A Zuo sent the thin porcelain snow outside the city.

The motorcade stopped, and a Zuo said to Bo cixue, "Miss Bo, you take the car in front of you. When you get to the neighboring city, there will be a helicopter to take you back to the capital."

Thin porcelain snow under the car, went to the driver's window, looked at left, "where did Sikong Ling escape?"

A Zuo frowned a little embarrassed, "Miss bo..."

Thin porcelain snow did not embarrass him, only asked, "will your highness be in danger?"

A Zuo, "Sikong's brother-in-law escaped into the primitive jungle. Everything in it is unknown. But your Highness has experience in the primitive jungle. Miss Bo, please rest assured that your father also drove here with people and horses."

Thin porcelain snow thought about it.

After the car in front of him was covered with thin porcelain snow, a Zuo drove away quickly.

Just as azuo joined yekai, he received a phone call from the person who sent Bo cixue away. "Miss Bo said that she would go to the bathroom and not let us follow her, but she slipped away quietly."

A big change on the left side.

It was a group of elites who sent the thin porcelain snow away.

Miss Bo can leave under their eyes, which is enough to see that she is not a weak and incompetent little girl.

It's just that Miss Bo was raised in a boudoir when she was young. She went out to study and practice three years ago. How could she escape from those elites?

Is she captured by the people of Sikong Ling?

A Zuo knows the seriousness of the matter. He dare not conceal yekai. He quickly finds yekai who is talking with several advisers.

"Your Highness."

Night Kai saw the eyes of a Zuo's dignified face, he went to a Zuo, "what's the matter?"

A Zuo tells him about the disappearance of the thin porcelain snow.

Night Kai's face suddenly sank, "quickly find."

A Zuo seldom saw the face of yekai become gloomy. In his heart, even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of them, his highness could not change his face.

But now, he really changed his face.

All around the air, for a moment, seems to have condensed into ice.

A Zuo has a premonition that if Miss Bo has three strengths and two weaknesses, the person in charge of escorting Miss Bo may not live.

One of the counselors, surnamed Jiang, came over and apparently just heard the order of yekai.

He frowned and said, "Your Highness, Miss Bo is naughty for a while. I think she won't go back by herself. It's important for us to chase Sikong's brother and sister..."

Before he finished speaking, a sharp dagger flew over the head of the counselor Jiang, his eyes wide with fear. A few seconds later, the dagger hit his head and shaved a hair.

He looked at the eyes pale and fierce, just like the man of the infernal Shura, and his body quivered involuntarily.

Compared with the cold Lord, it seems to be better to get along with him.

But only the people around the emperor know that he is a more indifferent and inaccessible person.

The decisiveness of the slaughter is fierce and Iron-blooded, which makes people awe and fear.

Of course, this is a high-ranking person, who must have the skill and courage. Otherwise, even if he was handed the throne to him, he would not be able to sit stably. After all, there are not a few people in the royal family who are eager to sit in the high position.

"Put off entering the forest one day and find porcelain snow first."

Yekai's voice was cold. Although it was known that it was not too late to find Sikong's brother and sister, no one dared to disobey his order.

Just then, a soft voice came, "don't look, I'm here."

Under the incredible eyes of the people, the thin porcelain snow slowly came out.

When did she come? How long did she hide? No one found out.

Thin porcelain snow came when azuo reported to yekai. At that time, everyone's attention was not here, so she was able to hide.

Seeing that yekai ordered everyone to go to her first, rather than to see her brother and sister, she was in a complicated mood.

All around for a moment, it was eerily quiet.

Ears as if only sand leaves and birds singing Cricket Sound.

The thin porcelain snow looks at the night Kai, which is different from the usual white shirt. At the moment, he is dressed in black, tall and straight, sharp and cold. A pair of black narrow eyes fall on her, and his face is more gloomy than before.

It's scary to watch.

He was avoiding her deliberately these two days, but he met occasionally. His attitude was moderate, but he was alienated badly.

But at the moment, he looked at her eyes, sharp as an eagle, which made people shudder.

Thin porcelain snow met his frightening eyes, took a deep breath, and walked over, "I'm familiar with Sikong Ling. I want to go to him with you. When I find him, I will try to persuade him to hand over his talisman and important secrets. "

It seemed to be quieter all around.

A lot of people's eyes revealed that: eldest lady, we are going to enter the primeval forest, which is very dangerous. You, a woman with thin arms and legs, who is raised in a boudoir, will only become a burden if you follow the past.

Maybe, before I find anyone, I'll get in first.

Compared with that of Kaijin, the original jungle to be entered this time is more dangerous.This jungle does not belong to any country or government. Once there were adventurers who wanted to go in and explore, but when they went in, they never came out again.

The unknown is often awe and fear.

This time, we didn't bring many people. We brought a group of elites who had experience in the jungle.

But even so, everyone signed a life and death contract before they came with him.

Night Kai dare to take risks, he also put his life aside, if he did not have, and night Yu, his brother can become a reserve king in the future.

In such a dangerous place, a daughter of thin porcelain snow unexpectedly said that she would follow them.

The counselor Jiang, who was nearly decapitated, put on a solemn face and risked her life to remonstrate, "Your Highness, Miss Bo is a great daughter of Mr. Bo, but she has a close relationship with Sikong Ling. It's said that she's a boyfriend and girlfriend. On the other hand, she's a weak woman. If you go to find someone with us, it will only become a burden!"

There are several counselors behind the counselor Jiang nodding.

Look at the eyes of thin porcelain snow, as if to say, don't you have some self-knowledge? You have to make trouble at this time.

Left and right stand behind yekai. Yekai doesn't speak, and they dare not say much.

A Zuo's forehead is still sweating. Their whereabouts can be known by Miss Bo. It must be that she moved her hand and foot on his mobile phone, but he didn't find it.

If his highness withdraws his office, it is light.

This time, he was too careless and too light on the enemy.

Thin porcelain snow didn't pay attention to those counsellors who complained to her. She looked at the bright night script, "I'm not a boyfriend or girlfriend with Sikong Ling. I'm very clear in front of the big issues." She glanced at several counselors. "It's not the love brain you want."

"The Lord and his wife of Sikong commit suicide. Although they have blocked the information now, they can't stop it. Once the people of BeiCang know it, they don't know how to think of his highness, thinking that he has harmed the loyal and the good. Only by keeping Sikong Ling, letting him surrender and submit to his highness can he return his Highness's Qingyu. This is one of them. "

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