"Director Wei, go ahead. As long as you are in Luoyang, Luoyang will become a dead city. No one can escape. Everyone will feel the glory of the Buddha and be transcended into the pure land of bliss." The hermit looked at the ancient soldiers climbing out of the ground all over the mountains and said to Viggo.

"Although I am willing to give my life to the Federation, I still want to be able to leave a useful body and devote my life to the Federation, so I still hope to come back alive." Wigo didn't move at all.

The hermit knew that it would be impossible for him to take such a risk if he could not persuade wego, so he explained: "those inspectors who are dedicated to Buddhism are all your people, and you ordered them to enter heaven. With them as sacrifices, the awakened bhiksunis have been infected by their obsession. Although they have not reached the stage of becoming demons, they have buried a thread. And you, the one who can light the fuse, are also the one who is attached to the obsession, so as long as you are in Luoyang City, the bhiksuni will definitely go to Luoyang City. Once she sees you and feels that you are full of evil, it is inevitable that you will become a devil. "

"Of course, you don't need to worry. I've prepared a way out for you. When bhiksuni becomes a demon, it's time for you to retire." Said the hermit, looking at the cave world.

Dongshi took out a pocket watch and handed it to Viggo: "this is the pocket watch I made. After the bhiksuni became a demon, you can use it to go directly back to the time and place I set, which is the headquarters of our guardian alliance."

"Thank you, master Dongshi." Wego solemnly put away his time pocket watch.

"Go ahead. When I get back to the headquarters, I'll help your Yanmo upgrade to the fear level. In the future, your achievements will be limitless." Said the hermit.

"I also want to thank the two adults for their promotion. I'll go now." Wigo took a few steps, then suddenly looked back and said, "my Lord, is there any taboo in using this time pocket watch? I'm afraid I'll use it wrong."

"If you don't mind, you can try it out." Dongshi said lightly.

"Please give me your advice." Wego is very careful, how can he be careless in this matter of life and death.

Dongshi told him the detailed use method. Weige pressed it, and his body disappeared immediately. After a few seconds, his body appeared in the same place again.

"The power of your time is as good as God. It's like God's help to come and go thousands of miles in an instant." Wego exclaimed.

"There's no problem. Just go. The bhiksuni is coming out." Dongshi said with a cold face, as if he was not happy that wego didn't believe her before.

Weige knew that she was not happy and didn't ask for nothing. He saluted and went to Luoyang City.

"You're right. This man is too cautious. Fortunately, the pocket watch I gave him is true. Otherwise, there will be some trouble." After Weige disappeared in Luoyang, Dongshi said.

"Is the pocket time watch OK?" Asked the hermit.

"No problem, everything is under my control. Without my power to activate, the time pocket watch is useless. It's useless for him to hold it, and it can also let me know where he is." Dongshi hesitated for a moment and said, "why must he die? Such a person, although very annoying, but it is very useful

"If he doesn't die in the hands of bhiksuni, how can bhiksuni really become a devil?" Hermit light way: "just a dog, as long as we are willing, at any time there will be more people willing to stand in his position to do things for us, and his ambition is too big, such a person is not suitable to stay in this position for a long time. Otherwise, the Supervision Bureau will become his private property. When we use the Supervision Bureau in the future, will we have to discuss with him? "

Dong Shiyi thought it was right. From this action, we can see that the name of the queen bee of wego is absolutely not groundless.

The inspectors are almost obedient to wego's orders, even disobeying them. I'm afraid it's difficult for them to do things without wego's orders.

"This time, we can not only clean up Luoyang and settle down, but also reshuffle the Supervision Bureau and replace it with our own people. It's a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. We should celebrate later." The hermit said with a smile.

While they were talking, the bhiksuni had come out of the underground city. At the moment when she came out, a large number of dead people came out of the whole Luoyang area.

Luoyang City was in chaos, and the ancient soldiers outside could resist it. But at their feet, many ancient soldiers suddenly came out, which immediately made the formation of the Japanese army in chaos and fell into close combat. For a moment, the war situation became extremely fierce.

As the hermit had expected, bhiksuni went in the direction of Luoyang City. It seemed that he was following the whereabouts of Weige.

Everywhere she went, the dead people who came out of the ground turned into Buddha's light and went up to heaven one after another, with a look of relief on their faces, as if they had been understood.

But the living people near her were not affected. Seeing this scene, the soldiers and the strong were overjoyed. They thought it was the rescuers.

"Today's bhiksuni can only surpass the dead, but when she is possessed, she will surpass the living. I hope they can still laugh at that time." The hidden world says lightly.

"If it wasn't for an Tianzuo who was too overbearing and didn't know the current affairs, it would not have affected the people in this city." Dongshi sighs.

"As soon as the achievements are made, the fate will never be their own. If you want to blame them, blame themselves and the wrong people." Said the hermit coldly.

Step by step, bhiksuni went to Luoyang, and a large number of ancient soldiers were overrun. When she was outside Luoyang, people thought it was a savior. They opened the door to welcome bhiksuni in.

"People are so ignorant." Said the hermit strangely.

When bhiksuni entered the city, a large number of dead people came out of the ground. They were all over the sky by her strength, and the pressure was much less.

Although the power of those dead people was not enough to destroy Luoyang, they could come out from anywhere because they were everywhere, which had a great influence on ordinary people. They were as strong as Li Xuan, and they could not take care of the whole Li family.

There are a lot of dead people under the floor in the room. Can't he blow up the Li family with one blow? Besides, there are many Li people fighting with the dead.

The power of bhiksuni, however, can ignore everything and directly purify the dead to heaven, while the living are not hurt at all.

"Be happy. The harder you are happy now, the worse you will cry later." The hermit snorted coldly, looked at Dongshi and asked, "where are the wegos?"

"At the back." Dongshi sensed the position of the pocket watch.

"What's he doing so far?" The hermit frowned slightly.

"I don't dare to get too close to the governor's office. I'm afraid I'll be found out. I'll be careful so that he won't be found out." Dongshi said.

They could only watch bhiksuni walk through the street and pass the large dead. She walked faster and faster, and her strength became stronger and stronger. She was almost complete transformation.