The limitless wind blows endlessly to the planet devourer, but it can't blow the planet devourer out.

Its body seems to be a black hole. No matter what kind of force rushes towards it, it will be swallowed into the black hole, which has nothing to do with the strength of the force. This is the characteristic of the planet devourer itself.

Zhou Wen felt a big headache. A body is a dimensional creature of black hole. Ordinary forces can't hurt it at all. No matter how strong the attack power is, it's futile.

"No wonder it can devour the planet..." Zhou Wen can only take banana fairy to blink together, avoiding the swallowing of the planet devourer, thinking about how to kill the planet devourer.

The planet devourer is also good at space ability. He keeps blinking with Zhou Wen, trying to devour him.

Fortunately, Zhou Wen, wearing the clown mask, can move infinitely, and the planet devourer can't catch up with him.

Zhou Wenxin moved to a small planet in a blink. After the planet devourer moved in a blink, he devoured the small planet, and Zhou Wenxin moved to another small planet in a blink.

Zhou Wen thought, after all, the planet devourer is a dimensional creature, it can't devour material indefinitely, right? If we can use these small planets to "feed" it, we may have a chance to solve it.

However, Zhou Wen soon found that his idea was very wrong. After the planet devourer devoured the small planet, instead of "full", the scope and suction of the black hole became larger.

Only then did Zhou Wen realize that he thought the opposite. The more material the planet devours, the stronger its own power. It seems that this statement has not been filled.

"If you can't feed it, starve it to death." Zhou Wenxin read a move, toward the small planet less place blink past.

Blinking needs to consume a lot of energy. With the huge size of the planet devourer, the energy consumed by blinking is even more terrifying. After several consecutive blinks, Zhou Wenming can feel that the black hole of the planet devourer seems to be much weaker, and the suction range and strength are getting smaller.

"It worked!" In his heart, Zhou Wen continued to take the planet devourer to wander in the endless sea of stars.

The planet devourer consumes a lot of energy. Suddenly, instead of chasing Zhou Wen, he rushes towards a nearby small planet, obviously trying to devour the small planet and replenish energy.

It's impossible for Zhou Wen to let it achieve his wish and move to the small planet in a flash. The clown mask on his face exudes a strange smell, and the space around him is distorted.

Zhou Wen's palm is on the small planet, trying to move it out.

Unfortunately, he soon found that although the spatial power of the clown mask is powerful, it is still too reluctant to teleport a small planet to a distance.

Before Zhou Wen succeeded in teleporting the small planet out, the planet devourer had already devoured the small planet, so Zhou Wen could only teleport away.

"It seems unrealistic to force teleportation, but what if it's the teleportation capability of the secret trick?" Zhou Wen did not give up his plan and was trying to finish it.

Zhou Wen used the formula of changing heaven for the sun to depict it on the wheel of destiny, which is a point, the singularity of the universe.

Singularity is not only the beginning of the universe, but also the eternity of the universe. It seems to be a point, but it seems to be a small universe with countless stars in operation.

At the beginning, when Zhou Wen condensed the soul of the singularity, he began to promote the myth, so he didn't have much time to study the ability of the soul.

Later, he was trapped for five years, but his thinking spent more than 100 years. During this long time, Zhou Wen also had a deep research on the secret of changing the world for another day and the singularity.

However, research is only research after all. Because of being trapped, we can only think about it, but we can't actually verify it. Therefore, Zhou Wen doesn't know whether he thinks it right or not.

Now, in this endless sea of stars, we can test Zhou Wen's ideas.

By using the power of the singularity universe, Zhou Wen can freely shuttle between the small planets in the endless sea of stars, but he can only locate the small planets, and can't teleport like the clown mask, but the transmission distance is much farther than the clown mask.

Zhou Wen landed on a small planet, trying to use the power of the singularity universe to send the small planet to another place.

But the result is not so blinking, although in the singularity universe, the stars corresponding to this small planet have been flashing, but there has been no movement.

The planet devourer has caught up. Zhou Wen can only give up the idea of sending this small planet and send it to another small planet.

But Zhou Wen didn't give up. He still tried again and again. He thought he should be able to succeed.

"Since this Yuanqi Jue is called stealing heaven and changing the sun, it doesn't make sense that even a small planet can't be changed... Changing the sun..." Zhou Wen suddenly seemed to think of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

He tried again, but this time he didn't just want to send this small planet away, but wanted to exchange it with another small planet.

In the singularity universe, two stars light up. As Zhou Wen presses the hands of the small planet to produce spatial fluctuations, the whole small planet seems to be affected by the spatial fluctuations.


The singularity universe explosion produced a powerful wave of space energy, which seemed to be the big bang of the universe. In an instant, it produced a strange virtual shadow of the small universe, which was integrated with Zhou Wen's body, giving Zhou Wen a strange feeling that the universe was me and I was the universe.

The next second, an incredible thing happened, and space energy suddenly burst out. Then Zhou Wen's small planet with metal material as the main body turned into a small rock planet in an instant, that is, the one Zhou Wen chose to exchange with it.

"If I go, I can. Can I exchange the earth with other planets in reality? Let the earth leave the galaxy directly? " In his heart, Zhou Wen imagined that he was traveling with the earth in the universe.

But when you think about it, I'm afraid it's not that easy.

The singularity universe has been upgraded to the level of fear, and it is only able to move this kind of mini planet. The size of a small planet is about the same as a mountain, far less than the earth. It is not so easy to exchange real planets.

Moreover, there are so many terrible creatures and dimensional fields on the earth. It's impossible to transmit with so many terrible things without consuming energy.

Zhou Wen took a look at the data of the bloody villain and found that the fear condensed by the secret of changing the world is called the "singularity universe", which is also the S-level fear.

Up to now, Zhou Wen has condensed four S-level fear states: Brahma, the age of demons, taishangkaitianjing and singularity universe, but his level is still myth level, and his attribute has not broken through 81.