Chapter 28:Woman I Love

A car stopped at the gate of a highly guarded Arch Lithe Villa. The guard opened the gate after a call from someone inside.

"Where are we?" Ronald asked after seeing the guards holding high-powered ammo. A place with people like this was anything but ordinary.

"My childhood friend's villa. While we're here, don't loiter around unnecessarily," Clarence replied nonchalantly.

"Boss, is your friend in the military? Am I right?"

"Haha, you're both like me when I first came here. To be exact, this place is a 'detective wannabe secret base." He looked at the two whose faces had question marks on them.

"Actually, my friend loves to play detective, so he hired this kind of men to make this place just as he wished to be. Somehow, his family is not also normal like any average family, so this kind of setting is also needed. I know you have a lot of questions, but please keep them for now. You'll understand later."

"Are we staying here?" This time, it was Beauty who asked out of curiosity.

"Nope, I need some things from him. We came to get them. We might stay tonight."

As the car stopped at a parking lot, they saw a man standing, waiting for them the whole time.

"Sir Clarence, you need to wear these and be prepared for battle." He gave each person a vest, helmet, knee pads, a pair of lightweight leather shoes, and handguns with an extra cartridge. They were received without a sound by the doubtful two.

"Thanks, Phil. What's the scenario? Same as last time?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Beauty, Ronald, this is the way to pull the trigger. Just press this, and a colored splinter will come out. To replace the empty cartridge, click this, and the empty cartridge will fall by itself. Just push the new cartridge in. You got it?" Both nodded but also wondered what the purpose of this getup was.

"Be ready, this guy loves to greet his guests like a make-believe invading enemy. Just be careful not to get hit. Getting hit a few times is fine, but a lot? Consequences await you as we arrive at the end zone."

"What consequences?" Beauty asked.

"Haha, like making you cook for him among other things. It depends on his mood, but it's not that bad. Be alert now, let's go."

They went into a large playground where some vertical boards and mini barricades made of hard plastic were placed. There were some seesaws, slides, trees, bushes, and a fountain—as if they were advancing to a playground scenario. Clarence held Beauty's left hand while his left hand was holding the play handgun.

"You're left-handed?" she asked, noticing the strange hold.

"Not exactly. I can use both efficiently. It's just that you're right-handed. If I hold your right hand, you can't use the handgun properly with your left. Ronald, I'll take Beauty; you watch yourself."

"No problem. I like this game! I'm pumped up!"

Bang! They heard a gunshot, a red paint hit Ronald's left thigh.

"Run! Look for cover!" Clarence ordered, dispersing the group.

Suddenly, a hoarse male voice was heard. "You punk, your friend there is very slow! I can hit him a lot of times if I want to. You're also shameless for being chivalrous with a beauty. Girl, give up on him! He can't win against me!"

Beauty and Clarence ran to a board wide enough for them to take cover. Ronald went to another board as well.

"To be chivalrous is good, most of all to the woman I love. I will protect her with my life, so she can't give up on me." Clarence shouted back.

Beauty felt happy after hearing his declaration. Somehow, her mind was now debating on what her true feelings for him were. Most of all, she had not given him an answer yet.

"Hey, four-eyes, you heard him! Join me to fight him so the girl will give up." The other man shouted at Ronald.

"Sorry, he's my Boss, and the girl is my sis! I already gave my blessings!" Ronald answered, unashamed.

The girl's complicated feelings were heightened with that sentence. She was so surprised to hear that from this amiable eyeglasses guy. Who would have thought this companion of hers was in cahoots on tying her to Clarence?

"Stop talking. Shoot." Clarence reprimanded the other.

Clarence pulled the trigger and almost hit the other guy. Ronald followed suit as the target was now visible. Beauty thought of shooting, but she was not sure so she remained seated behind Clarence. Gunshots after gunshots were heard. They ran from one board to another, even to a bush. Clarence made sure Beauty was behind him at all times. There were some paints on the two men.

His boss signaled to Ronald for cover. Ronald shot to a nearby fountain. The splinter hit the water which splashed right in the eyes of the man hiding near it. With this chance opened, Clarence ran as fast as he could to where the man was hiding.

Unfortunately, the man responded with equal speed. He did not wipe his face; rather, he tried to shoot at the running Clarence before rolling behind a tree. Clarence had good reflexes. After he saw the other was aiming his handgun at him, he immediately slid to a nearby bush. The splinter missed him by a hair.

"Chef boy, your reflexes are still good. Now taste my fury!" A hand grenade, which was actually a balloon that resembled a grenade, was thrown, aimed at Clarence's hiding spot. Unexpectedly, the silent and unhindered girl stood up and focused her eyes on the flying grenade balloon and pulled the trigger.

Bang! Paint splashed out from where the hand grenade balloon was hit. Even Clarence got some on his helmet.

"Whoa, what was that?!" Ronald shouted.

Everyone stood up from where they were hiding and stared at the girl who shouted 'YES!' She felt triumphant for her accomplishment.

"Wow, what eye focus and hand coordination! You're good at shooting, girl." The other praised her generously.

"Who would have thought you have good hand-eye coordination? Good quality from a good cook." Clarence gave his commendations as well.

"Nicely done, Beauty," added Ronald.

The other guy laughed heartily. "Come, come, let's go straight to the swimming pool for a good swim and breakfast."

After hearing the 'swimming pool', Clarence had a bad feeling about this invitation. "We'll just eat. No need to swim for now."

"What a killjoy. Okay, fine, you want to hide your beauty there from my scrutinizing eyes."

"Big Bro, actually my concern is ..."

Suddenly, a woman's high-pitched voice was heard.

"Leonard? Why are you eating at the pool? I told you we need to eat with Grandma every day. She is waiting at the garden patio."

"That's what I'm concerned about," finished Clarence.