Ling Hui couldn't see Dai Mu's expression in the room, but from her voice, she could hear that she was quite angry and miserable!

It was the voice of a woman who had been hurt and betrayed.

Ling Hui suddenly felt a little cold. She put her hands around her body.

I don't dare to believe that my father will really betray and hurt my mother!

In her memory, her parents are affectionate.

Father's character is elegant and wise, generous and kind. At that time, the mother had physical problems and needed to change the kidney. The father was so anxious that he searched all over the world to find the right kidney for his mother.

He never betrayed his mother when she was most vulnerable and unbearable.

Why, do you hurt her later?

Linghui grew up with the love and care of her parents. She has a very strong family concept. She only hopes that her parents will be well and not divorce.

"Dai Lang, you look like a gentleman. How can you be so disgusting in private? If it's not for the sake of seeing that you never leave me when I'm sick, I want to expose your scandal! "

"If you told me before you got married that you have a woman you love deeply, I haven't hated you so much, but you seem to be very good to me, which makes me sink deeply into mud feet, and the result is..."

"When you are middle-aged, you will elope with her and make an appointment with her. What do you think of me as?"

Ling Hui hears her mother's depressed and painful cry. She covers her mouth and opens her beautiful eyes. She can't believe it or not!

Does father want to elope with that woman and die together?


It's almost unimaginable!

"Are you sad that the woman is gone? I'll tell you, Diane, after the divorce, I left here with my badge. I can't let her see that woman's son again! "

Ling Hui's long lashes vibrate violently.

What's not to let her meet that woman's son?

Does she know her father's lover's son?

"If you don't hear Mengmeng calling Linghui and mentioning Tangxi, I don't know. Her son and my daughter have something to do with each other. Dai long, if you have a little conscience, please let us go!"

Dai Lang looks at her scarlet eyes and painful face, frowns tightly, "Ling, Ling Ying, I, I......" Dai Lang's bony body trembled violently with emotion. He called Dai Mu's name and reached out to hold her. Dai Mu stepped back and said, "don't touch me with your dirty hands again."

"You, listen to me..." His lips were moving up and down, trying to say something, but he couldn't say a complete word. He was so worried that his brow was full of blue veins, and he kept sweating.

Daimu didn't want to talk to him any more. She went to the window and looked out with red eyes. Thinking that he almost died in love with another woman, tears could not help bursting out.

The spiritual emblem outside the bedroom door is as stiff as a stone carving.

Heart, cut through a chill, even the body, seems to have no temperature.

Skin, inch by inch cold.

Her legs were stiff and numb as she walked downstairs.

She fell on the sofa, her eyes staring at the ceiling.

She thought that she had heard it wrong, but in her mind, she played back what her mother said over and over again.

The woman whose father wants to elope for love is Tangxi's mother!

This is too unacceptable!

No wonder, when my aunt saw Tangxi for the first time, she reminded her not to make deep acquaintance and keep a distance.

And Tangxi's father, when he saw her, his strange and complicated eyes.

Ling Hui seems to have understood the reason for Tang Xi's indifference during her stay in hospital!

His father told him everything.

Like her, he couldn't accept that his mother had something to do with her father.

So he kept her at arm's length.

Both of them are family oriented people. How could they be together when something like that happened to the previous generation?

Ling Hui's body tilts back to the back of the sofa. Two tears exude from the beautiful eyes with red blood.

After sitting on the sofa for a long time without drinking water, she went back to her room.

Take out your mobile phone and send a message with Tang Xifa: no more trouble for you, thank you for your efforts to me, hope you can be happy!

After sending the message, she deleted Tangxi's number.

We are all adults and understand each other's situation.

Being a stranger is the best choice between them.


Father can't walk now, and he can't speak quickly. Ling Hui can't communicate with him.

Mother is anxious for divorce, and Linghui confesses what she heard in the evening.

Dai's mother told Ling Hui that she had not wronged Dai long. He almost abandoned their mother and daughter. He was not a qualified husband and father.

Ling Hui understood Dai's mother's mood, but she couldn't agree to divorce her father.In Ling Hui's persuasion, Dai mother temporarily dismissed the idea of divorce.

But she made up her mind that when she recovered, she would definitely divorce.

In the afternoon, when the sun came into the glass room, Ling Hui squatted beside Dai Lang, who was sitting in the wheelchair and basking in the sun, and rubbed his atrophied arm.

Dai Lang looks at Ling Hui and opens her mouth. She struggles to squeeze out four words: "Xiang, Xin, Dad, Dad..."

Ling Hui was surprised to see the tears in Dai Lang's eyes.

My father is not a frail person. From childhood, under my grandfather's harsh discipline, he also experienced many big waves.

His emotions, never exposed.

But when he spoke these four words to her with difficulty, it was so fluctuating.

"Dad, what do you want me to believe in you?"

"Me, me, me..." Dai Lang wanted to say something anxiously, but his tongue seemed to end, and he was so anxious that sweat came out.

Ling Hui holds Dai Lang's hand. "Dad, don't worry. It's not too late to tell me when your body recovers."

"No, don't go..."

Ling Hui nodded, "I will keep my mother, and when you are well, we will have a family meeting."

In the past, family meetings were held to solve any conflicts at home.

Dai Lang nodded with red eyes.


Dai Xun and Dai Lang asked professional nutritionists and rehabilitation trainers to come over.

Ling Hui spent his energy on work and parents.

She and Gu Meng worked together to open a studio.

As soon as the studio opened, the orders were soft.

Linghui returns to the upper social circle again. She and Gu Meng are familiar with the circle, and they are very popular in their careers.

That day, Ling Hui came home and watched TV with Dai Fu for a while.

One of the news caught her and her father's attention.

Two days later, there was an auction in Italy. One of the items on the auction was the hairpin that Dai Lang gave to Ling Ying. That's from Grandma.

After the father was poisoned and the mother was wronged as the murderer, the jade hairpin son came to Ling Hui's hand.

But after she was kidnapped, the Hosta was taken away by the kidnappers. All these years, she has been looking for fruitless!

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