Although the rebellious ancient emperor can bring Zhou Wen more power than the killers, the rebellious ancient emperor's power is too strong to fight head-on. Now Zhou Wen is not enough to fight head-on with the black dragon and can only win by dexterity, so Zhou Wen still chooses to use the killers' soul.

Although the increase of power provided by the killers is not as good as that provided by the rebellious ancient emperor, the infinite vitality is what Zhou Wen needs most.

When the nine black dragons came near, Zhou Wen chose a complex place on the bottom of the sea, relying on the protection of the sea peaks, so that the black dragons did not attack him at the first time.

When the nine black dragons pulled their chariots around the peaks on the sea floor, Zhou Wen used his own Jiulong Jue and ghost step. He swam like a human dragon in the sea, dodged the phagocytosis of several black dragons in front of him, and rushed under the chariot before the nine black dragons surrounded him.

If you want to get close to the black dragon's body directly, unless you use blink, Zhou Wen doesn't have that ability, but it's different with the cover of the chariot.

The Jiulong black dragon was chained and it was inconvenient for him to get to the bottom of the chariot. His ability to move was further weakened. Zhou Wen hid under the chariot and saw a black dragon's head stretched out, so he took a shot with a poisonous dragon's palm.

The black dragon's reaction was too fast. Zhou Wen was close enough, but he still responded. He suddenly gave out a dragon chant. The terrible sound wave directly shot Zhou Wen's body and sea water backwards. The poisonous dragon palm could not touch it at all.

The bloody villain's body flies out with the current uncontrollably. Without waiting for Zhou Wen to stabilize the bloody villain, several black dragons have rushed up to surround him. A black dragon swallows the bloody villain in in the fight, and the game goes black instantly.

"The poisonous dragon palm must be in direct contact with the body to play its role, which is quite bad. If it can hurt people from the air, it will be much easier." Zhou Wen had no choice but to rebirth and start again.

This time, Zhou Wen learned from the experience of the last time. Instead of moving the head of the black dragon, he used the cover of the chariot to lie down and open the attack of the black dragon. He turned to the back of the chariot. When a black dragon came around, he rushed back to the body of the black dragon, and the poisonous dragon palm slapped the black dragon's scales.

After this success, Zhou Wen's figure was fully exposed, and the nine black dragons formed a situation of encirclement.

Zhou Wen immediately switches the magic spirit Ji Yuanqi formula, and the Lost Kingdom appears on his finger. When a black dragon has sucked the bloody villain to his mouth, and half of his body has entered the dragon's mouth, the bloody villain's body suddenly disappears, making the Kowloon black dragon feel stunned.

However, the blinking distance of the lost country was too low, and the nine black dragons soon found Zhou Wen, who had not run far away, and roared to chase him.

Zhou Wen tried his best to go up the sea, but when he was in the water, the efficiency of the ghost walk was greatly reduced, and the infinite ghost walk could not increase much speed. Before he swam out of the sea, he was overtaken and swallowed by nine black dragons.

But with a hit black dragon experience, let Zhou Wen more sure that he can succeed, now the difference is how to escape alive.

"As long as I can get out of the sea, I can use my flying ability and unlimited ghost walk to escape. Even if I have Jiulong Jue in the water, it's hard to compare with the real dragon's speed. So I have to find a way to make myself as close to the sea as possible when I use the poisonous dragon to attack the black dragon." Zhou Wen thought to himself.

Want to start again, but the lost country's teleportation ability will not be able to use until 24 hours later.

"No, the time interval between the lost countries is too long, and the distance of teleportation is too close. How can we find a way to upgrade the lost countries to the evolutionary body and enhance the ability of teleportation?" Zhou Wen began to think about how to promote the lost country.

"The age of demons has changed a lot. After condensing the life of the great demons, they have the ability to stay in any space. After condensing the lost country, they have the ability to move quickly. Both of them are related to space. I'm afraid that if we want to improve the lost country, we have to work hard in space." Zhou Wen thought about it, but he didn't think of a way to improve the lost country.

No matter in which of the four federal districts, space is a special power attribute, and the dimensional creatures with space power are rare. Generally, there are no low-level goods, at least they will be epic.

Zhou Wen checked the information in the college. Although there are many dimensional fields in the college, there is no dimensional biology in the space Department.

However, Zhou Wen unexpectedly found some useful materials, which had nothing to do with the setting sun college, but recorded some strange things about guide ancient city.

Among them, there are records of huoshentai and the stone stove in front of the stele. These materials are the same as what Zhou Wen saw in the game. The only difference is one thing.

Firebirds can be ejected from the stone stove in the game, and also in reality. There is a stone knife inserted in the stone stove in the game, and there are stone knives in reality.

In the game, Zhou Wen tried to pull out the stone knife in the past, but he couldn't find it. He thought it was just a virtual shadow. But in reality, some people tried to pull out the stone knife in the past. Although they couldn't pull it out, they met the stone knife.

According to the records in the materials, a tutor with fire attribute and fire attribute found the fire god platform in the ancient city of guide. He climbed up and found the stone knife in the stone furnace. As soon as he pulled it out, it seemed to take root. With epic power, he could not make the stone knife move.

"That's strange. You can see it in the game, but you can't touch it in reality. What's the reason?" Zhou Wen had an impulse to return to the ancient city of Dezhou at once and wanted to make clear the problem of stone knives.

However, first, the college did not have a holiday, and second, he needed a pass to enter the ancient city of guide. Without a pass, it was useless even if he went back.

"Zhou Wen, the new schoolwork task has come down, let's go together?" Li Xuan sent a message.

"OK, I'll see you outside the Longmen Grottoes." The homework task is still to be completed. Zhou Wen made an appointment with Li Xuan.

The task assigned by the new tutor is not as strange as that assigned by the princess. It's just to hunt and kill ten dragon's gate Stone Beasts, which are common in the dragon's gate grottoes. It's not too difficult for ordinary students. For those like Zhou Wen and Li Xuan, it's a walk.

Two people came to the Longmen Grottoes, randomly selected a relatively close grotto, and soon saw a few Longmen Stone Beasts. Li Xuan rushed up three times five divided by two, and solved them all.

"I haven't started shooting yet!" Zhou Wen said with a smile.

"It's OK. Anyway, there are many stone beasts. Just kill a few later." Li Xuan doesn't care.

They continued to walk inside. They didn't go far. They saw that several students were besieging a stone beast. However, the stone beast looked special and different from other stone beasts.