father Obviously

Clarence stopped the car in front of a wooden green gate. The house was situated at a two-way road within the city limits but far from the business district. There were two factories found within the vicinity. Only a few vehicles were using this road, making the place peaceful for the residents. Most people who lived there were workers in the said factories. Beauty's parents were part of the few who had jobs outside of the area.

A tall middle-aged man with well-combed hair came out of the house. He was only wearing a sleeveless white shirt, a pair of black pants, and a pair of red sandals. Looking at this man, one could tell he was attractive when he was younger.

"Papa!" Beauty shouted as she ran and hugged the man.

"Huh? Beauty? Oh, you're back." He returned the hug his daughter gave him. "Bella, your daughter is back… who is this boy?" His father shouted back at the house before scrutinizing this handsome young man with his daughter.

"Pa, this is Clarence Peres. He is a chef."

"Ah, correction, still studying to be a certified chef, but I love cooking. Hi, Uncle, I'm Clarence. I've met your daughter when I went to Camotes Island." He looked at the man as his 'future father-in-law' in his heart.

"Hi, Clarence. I'm Rodney Ferol. I'm Beauty's father, obviously. Please come in."

Clarence brought her luggage inside the house.

"Beauty, when did you come back?" A pretty woman in her early forties came out of the kitchen. One could tell she was the mother for their faces had these unmistakable semblances aside from their hair color and height. The daughter inherited the father's tallness and black hair. The mother was petite with brownish hair. When the mother and daughter stood side by side, they seemed like sisters where the shorter one was older.

Clarence was staring at the mother and daughter; he was a little dumbfounded. With this, he understood where Beauty's appearance came from.

"Haha, you're shocked, right? Actually, whenever we go out together, people always think she's my older sister," explained Beauty.

"You bet. That's why I always tell Beauty not to come with us when we go out on a date. People would think they were both my daughters if she's around." All of them laughed after hearing the father's joke.

"Hi, Clarence. I'm Bella, his wife, and her mother." The mother jokingly said.

"Nice to meet you, Auntie."

"Nice to meet you, too."

Greetings were done properly as the father beckoned everyone to the kitchen. They talked while they ate.

"Beauty, where did you go after leaving your grandparents? I called them, and they told us you left a week ago. I've been trying to call you for days, but it's always picked up by the phone." Her mother asked. She had been restless for the previous days for not hearing a word from her daughter.

"Actually, I'm the one who was at fault here." Clarence apologized first for not bringing her home directly. He also told them what took place after they left the island aside from his confession and other things they need not know.

"So you hired her as part of your team?"

"Yes, Uncle."

"Let's talk more about that at the living room. Let's leave the girls to do their chores."

The two men sat in front of each other in the living room. The women were left to deal with the dishes and the table.

"Where will she be staying… since you'll be traveling?"

"If we're in the city or just around the vicinity, then she will be staying here. If we travel to farther places, then we will be staying in a hotel with separate rooms, of course."

"Why did you hire her? She's still young and a fresh graduate from senior high so what's your benefit? Or do you have something else in mind?"

After hearing these questions, Clarence thought of telling the father the truth, but he was not sure Beauty would be allowed to go with them if he did so. He had to tread with his answers carefully.

"Uncle, she's really good when it comes to food creativity. A lot of people are good at cooking but not in food presentation. Such talents like her are few. My parents also like her. They were happy that I hired Beauty. She would be of great help to my team. I can also promise to keep her from harm's way."

"OK, I understand. But I want you to be honest with me. Both of you are of the same age, right?"

"Yes, Uncle." Hearing the father's tone of voice, Clarence was a little bothered though his face remained calm.

"I'm a man and have been through being young as well," continued Rodney.

By now, Clarence seemed to understand the direction of the conversation.

"I can understand how a man feels for a woman just by seeing his eyes and attitude. Let me be frank with you. Do you like her seriously? Or is this just a fleeting experience of youthfulness?"

Rodney looked straight into the eyes of Clarence while speaking. From the way Clarence looked at Beauty, he could tell that tenderness and care of a man in love were evident. He certainly believed this young man had feelings for his daughter.

"To be honest with you, I really do love Beauty, and it's not a passing thing. I'm really serious with her; I'll even ask her to marry me if she wants me." The boss' voice grew passionate as if channeling his love for Beauty so the father would be convinced. "I already confessed to her, but I haven't gotten any answers yet. My parents like her a lot as well. My mom thought of her as her daughter-in-law already. Please believe me.

"About the job I offered. Yes, I have another motive because of my feelings. But I only want to build our relationship with no other thoughts. I'm also telling the truth about hiring her for that special ability she has."

Clarence spoke with respect and firmness with his every word. Papa Rodney's eyes glint of admiration to this composed young man who was not alarmed; neither did he even stutter after he was asked.

"I hope you would be true to your word. If you hurt her, then I won't mind cutting your head."

The father's face was grim and adamant as he spoke those last words. This made Clarence's emotions unstable; and alas, his face betrayed him. As the father saw his uneasiness, he felt victorious. He had toppled the young man's poker face. He laughed merrily with this success, which shocked the other.

"Haha, now, you're uneasy facing me. Don't worry, I can hardly kill a chicken." To tell the truth, he would faint with the sight of blood.

After hearing that, Clarence just grinned slightly and sighed. He was tested, he passed. Whew!

"I won't help you get her affection though. You have to work hard for it, young man. No need to be in a hurry with relationships. You're both still young. I suggest you focus more on your studies for now."

"I will heed your words, Uncle. But I also mean what I said. I will pursue her until she says 'yes'. Beauty already knows that."

"Good to hear that from you. Well, just relax and don't let the girls know what we were talking about."

Actually, the two were eavesdropping the whole time, hearing everything. Beauty almost gasped out of fear when she heard her father's threat but held her breath. Somehow, she was really moved with the young man's statement. Clarence found his way to her heart, making this meeting a secret blessing.