Chapter 1543

Looking at the clouds, layers of weeds are one person tall. There is no mountain in a million miles, and even few trees.

In most places, except for withered and yellow weeds, they are still weeds.

Fang Haotian fell with ling'er on the alligator. At the moment when the alligator's huge body fell to the ground, grass debris flew in a hundred miles, and a strong wind swept the ground, bending and even blowing countless weeds on the ground.

Standing on the alligator, Fang Haotian frowned and looked at him with a dignified eyebrow: "why don't you see a living creature in a million miles?"

The reason why Fang Haotian asked is that this area is too desolate and silent.

Ling'er didn't speak, he didn't speak all the time.

She looked at the scene in front of her eyes, and her eyes became moist and red.

"What's the matter?" Fang Hao asked.

Ling'er said, "this is an ancient landform, a wilderness. Look at this grass. Although it is taller than people, it is actually a treasure used by many people to build thatched houses. "

"There is also that tree. Don't look at the only one in the wilderness, but the tree can bear food. Whether it is wild animals or humans, sometimes in order to seize its existence, it can even have a fight at the level of 10000 people, and the blood and water can converge into a river."

Every time he points around, the other party Haotian rarely exists, but ling'er enters the memory again and again.

The voice is a little low.

She returned to the familiar and strange place.

Fang Haotian didn't interrupt her. He listened silently, looked at the surrounding environment and wrote it down one by one.

It's really sad here. I don't know whether it's the existence of alligators or other reasons. In short, I don't see any creatures.

If you can't see it within a million miles, where are there creatures here?

Fang Haotian was a little curious.

"Go south, Yuanyuan. There are no people here. "

Ling'er suddenly patted the alligator's neck. During the neighing, the alligator walked on the ground with four legs and stepped on all the grass around him.

"Why are there people in the south?" Fang Hao looked at the South and asked.

Ling'er said with a smile, "because there is a mountain in the south. There are springs and waterfalls on the mountain."

Hearing what ling'er said, Fang Haotian thought that when he looked down from the sky, the mountains in the South were full of green and flowers.

But when it fell, there was no water here where no creatures could be seen for millions of miles.

Then maybe there are people there.

Gallop all the way.

Rao is an alligator. It took him two days to get to the mountains in the south.

Fang Haotian and ling'er saw a large forest and many small humanoid creatures howling.

Seeing the appearance of alligators, many small humanoid creatures screamed in horror. Then they planed the ground with a hoe and fled into the ground in an instant.

Fang Haotian was so curious that he jumped off the alligator and stepped on the opened red earth at the foot of the mountain. He raised his hand and grabbed a humanoid creature less than one meter tall, with sharp ears, red and big nose and yellow body.

After taking a closer look, this guy was almost scared to death when he saw Fang Haotian, and his body trembled constantly.

"What is this?"

Fang Haotian turned around and waved to ling'er like a treasure, but he was more curious when he saw the disdain on ling'er's face.

"These are goblins. They are greedy, lustful and dirty. Anyway, they dare to do something with bad things."

"Because these goblins are good at digging underground holes, they are kept in captivity by the great emperors of all parties, and become the main force specialized in collecting and building city walls."

Ling'er was disgusted by the goblins held by Hao Tian and said unhappily, "I used to raise several rabbits and they ate them. Several times, these disgusting guys stole my baby and tried to blackmail me. If I hadn't been powerful, they would have succeeded. "

"These guys want to bully the soft and fear the hard. As long as you are strong, they will listen to you, but if you are weak, they will bite you back."

"Throw it away quickly. It's no use keeping them."

Hearing ling'er's words, Fang Haotian smiled: "how can this thing be useless? It's of great use! The next thing to face is the whole Dayan Dynasty. If you want to attack cities and land, you can definitely be surprised by the existence of this goblin. "

In that case, it's impossible to lose something.

As long as we can win on the battlefield, as long as the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, someone will try!

However, how to control is a problem.

After all, once goblins enter the battlefield, the battle between the two sides is never merciful, but everything. Being caught, according to their timid character, will only do bad things.

What shall I do?

Fang Haotian glanced at the guy with a short hoe in his arms, and suddenly remembered something.

A secret technique is recorded in the emperor's sword heart volume three royal guards, which is specially used to form spy guards and personal guards.

"A sword enters the heart, ranks among the gods and spirits, and those with superior strength can control millions of people."

It is said that the founding emperor of the Chen family, the first to cultivate the heart of the emperor's sword, controlled the spirits of the heads of the main families in the country until his death, and forcibly took these family heads to hell together.

At that time, the replacement of the second generation of Dawu had been completed, which made Dawu's territory as stable as an iron bucket.

Such a technique, the emperor threw him to himself, originally thought he couldn't use it, but unexpectedly, it was really easy to use.

With a smile on his mouth, Fang Haotian recalled all the records at that time, and then a soul sword appeared out of thin air.

Unfortunately, Fang Hao's divine color collapsed at the moment.

Nothing is good in this ghost place. The control range of soul perception is only three meters, especially the soul sword.

Next, if you encounter a battle of the same level, the soul power is afraid to be useless.

We have to do it.

It's easy to set the sword seal first.

He compressed and reduced the soul sword until it became a soul sword the size of an embroidery needle.

The pattern above is also clearly visible, but it has shrunk too much.

After all this, Fang Hao Tianxuan stretched out his right index finger and middle finger, clamped them, and recited the formula silently, and slowly stabbed them into the goblin's head.

For a moment, the sword was printed into the body, and the goblin was so frightened that his eyes closed. He thought he was going to die, and he was going to die for a long time.

Breathing more and more quickly, the body could not help shaking, and there was a yellow liquid sprinkled below.

Seeing this scene, Fang Haotian lifted him far away, waved his right hand slowly in front of him, and a wisp of breeze dispersed the Sao Qi.

At this time, he found that there was a wisp of soul in the sea, floating slowly, calm and peaceful.

"What's your name?" Through the soul, Fang Hao asked.

The goblin stabbed into the sword seal was shocked, opened his eyes and looked at Fang Haotian suspiciously.

But Fang Haotian didn't speak and looked around.

Fang Haotian raised his hand and slapped the goblin in the face. He immediately woke him up: "what are you looking at? The king is talking to you! "


The goblins heard the sound again. In addition, Fang Haotian slapped him like a ghost. He was so scared that his body twitched, foamed at his mouth and fainted.

"I'll go!" Seeing this scene, Fang Haotian couldn't help but throw the goblin to the ground, "how dare you be so scared!"

Ling'er also jumped off the alligator's back at this time, walked to Fang Haotian, hugged his chest and said with a smile: "yes, they are so timid. Are you disappointed? "

Fang Hao suppressed his mind and flattened his almost violent mentality. Only then did he wake up the goblin again.

As soon as youyou woke up, the goblin was overjoyed at the sight of ling'er. The saliva kept flowing, and his eyes were full of desire. He wanted to rush up now.

But then, the fist the size of the bowl fell like a storm, carrying his fragile bones and flesh.

After fighting for a while, the goods didn't dare to do anything except yelling and yelling in pain.

Until Fang Haotian stopped, he was as angry as a hairspring. His chest was like a broken bellows. He kept breathing, and the blood flowed around.

Look at this... It's terrible.

"Yes! What a coward! " Fang Haotian didn't like what they did. He raised his hand and poured a dense breath into the goblin's body. Not long after, he woke up again.

The moment he woke up, a dark shadow fell, covering everything in front of him, and his fist was fierce. It was getting closer and closer.

The goblin closed his eyes again, and his body trembled like chaff, afraid to speak.

But this time, a fist fell on a stone in front of the goblin and immediately beat the stone into powder.

"Now, can you listen to the king?"

Fang Haotian woke him up just after his soul communicated with him. It turned out that the speaker was the one in front of him.

He opened his eyes and nodded gratefully. The goblin opened his mouth and said: "

The chattering voice was very harsh, and although Fang Haotian couldn't understand a word, there was an echo in his head: "Sir, I'm old and young. Don't kill me! I can hunt for you and send you a lot of things. Please let me go. "

Fang Haotian couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the speech. The goods were really a counseling bag. He didn't dare to say anything, that is, he pushed for mercy.

"OK! I can't kill you! But you're going to be a soldier for me. "

As soon as he said this, ling'er opened his mouth in surprise, was shocked and said, "are goblins soldiers? Brother Haotian, are you not ill? "

Although I don't know what ling'er is talking about, I can still guess what it is in my tone. In short, I don't trust.

Goblins nodded constantly, as if they were responding to linger.

Fang Haotian also knew that it would be more painful to let this kind of counseling bag go to the battlefield to kill the enemy than to kill them. After all, he had a test just now and completely saw what these goods were.

Let them kill the enemy, in addition to destroying the Great Wall, there is nothing to explain.

So Fang Haotian didn't intend to let them kill the enemy. His initial purpose was to dig tunnels and inquire about news.

So, it should be possible.

Goblins have not appeared in the battlefields of various countries, that is, the latest existence. As long as they are covered properly and used skillfully, no one knows their existence when the Dayan Dynasty is destroyed.