Without saying a word, Zhou Wen summoned his own purple bell of yin and Yang, held it in his hand and aimed at the black smoke.

The black smoke seemed to be taken away, and it poured into the purple bell of yin and Yang. In the blink of an eye, it was sucked clean.

The monster seemed to have some doubts. He didn't know what happened. A pair of strange eyes glared at the purple bell of yin and Yang. Zhou Wen took the bell and shook it again.

The black smoke poured out of the bell and enveloped the monster's body. The smoke touched its scales and penetrated into it. The monster's eyes turned and fell on the ground.

"I'll go. Is the black smoke so overbearing? Even the monster himself was poisoned? " Zhou Wen was shocked, but after a close look, he found that the monster did not die, but fell asleep.

When the monster fell asleep, its soul seemed out of control and suspended on its head.

Seeing such a good opportunity, where can Zhou Wen miss it? Holding the overlord gun, he rushed up and stabbed the monster in the abdomen.

All conquering skills played a role. The tip of the gun poked directly into the monster's abdomen and made a cut. The black blood immediately flowed all over the ground.

I don't know what the power of the black smoke is. After being stabbed in such a big hole and bleeding so much, the monster didn't react at all. He still fell asleep there, making Zhou Wen feel frightened.

Zhou Wen naturally won't talk about compassion with him. He stabbed him one after another. After seventeen or eighteen shots, the monster was finally killed by him, and the soul of the black dragon was broken.

In the game, there is a prompt: kill the epic level creature, and find the dimensional crystal.

Zhou Wen saw that the explosion of dimensional crystal is a crystal of strength 32. Although the attribute is very high for Zhou Wen, now the limit of Zhou Wen is only 21, no matter how high it is.

Absorbed 32 points of strength crystal, let Zhou Wen feel full of strength, the previous sense of fatigue swept away, but the strength attribute did not increase, or 21 points.

"Since monsters and monsters have appeared, there should be charm. I don't know what kind of creature charm is." Zhou Wen was curious at this time.

However, he was not bored enough to deliberately look for the charm. He was drenched in blood all the way to the ruins, and soon met a monster.

There is a dark doctor who can control it. It's easy to kill it, but it doesn't explode any more toxin crystals. It only explodes an ordinary speed crystal. It's useless for Zhou Wen now.

All the way to the ruins, I ran into several monsters and ghosts, but I didn't see the shadow of the spirit, and didn't reveal anything useful.

After a hard night's struggle, Zhou Wen finally came to the location of the ruins marked on the map.

Looking at the broken stone pillars and some stone walls standing in the blood rain not far away, Zhou Wen didn't rush to let the bloody villain walk past.

Instead, he took the information sent by Ansheng and looked at it carefully. According to the information, the Federation sent several groups of people to the site to find the whereabouts of Ouyang ting and other people.

But when they walk into the ruins, they will die inexplicably, even the epic strong are no exception, and the reason has not yet been found out.

Because of this, they felt that the old headmaster and others should have died in it, so they did not send any more people to rescue them until they received the information.

Zhou Wen looked at the relics from a distance, trying to find clues, but they were all ancient symbols. He couldn't understand them at all, no matter how he looked at them.

"I can only find my way with my life." Zhou Wen summoned the dark doctor and the ghost bride, and the three eyed King Kong and the golden beast entered the ruins together, while the bloody villain stayed outside.

King Kong warrior and jinjingjia are powerful pets. The ghost bride is the body of the ghost. The dark doctor is an epic pet. Zhou Wen wants to see who among them will die in it, so that he can judge what the terrible power is in it.

Four pets carefully walked into the ruins and slowly explored forward.

Just walked not far, heard a click, King Kong's head flew up from the neck, directly fell to the ground.

"Just like what's written in the materials, he died by decapitation." Zhou Wen frowned slightly. Although he had looked very carefully, he didn't see any creature or power fluctuation. It was like an invisible executioner cutting off the head of King Kong.


When Zhou Wen was thinking, the head of the dark doctor fell down and died on the spot. He didn't have more resistance ability because he was an epic creature. He died just as simply.

Zhou Wen still didn't see anything in the ruins, even how the dark doctor died.

Before long, the jinjingjia beast was also poisoned. It had no chance to react and died simply. It was just less than a pillar of incense. Zhou Wen's three companions, including the epic dark doctor, were killed quietly. Only the ghost bride was still floating slowly.

The ghost bride walked forward for a while, but she was not beheaded, which made Zhou Wen happy: "it seems that the power has no effect on ghost creatures."

Zhou Wen didn't dare to go in, but if there was a ghost bride, he could find his way.

At present, Zhou Wen no longer hesitated, let the ghost bride speed up, began a carpet like exploration in the ruins, hoping to find something.

I don't know if it's because the power in the ruins is so terrible that even ghosts and monsters don't appear in the ruins. It's a dead silence. Apart from the falling blood, only the broken ancient buildings are left.

Zhou Wen manipulates the ghost bride to find clues in various dilapidated buildings.

This is a game. I can't find the old headmaster here, but they can't disappear out of thin air. They must have gone somewhere. Zhou Wen just wants to find that place.

At the station, the soldier guarding the gate suddenly saw a man rushing in front of him like crazy, and quickly put up his gun to guard.

"Stop, don't go any further, or you'll shoot." The soldier saw that the man had been rushing towards this side and gave a warning.

But the man did not stop, still ran like crazy.

The soldier was about to fire a warning, but he suddenly found that the man was wearing the same uniform as theirs, only because he was bleeding a lot, which dyed most parts of the uniform dark red.

"It's Liu Chengzhi... Didn't he follow Mrs. LAN to the ancient battlefield? Why did a person run back, Mrs. LAN and them? " One of the soldiers took a close look and immediately recognized who the man was. He was surprised and quickly met him.

Liu Chengzhi, who was covered in blood, ran over and saw the two men. He suddenly fell over. Two soldiers helped him.

"Quickly... Quickly tell an adjutant... Madam is in danger... Go to rescue immediately... It's too late..." Liu Chengzhi coughed blood and said eagerly.