Chapter 1448

"I dare not kill you?"

Liu Dun was furious. The green veins of his hand holding the knife suddenly burst up and protruded like green snakes. He looked very ferocious and terrible.

The rest of the jusha Gang also tightened their swords. If Liu Dun gave an order, they really don't mind waving a knife to kill, or going to war with the city guard today.

Fang Haotian smiled at Liu Dun, as if the other party's anger was a good thing.

"It's hateful that you should look down on us so much, deputy leader. As long as you give an order, the brothers will chop him."

"Yes. Isn't it just a city guard? Others can assassinate the former city guard, and our giant washing shark gang can kill him today. "

The people behind Liu Dun became more and more violent. They were all vicious and shouted loudly.

Captains Chang Kun and Liu shisan also became nervous and were ready to start at any time.

Fang Zhen was calm and even sneered: "I don't want to see how my young master became a city guard. There are so many city guards in the world. How many city guards rely on military merit? My young master doesn't take a step back. You giant shark Gang want to press him? "

The atmosphere is extremely tense. It will start at the touch. Now as long as one person starts, it will be a big scuffle and blood splashing on the spot.

"Good, good, you have seed." Liu Dun suddenly smiled and put the knife back in its sheath, "since the city guard is determined to protect a constable, I'll give you this face today. Withdraw! "

Liu Dun finally drank loudly.

The giant shark gang was very surprised, but they didn't say anything. They began to retreat orderly. They withdrew nearly 100 meters before turning their horses one by one and galloping forward.

All the way out of town.

"Deputy guild leader, why don't you kill the new town guard? Do we need to be afraid of him? " As soon as one of Liu Dun's confidants left the gate, he couldn't help asking his questions.

The rest of the Gang also looked at Liu Dun and were very confused.

Afraid of Chengshou?

I'm kidding. The giant shark Gang is the biggest day in Longguan city. Who are you afraid of?

What about the city guard? He annoyed the giant shark sect and killed him correctly.

The city guards in front were assassinated. Although I don't know who did it, the rumors all say it has something to do with the giant shark Gang, but what's the matter? The giant shark Gang didn't even clarify, which shows that even if it was my giant shark gang.

Since the giant shark Gang is not afraid to assassinate the city guard in front of them, they are not afraid to kill the new city guard.

"Would you mind talking? How did the sect leader explain? " Liu Dun roared.

All the men immediately fell silent.

The sect leader has told us, and it has even become a strict order.

The giant shark sect can be arrogant and bully people, but one thing is strictly prohibited. People who are not damned should not be killed.

The new city guard will die because he protects a Constable?

"Of course, there is a more important reason why I chose to retreat." Liu Dun looked back at the city gate and said softly, "that guy is too calm. I can't see his accomplishments."

"Is he stronger than you, vice leader?" His confidant was even more surprised, "it's just a city guard. Is it so powerful?"

"Don't talk nonsense, go back quickly. The city guard feels a little different. I have to go back and report to the sect leader as soon as possible. "

Liu Dun galloped his horse.

The guild members looked back at the city gate and were a little unwilling, but the Deputy guild leader didn't dare to do anything. Of course, they didn't dare to act rashly and follow up alone.

However, they did not agree with each other. Liu Dun's inner fluctuation was far greater than his surface.

Although I didn't wave a knife to each other just now and didn't really do it, I actually did it secretly.

Liu Dun's knife didn't move, but he had already done it secretly. However, as soon as he approached the guard of Xincheng, he disappeared, like mud into the sea, so he chose to give way.

Otherwise, although he did not dare to kill the city guard, the injury was inevitable.

In front of the city guard yamen, Fang Haotian looked at the direction of the city gate and thought deeply.

Liu Dun actually dared to attack the city guard secretly. It can be seen that the arrogance of the giant shark gang has surpassed the city guard. He really didn't pay attention to the city guard.

But Fang Haotian didn't know. He asked the giant shark Gang to retreat without making a move, and immediately won the admiration of the captors.

"Chang Kun is still the chief constable and Liu shisan is the Deputy constable. You two come with me. "

Fang Haotian suddenly turned around and strode into the city guard Yamen.

Chang Kun quickly explained to his men and followed Liu shisan.

Fang Zhen asked a constable for a few words, and then went into the city guard Yamen with several constables. The other constables did whatever they should do.

"Take me to the place where I used to handle official business." Fang Hao said in the middle of the line a few days ago, "it's not the external one."

Chang Kun hurried forward and led the way in front.

Chang Kun took Fang Haotian into a study.

The study has a lot of space. It's just a hall.

The bookshelf is very tall with books.

Fang Haotian was very kind. He sat down first, then asked Chang Kun and Liu shisan to sit down, and directly asked, "how much do you know about the giant shark sect?"

Liu shisan looks at Chang Kun.

Liu shisan, as a native of the city, also knows something about the giant shark sect, but his understanding is based on what others say. Naturally, he can't compare with Chang Kun, who is fighting head.

Chang Kun thought about it and then walked slowly.

The giant shark sect has a short history, less than 500 years, but it has become the largest sect in the area of Longguan city as soon as it appears. The sect leader Yu Hualong defeated all the experts in Longguan city in the month of building the sect.

In addition to the sect leader Yu Hualong, there are also Deputy sect leader Liu Dun, 36 King Kong and 72 silver generals.

After briefly finishing the situation of the giant shark Gang, Chang Kun added: "the city guard in front was assassinated. People in the whole city said that the giant shark gang did it. The giant shark gang has never clarified it. It seems to be acquiescence."

"Default doesn't mean necessarily," Liu shisan said. "Default, it may be really done by the giant shark Gang, or it may not be done by the giant shark Gang, but Yu Hualong disdains to clarify."

"Well," Fang Haotian nodded gently, "did the giant shark Gang do it? We need conclusive evidence instead of speculation and rumors. But whether the death of the previous Chengshou has anything to do with the giant shark gang or not, I want to know whether the giant shark Gang should be destroyed. "

"The." Liu shisan gave the answer without thinking about it.

Chang Kun wanted to talk and stopped.

Fang Haotian said with a smile, "talk to me later and say whatever you have. You don't need to have any concerns."

"Yes." Chang Kun sat upright a little and said, "the people of the giant shark gang are really arrogant. They rob and hurt people, set fire to houses, smash shops and so on. The city people hate them and dare to be angry, but as far as I know, there is a little in their guild rules. If they don't kill people, they don't deserve to die."

"Do all kinds of evil, but don't kill people who don't deserve to die?" Fang Haotian was surprised. "If there is one and the people of the giant shark gang can do it, the giant shark Gang is a little interesting."

Chang Kun nodded and said, "as a constable, I know all the homicides committed by the giant shark gang. According to my investigation afterwards, all the people they killed do have the way to die, either traitors and evil people, or hypocrites who secretly harm nature and justice. Brother Liu, you should have heard about the people killed by the giant shark sect. How many people were killed that didn't deserve to die? Don't look at Liu Dun's murderous appearance, but I'm sure that even if we don't protect brother Liu, Liu Dun will only teach brother Liu a lesson and never kill. "

"This..." Liu shisan thought about it for a while and nodded gently. "It seems that there is such a thing when you say so. Anyway, seven of the people I know they killed are really people I want to kill."

Fang Haotian was suddenly interested in the giant shark sect and was curious about the sect leader Yu Hualong.

A gang leader who connives at his subordinates' evil deeds but doesn't let his subordinates kill innocent people. It's very special!

"Interesting," said Fang Haotian with a smile. "It seems that I have to go to the giant shark sect in person."

"No." Chang Kun and Liu shisan were shocked when they heard the speech and made a hasty voice to dissuade them. "The masters of the giant shark sect are like clouds. How can the city guard get into the trap?"

"No harm, I have discretion." Fang Haotian smiled and stood up. "Where is the file? Show me. "

Chang Kun and Liu shisan also got up quickly.

"Chengshou, come with me." Chang Kun guarded the city as if pointing to Chang and led the way in front.

Files are important things. They are stored in a special place and guarded by special personnel.

The guard is still the constable.

Fang Haotian saw it and didn't say much.

"You're busy. I'll just go in and have a look myself." Fang Haotian said to Chang Kun and Liu shisan before entering the door.

Chang Kun told the two gatekeepers to be smart and watch carefully. Don't move.

After the explanation, Chang Kun said to Liu shisan, "brother Liu, come on, I'll show you around and tell you about our captor in detail... Ha ha, with your help, I'll be easier in the future..."


The file is very heavy, square, more than 100 meters wide and at least over 1000 meters long.

When Fang Haotian went in, he saw a pile of files. Maybe all the files over the years are here.

I don't know how many years it will take to read so many files with the naked eye. Fortunately, Fang Haotian is different.

After he arrived in this world, although his soul induction was suppressed, the 100 meter range was enough for him to read these files in a short time.


Fang Haotian's soul sense spread out, covering a hundred meters. After reading it, he began to move forward.


Fang Haotian suddenly stopped. As soon as he reached out, a pile of files fell into his hand.

He opened the file with Yu Hualong's name on it.

I don't know how long these files have been, but there are some records of Yu Hualong on them.

Yu Hualong is actually a native of Longguan city. The Yu family was once the largest family in Longguan city. Yu Hualong showed amazing cultivation talent when he was very young. At the age of 13, he became the first expert in Longguan city under the age of 20.

But when he was fourteen years old, his family was suddenly changed, and he was completely slaughtered overnight. After investigation, Yu Hualong and a family slave were left behind.

Then Yu Hualong and the slave disappeared.

That's all for the file about Yu Hualong.

Fang Haotian put the file back in place and continued to look ahead.

After reading the complete files of the important places, he had a deep understanding of Longguan city.

But he was surprised that Yu Hualong had no record of defeating all the experts in the city after he founded the giant shark sect.

It's impossible!

For such a big gang, it is impossible for Chengshou yam not to pay close attention to and investigate, and not to record everything about the giant shark gang.