Chapter 1192

The three elders argued again, and one said better than the other.

Fang Haotian shook his head gently, "whoosh", he flew up and flew to the next challenge arena.

The challenge leader of the challenge arena watched him fly over and asked, "elder martial brother Fang, do you want to see me?"

Fang Haotian couldn't help laughing. It's time for the ranking challenge arena, okay? As a challenge leader, I'm on the challenge arena. What can I do for you?

Fang Haotian, the master of the challenge, smiled and suddenly woke up after being stunned. What time is it now? He immediately said with a bitter face: "I admit defeat."

Fang Haotian can even slap Li Qiubai out of the challenge arena. Although the strength of this challenge master is not bad, it is too far from Li Qiubai, so he doesn't even have the courage to fight.

It's no shame to admit defeat if you can't fight.

Fang Haotian smiled and flew to the next challenge arena.

"I admit defeat."

"I admit defeat."

Fang Haotian arrived at one challenge arena after another. All the challenge masters were the same and chose to admit defeat, even Xuanyuan machine, which was also the ninth peak of chaos.

When Fang Haotian had been on all 100 challenge stages and the first round of challenge was successfully completed, the three elders stopped him again.

Then the three elders quarreled in front of Fang Haotian, constantly threatened each other, constantly boasted about themselves, and constantly lured Fang Haotian with various benefits.

In fact, Fang Haotian wants to be a teacher, because if he is an elder, he will certainly get more resources from Tianxuan ancient sect to help him improve his strength faster.

But now the situation is that if you worship one, you will offend two, so you don't worship at all.

However, the three elders are "sincere" and attach great importance to it. Fang Hao knows it in his heart and feels a little embarrassed.

"Three elders," Fang Haotian said after a little meditation, "three elders are respected by the disciples. They are all people I would like to respect as a teacher, but if I worship one as a teacher, I may offend the other two. This is not the wish of the disciples."

"It's okay, it's okay. Just choose me."

"Choose me and leave them alone."

"As long as you choose me, do they dare to say a word?"

The three elders immediately disapproved.

Fang Haotian smiled calmly. After thinking about it, he suddenly said, "why don't you do this? All three should be my masters. If you like, I'll worship them."

"What, let me be your master with them? No, I disdain to be with them. How can their abilities be compared with me? "

"Three elders, what do you mean, disdaining to be with us? If you were not millions of years older than us, your strength would surpass us? "

"Yes, I don't like to hear that from the three elders."

"When am I millions of years older than you? If you don't accept it, go to the stage and duel. "

"Duel, duel... Fang Haotian, where are you going?"

During the quarrel among the three elders, Fang Haotian shook his head and walked to Shen QianDu and others.

The nine elders reacted first, dodged and stopped Fang Haotian and said loudly, "I accept your proposal. If they are willing, I can be your master with them at the same time."

"Since the nine elders agree, I have no problem," the six elders also came, "but we are afraid that someone thinks too high and disdains to be with us! Well, if he doesn't want to, you can be our master. No, you're an apprentice. "

"Who said I didn't want to?" Three elders came over.

Nine elders Leng hum: "didn't you say you disdained to be with us?"

The three elders disapproved and said, "just because I'm Fang Haotian's master with you doesn't mean I can be with you. The three of us accept disciples at the same time, teach separately, and each teach for a period of time."

"Well, that's fine. It's settled. I'll teach you first."

"Why did you choose to teach? Draw lots to decide to teach in turn for one year. "


The three elders drew lots on the spot.

Fang Haotian looked at the three elders. In fact, he was moved in his heart, which showed that the three elders valued him more.

After drawing lots, the three elders even united the front. They arranged word by word. In front of many disciples, they must worship Fang Haotian on the spot. It seems that they are afraid that Fang Haotian will repent after leaving here.

If Fang Haotian worships his master, he can't go back. Once you repent, you will betray your teacher, which is a matter of God's will.

Fang Hao was moved by the importance of the three elders in his heart. He also saw the truth of the three elders. He had a sincere heart and had a great favor in his heart, so he really didn't resist to worship the master.

Moreover, at this time, if you don't worship teachers, it will be hypocritical and annoying.

Fang Haotian worshipped the master in public.

The three elders became Fang Haotian's masters, which became a fact. Many disciples envied and became witnesses.

When Fang Haotian got up after worshipping the teacher, people around him looked at him again.

Now Fang Haotian not only has the invincible strength of chaos, but also has three big backers. Whoever wants to move Fang Haotian in Tianxuan ancient sect, he really needs to weigh it.

Maybe if it's a small matter, the three elders will not come forward for Fang Haotian. If Fang Haotian's life is endangered, the three elders will definitely destroy each other by thunder.

This means that Fang Haotian has three talismans.

The three elders told Fang Haotian to go to see elder nine after three days, because the result of the lottery was that elder nine taught for 100 years first.

The three elders left and looked at their backs. Fang Haotian suddenly thought of his masters in the fairy world.

In different worlds, some things seem to be so similar.

"I can go back soon." Fang Haotian thought of those masters and his situation in the fairy world. He was more eager to go back, because if he didn't go back soon, there might be irreparable losses.

Now in the fairyland, the holy emperor has ruled a large rein field. Together, the demon cutting Immortal Emperor and others can only stick to the demon cutting field as the camp. All outside the demon cutting emperor field have been occupied.

The emperor's strength is getting stronger and stronger.

At the beginning, the demon Immortal Emperor could barely resist, but now several emperors work together. Moreover, because Fang Haotian's strength continues to improve rapidly and the soul fantasy world is more and more powerful, it helps the demon Immortal Emperor and others to resist the attack of the holy emperor.

However, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose. We can see that the holy emperor has made too fast progress. It seems that there is something more powerful behind him. He has received a lot of resources and made progress faster than Fang Haotian.

If it goes on like this, eventually the demon empire will be broken, and there will be no place for everyone to die. The whole ninth layer of the fairy world will belong to the holy emperor. After that, all the creatures on the ninth layer of the fairy world will become puppets controlled by the holy emperor.

"I hope the resources of the three masters can let me fully understand the sky breaking style, and I hope the sky breaking style can really let me go back to the fairy world."

Fang Haotian is full of hope, but the situation in the fairy world also puts him under increasing pressure.

After the three masters left, Fang Haotian came to Shen QianDu and others.

Because he is already an apprentice of the three elders, his status has been different. Shen QianDu and others walked with him, so many people have also changed their outlook on Shen QianDu and others.

When they walked to the exit of the chaotic area, the people of Tongtian school looked at their back, and their eyes were extremely complex.

In terms of strength, none of the chaos Hall of Tongtian sect is Fang Haotian's opponent. In terms of back, no one can compare with Fang Haotian, a disciple of the three elders.

So anyway, the humiliation suffered by chaos Hall of Tongtian sect today seems hard to recover.

But let it go. It's really hard to accept and let go.

Li Qiubai's face is twisted to the extreme and ferocious to the extreme, which is the biggest humiliation in his life and the biggest humiliation since the establishment of Tongtian sect.

If such humiliation is not recovered, it will definitely have a fatal blow to the reputation of Tongtian sect.

"I'll see elder martial brother Cui." Li Qiubai clenched his teeth fiercely. "We certainly have no ability to deal with Fang Haotian at present. We just hope that there are people who come back together."

Elder martial brother Cui's name is Cui Yuanfeng. He is a prominent figure among the disciples of Tianxuan ancient sect and the leader of Tongtian sect Guiyi hall.

In fact, there are only seven people in Tongtian sect.

Although Tianxuan ancient sect is large, there are not many disciples returning to the same territory. After all, only one or two of the 10000 people in chaotic territory can return to the same territory.

With a small number of disciples returning to the same territory, it is very powerful for the Tongtian sect to have seven.

Li Qiubai hurriedly left the chaos theater and went to the Guiyi theater.

Ordinary chaos disciples can't enter the first war zone, but Li Qiubai is a little famous after all, and he came to find Cui Yuanfeng. In addition, he secretly gave ten soul stones, and the Deacon who guarded the entrance let him in.

Cui Yuanfeng is dueling with others in the challenge arena.

After all, the territory of return is powerful, so the only challenge arena in the theater of return is bigger than the total of 100 challenge arenas in chaos.

Moreover, the challenge arena is shrouded in a transparent light mask, so as not to destroy all the surrounding buildings by the strong ones returning to the same territory.

Cui Yuanfeng was dressed in white, with star eyes and sword eyebrows. His temperament was quite extraordinary. At this time, he almost broke the light shield with his opponent.


Cui Yuanfeng suddenly broke out. When his soul art was attacking wildly, he suddenly came in front of his opponent and hit him with Xuanwu, flying him and seriously injuring him.

"Elder martial brother Cui is famous for his strong body. Once he gets close, he will be invincible." Li Qiubai looked admiringly at the defeated Cui Yuanfeng.

Cui Yuanfeng also saw Li Qiubai, and his mind went out. His voice rang out directly in Li Qiubai's mind: "what are you doing here?"

Li Qiubai spoke about Fang Haotian, added fuel to the humiliation of chaos hall today, and magnified Fang Haotian's indifference to Tongtian school.

"The three elders became his master. It's really hard to deal with him..."

Cui Yuanfeng frowned slightly.

Although his strength is also very strong, he is not the opponent of the nine elders and the six elders, let alone the three elders who have been to the holy state.

"Elder martial brother Cui," Li Qiubai said, "of course we can't kill Fang Haotian or cripple him, otherwise we can't bear the anger of the three elders. But if Fang Haotian is beaten only once, it will not hurt his life or cripple him. I think the three elders will not interfere. "

Cui Yuanfeng's eyes brightened.