The monster was stabbed by Zhou Wen and burst into black water again. Zhou Wen quickly summoned his pets to resist. All the other pets were almost dead. Zhou Wen summoned the dark doctor, who was weak in fighting, to block the black water.

Originally, Zhou Wen thought that the dark doctor would be killed, but who knows that although the dark doctor's body became black because of the virus, he did not die immediately.

The dark doctor used a certain skill, and a syringe appeared in one hand. He aimed the syringe at his arm and stabbed it in.

Zhou Wen only saw that the liquid in the syringe was pushed into his body, and then there was no time to see it again. The monster condensed again and attacked again.

Zhou Wen struggled with it for a while, and then gradually fell behind. At this time, he found that the dark doctor rushed to help fight. The scalpel on his hand was flashing with thin awn. Although it was useless, it surprised Zhou Wen.

Even if the three eyed King Kong and the golden armored beast are stained with black water, they can't resist the terrible poison. Even if they are changed into armor, they will be corroded.

Dark doctor's physique is not as good as that of King Kong and jinjingjia beast. He can still live after being soaked in black water. Moreover, it's not long before he is alive again. It seems that he has not been hurt at all.

Zhou Wen is not the opponent of the monster. Soon he was forced to block the black water splashed by the monster. This time, Zhou Wen called the dark doctor to help him resist. Then he was surprised to find that the dark doctor became stronger this time. With the black water on his body, he found that some of the places where he touched were black, and those black places soon recovered.

In addition to the flesh and blood were corroded out of the wound, unexpectedly not by the virus damage.

This makes Zhou Wen feel very surprised. Although the black water on the monster has strong corrosiveness, the corrosiveness is not enough to be fatal. Zhou Wen still has a way to deal with it.

But the virus in the black water made Zhou Wen unable to defend himself. Basically, he was killed by the virus every time.

Dark doctor ignored the virus and seemed to have good resistance to the corrosive power of black water.

Zhou Wen was so surprised that he took a little walk. This time, the black water splashed from the monster fell on him.

The blood colored villain's body suddenly appeared the black air, and the black air was expanding rapidly. Zhou Wen cried in his heart that it was not good. Suddenly he thought of the scene when the dark doctor pricked himself with a needle, and his heart suddenly moved.

"Dark doctor, use the skill of fighting poison with poison." Zhou Wen gave the order to the dark doctor. The dark doctor did not hesitate to carry out Zhou Wen's order. A syringe appeared in his hand. Then he stabbed the body of the bloody villain and injected the venom into the body of the bloody villain.

Zhou Wen suddenly felt a cramping pain spread to his whole body, but the pain weakened the spread speed of the monster virus on him, so that Zhou Wen did not die as quickly as before.

"It's really useful!" Zhou Wen is also a try, did not expect so useful, although the pain is severe, but he did not die.

However, those toxins can only temporarily resist the virus, so that the virus does not spread in his body, and the virus has not been removed.

"It seems that the dark doctor is not afraid of the virus. In addition to his skills of fighting the virus with the virus, his own constitution and temperament should also play a great role." Zhou Wen persisted for a while, and was sprayed with black water again. The virus in his body exceeded the toxin injected by the dark doctor, and the virus began to spread again.

Zhou Wen quickly asked the dark doctor to give him another note to fight with poison, and injected him with more venom.

After two injections of secondary venom, Zhou Wen's virus was stabilized again. However, the toxin injected by dark doctor was very irritating to his body, which made Zhou Wen feel like a needle pricking pain. He almost fell to the ground.

In the end, the bloody villain was killed, not because the monster twisted off his head, but because he was contaminated with some black water later. After injecting the toxin again, the bloody villain's body could not support and collapsed.

"It seems that fighting poison with poison is not always useful. If the injection of toxin exceeds a certain amount, it will cause great harm to the body." Zhou Wen was a little disappointed. He thought he had found a way to deal with the monster. Now it seems that it's just a short time to restrain it.

To the dark doctor, the resistance to the virus seems to be higher and higher, even can ignore the blood and monster's virus.

It's a pity that he's still legendary and has few combat skills. He's far from a monster's opponent. It's easy for a monster to screw his head off. Otherwise, with his ability, he can just restrain this monster.

Dark doctor is epic in nature. It's only because Zhou Wen didn't have enough strength when he hatched that he fell to the legendary level. When he evolved into a mature body, he might be able to control the monster.

Although he thought so, Zhou Wen also knew that the dark doctor could not evolve into a mature body for a while.

The ability of dark doctor makes Zhou Wen have more capital to deal with monsters. That is, the skill of fighting poison with poison is too painful. After injection, the viscera is like being stabbed by a needle, which is hard for ordinary people to bear.

After several injections of the venom, Zhou Wen found another strange thing. The dark doctor's skill of attacking the virus with poison seems to be more and more restrained against the virus.

At the beginning, Zhou Wen was infected with one or two drops of black water, so he needed to inject a tube of venom to resist the invading virus. But after a few times, Zhou Wen found that dark doctor could control the virus with very little venom, and the control effect was getting better and better.

"He's growing up? Let the virus here let the dark doctor grow rapidly? " Zhou Wen immediately understood what was going on.

When Zhou Wen realized this, he consciously exposed the dark doctor to more toxins, the ubiquitous blood rain, and the black water on the monster, which may become his nutrients.

As the dark doctor comes into contact with more and more toxins, he becomes more and more resistant to the virus. In addition to his physical fitness, he can ignore the monster's virus.

What's more, his use of poison to fight against poison is more and more effective, which leads to a result that the bloody villain is only contaminated with a few drops of black water. As a result, the dark doctor injects too much venom in one shot, and the bloody villain is poisoned to death by the toxin of the dark doctor.

After death, he came to the monster again, and the dark doctor helped Zhou Wen block the black water, but the system suddenly gave a prompt: the dark doctor met the requirements of growth and evolved into a mature body.

With the prompt of the system, strange changes have taken place in the dark doctor. White rays of light are emitted from his body, and the white doctor's robe is also flying with the rays of light, and the breath of terror breaks out on his body.