Zhou Wengang wanted to be reborn and fight again, but suddenly he heard a voice coming from a distance. The voice became clearer and clearer. It seemed that someone was coming here.

"Brother, is that really in Hulao pass?" A woman's voice came, although the voice is not big, some distance, but have the ability to listen, Zhou Wen or listen clearly.

"Hulao pass is the most likely place." A man's voice sounded.

"If that thing is really in hulaoguan, with our strength, we can't rush in at all. I'm afraid this trip will be in vain." Said the woman.

"Not necessarily." The man said with a smile.

"The one in Hulao pass is not an ordinary epic. We're afraid he can't catch an arrow. How can we rush into Hulao pass?" Said the woman.

"Hard charging is definitely not good, but I know there is a way to get into Hulao pass." After a pause, the man continued: "hulaoguan has three variant demonized Generals: fist, cloth and knife. If we can gather the skills of the three demonized generals, we can use their skills to break the arrow. At that time, as long as we can get close to hulaoguan, we can quietly enter hulaoguan with the help of that secret way."

"The number of mutation demonization will be small. It's not easy to break out three skills." Said the woman.

"Take your time. Anyway, we'll stay in sunset College for two years. Maybe we'll be able to gather all three kinds of strength and skills with good luck." Said the man.

Lying in the broken chariot, Zhou Wen listened to their conversation clearly. As they talked, they walked away, and soon went away again. They didn't find Zhou Wen.

"These two should be Wu Jun and Wu Nan in the top ten, right? They even know so much about hulaoguan. What secret do they know? What are they talking about? " Zhou Wen used the ability of listening, knew their appearance, and easily recognized them.

However, the performance of the brothers and sisters seems a little strange.

But it's none of Zhou Wen's business. He continues to lie in the chariot and brush his monsters. He also wants to go into the nest of golden flying ants and drink some ant honey.

Last time, he didn't prepare enough and only took a sip. If he prepared enough, Zhou Wen felt that he should be able to fill his stomach.

But when Zhou Wen went through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, he finally rushed to the highest ant nest. Before he ran into the nest, he saw a flash of golden light and shadow. The golden flying ant rushed out of the nest and killed the bloody villain out of the nest. There was no chance for him to enter.

Zhou Wen did not give up to go again, the result is still the same, there is no chance to enter the nest, was killed directly by the golden fly ant.

"How could that be? According to the principle, the game program should be fixed. The first time I went, the golden flying ant was in the nest * *, and it didn't start until I rushed in. Why did the bloody villain come out before he rushed into the nest for the second and third time Zhou Wen was a little depressed.

It seems that there is no hope to drink golden ant honey. Zhou Wen can only brush other copies honestly.

When you brush the copy, Zhou Wen of the ten thousand Buddha cave will also go to see if there is a three eyed King Kong warrior.

There are three eyes of King Kong, but every time in the position is different, Zhou Wen need to spend some time to find him.

There is a variation of magic will ride the horse will open the way, those vajras were directly hit by him, so that Zhou Wen's speed is much faster.

After finding the three eye Vajra, the mutation demonization will be hard to shake with its front. It won't take too much advantage, but it won't fall behind.

The collision between the powerful Vajra palm and the star fist is like Mars hitting the earth, and the gas explosion can shock the Vajra out of the side.

However, the three eye Vajra is strong, and its speed and attack means are worse than mutation magic.

Zhou Wen uses the star sucking palm to help mutate and demonize the general. He kills the three eyed King Kong warrior, and unexpectedly breaks out an 18 point physique crystal, raising Zhou Wen's upper limit of physique to 18 points.

Time spent in Zhou Wen's brush monster, Zhou Wen's life is very regular, one day to hulaoguan, one day to Lianhua cave.

The princess was glad to know that Zhou Wen was so diligent, but she didn't know that after Zhou Wen entered the different dimensional space, she was just looking for a place to play games.

"Who is that boy? I haven't seen it before. It's so handsome! " Several girls were walking in the college when they saw a boy coming from the opposite side. After carefully looking at his face, his eyes lit up.

"Really, there is such a handsome guy in our college. Why didn't you notice him before?" A girl can't move her eyes.

In their eyes, the boy's whole body is perfectly picky without any fault, and the whole person seems to be emitting light.

When the boy saw them looking at themselves, he gave them a smile. Several girls suddenly felt as if they were bumping into each other. They shyly lowered their heads to look at the boy again.

When they looked up again, the boy had disappeared.

"Damn, I should have asked him for the number just now." A girl stomped her feet in regret.

"The door is unlocked. Come in." Wigo was sorting out the work of the student union when he heard a knock on the door and said something casually.

When the door was pushed open, wego felt something was wrong. It seemed that the visitor was not a member of their student union, so he looked up.

Under this look, the hostility in Weige's heart suddenly grew.

The boy in front of him is his ideal man model, elegant, mature, stable, with noble temperament, just standing there, people can't ignore his existence, as if he is the center of the world.

The same kind repels each other. Just a look at it, wego has put the boy into the ranks of his opponents.

"Hello, I'm John." Boys take the initiative to reach out, friendly said.

"It turns out that it's John. I'm the president of sunset college. I've been informed by the school that I'm responsible for your life during your study in sunset college." Wego stood up and held his hand with John's, and his eyes met John's.

John's eyes were as pure as a quiet sea without any waves.

The palms of the two men were clasped together, and wigo was smiling, but the palms of his palms were full of force. He wanted to try wigo's weight first.

Wego had long heard that John had the title of Saint in the west side and was a very famous genius in the west side.

Wigo didn't think he would be worse than John, but his face changed as his hands began to push.

No matter what wigo did, John's hands seemed to have no change. They were still warm and powerful, as if they were not forced at all. Even the look on his face was as gentle as ever.

Wego only felt that John was like an unfathomable sea. No one knew what kind of terror was hidden in the tranquility.