Zhou Wen thinks that Wang Mingyuan is an interesting tutor. When Zhou Wen has questions, Wang Mingyuan answers all the questions. He doesn't talk too much, but he explains them in detail.

Wang Mingyuan would not take the initiative to teach Zhou Wen and Jiang Yan what they asked, but what they said.

Usually, he is doing all kinds of research. There are some research projects that Zhou Wen can understand, but there are some research projects that Zhou Wenshi can't understand.

For example, when Wang Mingyuan asked Jiang Yan to record the whole life process of an ant in a day, Zhou Wen couldn't see the significance. That is, an ordinary ant is not a dimensional creature, not even a mutant of the earth.

What's more surprising to Zhou Wen is that Jiang Yan actually stares at the artificial ant nest made of transparent materials for 24 hours a day.

Anyway, Zhou Wen feels that these people are very strange, and Hui Haifeng seems to be more normal.

Although the seven scattered palm moves are few, it's not easy to learn them. You need to learn the seven palm moves thoroughly and understand the essence of the seven palm moves so that you can better understand and practice them.

After all, Zhou Wen is Zhou Wen. He concentrates on his practice, and he has learned seven scattered palms in two days. What he lacks is only his proficiency and practical application.

Anyway, Wang Mingyuan doesn't care about them. Zhong Ziya sleeps on the desk every day after finishing his work, and no one cares about him.

After receiving the chain, Zhou Wen took out his mysterious mobile phone, sat in the corner, opened the game copy of Longmen Grottoes, and chose the old Dragon Cave.

The bloody villain soon finds the Longjing named by Wang Mingyuan. In the game, the Longjing is a cave without any trace of artificial excavation or the iron chain.

Zhou Wen knew that Longjing was deep and cold. He summoned Yinyi and switched to the little Prajna Sutra, which was the most powerful way to strengthen his physique. Then he went down to Longjing.

The diameter of the dragon's mouth is only about one meter, and the more it goes down, the wider it becomes. However, when it goes down for about 50 meters, there will be white fog everywhere. It's hard to see clearly.

What's more terrible is that the temperature of the white fog is so low. After Zhou Wen used the lotus Buddha body, he still felt very cold when he came into contact with the white fog. The cold went straight into the bone. He tried his best to drop in the white fog. Soon after the screen turned black, the bloody villain was frozen to death.

Although there is nothing wrong with Zhou Wen's body, his feeling is the same as that of a bloody villain. The taste of freezing to death is not good for him.

"Even the little Prajna Sutra and the lotus Buddha can't bear the cold air of the white fog. How low is the temperature of the cold air?" Zhou Wen was surprised, but he was not reconciled.

After thinking for a while and reviving the bloody villain again, Zhou Wen changed the formula of Yuanqi to guhuangjing, and then let the bloody villain go down to Longjing.

Every time Zhou Wen runs the ancient Huangjing, he always feels like a flame is burning in his body. He wants to try to see if the heat of the ancient Huangjing can resist the cold.

As soon as he entered Longjing, Zhou Wen felt different. When he used Xiaopan ruojing before, although his body resistance became higher, he could still feel the cold.

Now I use the ancient Huangjing, but I only feel warm all over, not cold at all.

When the bloody villain entered the white fog, Zhou Wen only felt a little cold, and soon the heat in his body drove the cold away.

Zhou Wen was glad that the ancient Huangjing really had a wonderful effect on resisting the cold. Carrying the terrible cold, Zhou Wen continued to descend, and it became colder and colder. After two hundred meters, even the power of the ancient Huangjing seemed to be beyond his ability, which made Zhou Wen feel a little chilly, but only a little chilly. Moreover, it didn't really hurt the bloody villain's body.

"How deep is the dragon well?" Zhou Wen's sight is blocked. Fortunately, the earrings give him strong hearing. He can hear dozens of meters in the white fog. If the fluctuation in the distance is big enough, Zhou Wen can also hear far away.

It dropped more than 100 meters, but it still didn't reach the end. Longjing was quite open and became a huge underground space. Zhou Wen's hearing couldn't reach the surrounding stone walls

When Zhou Wen fell to nearly 500 meters, his body felt a little unable to support him. If he continued to go down, he might freeze to death like the first time.

"It can't go any further down." Zhou Wen hesitated for a moment, and let the bloody villain summon a King Kong warrior companion pet.

This is an ordinary King Kong warrior. It's not bad. Zhou Wen hatched it and originally intended to use it for pet.

King Kong could not fly. When he was called out, he fell down and disappeared into the white fog below.

Zhou Wen used the ability of listening, because the body of King Kong broke through the white fog and formed the sound and material flow, which made Zhou Wen like seeing him and forming a picture in his mind.

The constant falling of Vajra and the cold produced by the white fog make the Vajra who has the lifeblood of Vajra unable to support. The surface of the jade like skin gives birth to frost, which spreads in its whole body at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Then he fell for a distance, and the body of King Kong was frozen into an ice sculpture, making a creaking sound. Before long, it suddenly burst out and turned into broken ice and fell down.

Those fragments are getting smaller and smaller in the process of falling. When they are almost invisible, Zhou Wen hears the horrible picture.

In the wave of the tiny ice particles across the white fog, Zhou Wen heard what they fell on, and then formed a picture in his mind.

It was a mountain like creature, perched on a huge stone pillar like a mountain peak. At the top of the pillar, like a offering, was an oval object.

The waves generated by the broken ice particles touch the oval material, which makes Zhou Wen clearly know that the surface of the object is not smooth, but like a filament winding.

"Is that a cocoon?" Zhou Wen thought of the cocoon in the ant city. The oval object below seems to be very similar to the size and shape of the cocoon.

Before Zhou Wen could think about it, the creature hit by the broken ice suddenly opened its mouth, raised its head and let out a roar.

It was a very strange sound, which Zhou Wen could not describe. It was not like the roar of animals or birds, just like the long sound of an instrument.


As soon as the sound wave arrived, the body of the bloody villain burst out, and the game screen went black.

"Is that thing down there really a dragon? Is the thing it guards the same thing as the cocoon guarded by golden flying ants? " Zhou Wen was full of doubts.