When Xia Liuchuan entangled him, Zhou Wen finally climbed the roof of the hall of Supreme Harmony and put the wood to the top. Zhou Wen knew that there was nothing wrong here.

After standing on the ridge of the roof, the wood seemed to be absorbed by a magnet. Zhou Wen didn't need to hold it, and it didn't fall down.

"It's done!" Zhou Wen was overjoyed. He stepped back two steps, but there was no more slave word on his forehead.

Zhou Wen didn't have time to see if there was any change in the wood, because Xia Liuchuan was about to be sucked to death by him.

Master Xia's hand is holding the tianlinggai of Xia Liuchuan. Xia Liuchuan's vitality and spirit are rushing into his body.

Originally, Xia Liuchuan's life and death had nothing to do with Zhou Wen, but it would be more difficult to deal with him if he absorbed Xia Liuchuan's power and promoted him.

Moreover, if Xia Liuchuan hadn't stopped him just now, he would have been hard to get rid of him and put the wood on the Taihe hall.

Without the restriction of wood, Zhou Wen felt much more relaxed. The dark doctor attached himself and pulled out the bamboo knife. In a flash, Tian Wai Fei Xian came to master Xia and chopped him with a knife, holding Xia Liuchuan's hand.

The other hand of master Xia blocked the bamboo knife when it was too late.

With the protection of black jade armor, the bamboo knife could not cut his hand. However, to Zhou Wen's surprise, he held the blue knife in his other hand and rowed to master Xia's neck from a strange angle.

Xia Laozi had to let Xia Liuchuan go first and grasp LAN Dao with his other hand.

Zhou's tattoo method changes and flies in the air. He doesn't let master Xia's hand touch his knife at all. He cuts master Xia from all kinds of strange angles with two long and one short knives in his hand.

He didn't dare to use Yuanqi techniques. He attacked by force alone. Although Tiandi Guiyuan formation was broken, master Xia had the ability to absorb all kinds of Yuanqi. Even the powerful Yuanqi techniques such as golden sword and awn would be directly absorbed by him for his own use, and other Yuanqi techniques were useless.

Fortunately, Zhou Wen's body method is the best. He doesn't need to show his vitality, otherwise he will be sucked by master Xia.

Outside the Forbidden City, Zhang Chunqiu and Dugu Ge were stunned. Before, there was a big array of heaven and earth returning to the Yuan Dynasty. They didn't know what was going on inside.

After Dazhen was destroyed by Zhou Wen, they were finally able to see the situation inside.

However, seeing that Xia Liuchuan was beaten by master Xia, Zhou Wen came out to fight with him. In addition, tens of thousands of disciples of the Xia family fell to the ground, which shocked them for a moment. They didn't know what happened.

Zhou Wen used the flying immortal to the extreme, and the dark doctor strengthened his body. His speed was much faster than the myth of six wings.

But his double swords never met master Xia.

"The way to heaven!" Zhou Wen recognized that master Xia's body method was to seize heaven.

Zhou Wen doesn't find it strange that master Xia can use the way to seize heaven. Moreover, master Xia's way to seize heaven is stronger than that of Xia Xianyue. Obviously, he has already reached the divine level.

But this body method is different from Xia Xianyue's, which is several times stronger than Xia Xianyue's. even Zhou Wen's God level flying immortal is inferior to it.

What's more terrifying is that master Xia is not only about his body method, but also his various skills. It seems that he has made terrifying achievements. His common moves are like magic strokes in his hands, as if every move has reached the divine level.

Zhou Wen was completely suppressed in a short period of time. He could not compete with master Xia in terms of skill or strength.

If it wasn't for him, he would have been hurt by master Xia.

Relying on his understanding of the way to seize heaven and the magic of flying immortals, Zhou Wen was able to maintain his invincible posture.

"This pervert is a monster. How can anyone practice all his skills to the divine level? Is he still alone?" Zhou Wen is too clear about how difficult it is to practice a skill to the divine level.

After practicing for such a long time, Xia Liuchuan got to the level of God. Xia Liuchuan was about ten years older than him, and he only got to the level of God with one sword.

In front of him, master Xia gives Zhou Wen a feeling of omnipotence. It seems that any skill in his hands will become an unparalleled magic skill.

Even if he didn't use Yuanqi technique, Zhou Wen was almost out of breath.

Fortunately, Zhou Wen is a person who is more calm and not easy to make mistakes in adversity. He is constantly looking for an opportunity to defeat Xia Laozi.

The general accompanying pet attack has little effect on Xia Laozi, who is able to swallow the vitality skill. Physical attack is a more effective damage to him.

But now he has Guardian armor, which is just like adding wings to a tiger. The general mythological companion pet may not pose any threat to him.

Originally, the tyrant bimon was a better choice. Unfortunately, its absolute power has just been used for a short time, and it can not be used again for the time being.

Zhou Wen thinks about it. Among his companions, the only ones that might threaten Xia Laozi are the candle dragon's hole, the candle vision, the magic baby's magic sword and the ears.

But it may be effective, not necessarily useful, so Zhou Wen must find an appropriate time to use the hole candle world of the candle dragon. He only wants to kill with one strike, and does not give Xia any chance.

The skin is torn. Xia's fingertips brush Zhou Wen's arm, and the blood flows out. If Zhou Wen hides slower, his arm will be cut off.

Fighting with a person whose body method is not slower than you, whose hand is harder than you, and whose skill is more skillful than you, will bring great pressure to anyone. If you are not careful, you may be killed.

In reality, there is no option to play again, so Zhou Wen does not dare to be careless. He would rather hurt himself than take risks to try something that might be killed.

"You are really different. If you see this kind of body method and endurance in an old man, I won't be surprised. But you are only seventeen or eighteen years old. You can do this. If you don't die, your daily achievements will never be inferior to that of an Tianzuo." The summer old son side attacks, at the same time still has the spare strength to speak calmly.

In fact, he should not be called master Xia, because his appearance is almost the same as that of a man in his thirties, and there is no sign of aging on him.

Majestic figure, domineering momentum, invincible fighting power, such a terrible existence, almost people feel impeccable.

The blood flew, and there was another wound on Zhou Wen's back.

"I'll help you." Xia Liuchuan struggled to stand up, but his injury was so serious that he even walked unsteadily. Only his hand holding the sword was steady.

Xia Liuchuan wants to throw his sword at Xia Laozi, but before he takes the sword, Xia Laozi has already made a hand, and directly blows Xia Liuchuan out with his sword and people.

"Right now." Zhou Wen burst out his own strength in a flash, and the celestial flying immortal's luck reached the extreme. The double swords turned into streamers, crisscrossing with Xia Laozi as the center.