Chapter 31:Proud of You

"First, tell us what your program or theme for this special birthday party is." Clarence was now holding a pen, ready to write down the plans for the big occasion, Leonard's grandfather's birthday. Leonard and Lorraine were pondering for a while, and then the latter spoke, "actually, what I told our head cook was a party for kids but also appropriate for adults."

"What? Can you expound on that more? Kind of didn't get the idea at all." Clarence frowned, not knowing how to paraphrase those words so that he could understand.

"Oh my, I'm pestered by this request by Grandpa as well. I wish he'll be the one to explain things to you, but he's now in a meeting and left us with a note that we're capable of doing it." The wife breathed deep to clear her mind. "He specifically said it must have an atmosphere fun for kids but also suitable for adults. That's all, he didn't explain more. Oh please, Clarence and dear girl ... what's your name? Sorry, Clarence hasn't introduced you to us."

"Oh, sorry, this is Beauty, and that's Ronald. This is Lorraine, Leonard's wife." Clarence was feeling ashamed for neglecting this important matter.

"Hi, Lorraine," said Beauty.

"Nice to meet you, Ma'am Lorraine." Ronald extended his hand but was ignored.

"Don't call me 'Ma'am', it makes me feel like a teacher, and you're my student," Lorraine grunted at Ronald. The latter was embarrassed. This had been a habit formed as a newspaper writer when he approached married women to gather facts.

"Hmm, I think your grandfather wants a party resembling a kids' world but one where adults can get involved as well." Beauty started to engage her fantasies in connection to what the old man said. "Maybe he wants to feel young in this party without neglecting the presence of the adults. Like a fairyland or under the sea party at the poolside.

"All guests will wear attires fit for 'under the sea' theme. There will be rocks or cushions or stools that would portray seats under the sea for the guests. Of course, the oldies and special guests can sit on a proper chair provided to them. The tables will be covered to resemble big corals. Can we do that?" Beauty looked at Lorraine before she continued.

"An orchestra or band wearing outfits of the merman, mermaids, and other sea creatures will be playing in the background. There will be a program and games related to the theme."

Beauty's excitement was reflected all over her body. She looked dazzling and spirited as she explained while waving her hands here and there, and walking back and forth. The listeners were caught up in her fantasy world as well.

"What do you think?" In the end, Beauty asked if the couple and others agree.

"I think that won't be hard to do." Lorraine was hooked with the idea. "We can send the invitations specifying the theme and their outfit. My friend's band can be invited anytime. There's a big wet market near here where we can buy most of what we need. There's also a hypermarket just an hour drive from here. For the chairs and other logistics, dear husband Leonard, can I leave that to you?"

"Rest assured, I know what to do," Leonard replied with excitement as well.

Clarence was grinning from ear to ear, seeing all of them charmed with Beauty's enthusiasm.

"I'm really proud of you, Beauty," Clarence whispered softly near Beauty's ear causing her to grow shy for a moment but pleased deep inside.

"Beauty Sis, I'll be in your command! Just tell me what to do." Ronald did not want to be left out from the rest, directly offering his services.

"Of course, you'll be at what your job is called for! Our food taster and critique! You also need to do some odd jobs as our assistant." The girl understood the temperament of this guy well so she gave him such a job. Most of all, he was the second person she trusted who could grasp what she wanted to project with her food.

"So let's get into the business." Lorraine, being influenced by Beauty, was enthusiastic to make the whole thing successful.

. . . . .

Leonard started his project outright. He brought his brand new Pathfinder pick-up truck to transport all kinds of cushions and objects that could be transformed fit the theme. He even went to an open beach nearby and let his men get some sea rocks that he placed near the pool.

Clarence was the head chef. He planned the menu and made the shopping list. On the other hand, Beauty was in charge of the food presentation, coinciding with the dishes to be served.

Thus, the two ladies were busy buying amenities to project her ideas into full display. They also passed by a store having an inventory sale for their off-season holiday decorations.

They were all busy with the incoming special birthday celebration. In the middle of their enthusiasm, they missed a very crucial factor that could turn their plans into shambles, the weather.

The night before the special day, monsoon winds made an unexpected turn and hit their place. They had a sleepless night, trying to salvage the decors at the poolside and playground area. By 5:00 am, sunrise came, but the desolation was now totally seen. It broke their hearts.

"This is bad. Two days of effort were blown away. At least, we were able to cover the whole pool last night. However, cleaning the whole place still needs time." Leonard grieved after surveying the party area.

"The trees are so bare like a clumsy barber, who had a bad day, shaved them bald instead." This remark from Ronald made them all laugh in spite of the devastation in front of them.

"Nice description there, Ronald. You're really a good critic," added Beauty, making them laugh all the more.

"The playground is full of shredded leaves, and the flowers are all gone. Somehow, for a seabed, those flowers were not necessary though." Clarence spoke, trying to see the good side out from the situation.

Upon hearing his last statement, an idea sprung to Beauty's mind as if receiving a stimulus.