Zhou Wen scratched around, trying to get rid of the palm of his hand, but he couldn't get rid of it.

The scenery in front of him changed. Soon, Zhou Wen's eyes saw a face, a face as fierce as a ghost. But the eyes on that face, with unspeakable tenderness, were looking at him.

"Are you also abandoned by your master? Come here, you must be hungry, right? Let's have something to eat first. " Classical said, put Zhou Wen on the next floor, where there are two cat food plates, one filled with milk, one with cat food.

Zhou Wen has never seen the classical so gentle to people, nor has he ever seen such a gentle way to talk to people, which is totally different from the classical he knew.

"Eat it." Zhou Wen was placed next to the plate with milk, and classical Chinese squatted to look at him.

Xiaomei and the other four cats were staring at him, but they didn't dare to come, just meow in the distance.

"Xiaomei and Xiaoyong, you can't do this. Like you, they are all poor homeless people. You should love each other." Classical said to the four cats.

Zhou Wenting's goose bumps all got up, and he turned around and wanted to leave here. For fear that classical would catch him again, he tried his best to run.

But not close to running out, I didn't hear the classical footsteps, but heard a strange man's voice coming from afar.

"What did you do with what I asked you to do? It's been such a long time, and you can't handle such a trifle well. Aren't you afraid of Zhou Wen? "

Zhou Wen didn't plan to stop, but after a few more steps, he heard his own name. He couldn't help but stop and looked over.

I saw a boy in school uniform standing opposite classical. Zhou Wen didn't know the boy, but he seemed to be a senior, older than him.

"Why move Zhou Wen?" He looked at the boy and asked.

"You don't need to know, just do what I say." The boy turned his lips and said, "I'll give you the last three days. If you haven't done the things I told you in three days, I'm afraid I can't help you keep that secret. Think about it for yourself."

With that, the boy turned away with a cold face.

According to Zhou Wen's understanding of classicism, this guy should be fearless. If someone dares to threaten him like this, no matter who the other party is, he will hit him directly, right?

But this time, classicism watched the arrogant boy leave, without any intention to do it.

Zhou Wen was very curious. He didn't know who the boy was or what he wanted classical to do? What's the handle of classicism?

After thinking about it, Zhou Wen didn't leave immediately. He wanted to find out what was going on. After all, this incident involved him. If he didn't find out who was behind the scenes, similar incidents might happen in the future.

Zhou Wen went to the classical side, classical see it, that evil face showed a little gentle, squat down the body and put the milk plate in front of Zhou Wen: "eat quickly."

Zhou Wenxin is a little worried. Classicism is obviously not a person who likes to talk. If you want to wait for him to talk to himself and tell the story, I'm afraid it's not very realistic.

"How can we let classical say the cause and effect of things?" Countless thoughts flashed through Zhou Wen's mind, but he couldn't come up with any solutions.

After becoming a human being, ask classical? This is obviously not a good idea. He is not so close to classical, and he is only a little better than a stranger. If you ask him face to face, you may turn your face on the spot. Even if you don't turn your face, I'm afraid you won't tell him anything with classical character.

When Zhou Wen was thinking, he pushed the milk to his mouth again. How could Zhou Wen drink the milk for the cat? Subconsciously, he turned his head to one side to show that he didn't want to drink it.

But Zhou Wen's action fell into the eyes of the classical, but let the classical sigh: "do you think it's wrong? Do you think I did something wrong? "

Zhou Wen nodded subconsciously, but just after nodding, he regretted that he was a cat now. How could he understand classical words.

Classical looked at Zhou Wen with some surprise, but his acceptance ability was obviously stronger than Zhou Wen's imagination. He didn't doubt Zhou Wen and thought that Zhou Wen was a very spiritual cat.

"I know it's not right, but if I don't, they will tell me that I have dimensional biological lineage, and then everyone will treat me as a monster, not a person." Classical said.

Zhou Wen was so surprised that he almost cried out. He did not expect that there would be a lineage of dimensional creatures in classical literature.

"Is one of the classical fathers or mothers a dimensional creature? Can humans and dimensional organisms combine to produce offspring? " Countless strange ideas flashed through Zhou Wen's mind.

"But for such a long time, they treat me like ordinary people. They don't fear me because of my appearance, exclude me and treat me as one of them. How can I do such a thing? What do you think I should do?" Looking at Zhou Wen, he said bitterly.

Classical because of their own problems, there is no chance to make friends with human beings, and will not communicate with human beings, to a cat in front of him, he can rest assured to say his heart, this is not a sad.

"Beat him, beat that son of a tortoise to death, what human is not human, don't say you have any dimensional biological blood, even if you are a beast, I won't mind." Zhou Wen wanted to say that, but his mouth turned into a meow.

Zhou Wen had to raise a paw, pointed to the direction that the boy left just now, and pointed hard several times, which means let classical beat him.

Classical see Zhou Wen so reaction, seems to understand what, eyes become firm up.

"I know what to do." Classical said a word to Zhou Wen, and then stood up and strode in the direction of the boy's departure.

Zhou Wen hesitated for a moment, but still chased him. He still wanted to know what the boy's purpose was to deal with him. Maybe he could hear it later.

But after he became a cat, Zhou Wen's vitality was completely gone. The fastest speed was just the speed of a domestic cat. He could not catch up with classical. When he caught up with classical, he saw that classical had already stood in front of the boy and seemed to be talking to the boy.

"I can't start with Zhou Wen. You can change the terms." Zhou Wen vaguely heard the classical voice say so.

"Another condition? What qualifications do you have to bargain with me? You don't really think they treat you as a friend, do you? They just want to use you because you are stupid and powerful. If they know you have dimensional biological lineage, do you think they would like you to stay in Xuanwen club? At that time, they would only treat you as a monster. You are just like those pigs and dogs. They are all animals. " The boy pointed to the classic nose and said.