Chapter 1154

"Who are these people in black and how do they come out suddenly?"

Fang Haotian kept flying forward, with many questions in his heart.

He felt something serious.

In the name of the evil Immortal Emperor, the man in black can hide and hide from the supervision of the evil Immortal Emperor, which is clearly aimed at the evil Immortal Emperor. It can be seen that there is a very strong existence support behind it.

It was because of the serious situation that Fang Haotian was not in the mood to catch up with Hu Sigui and left BAIXIAN gate.

His soul sense was constantly shrouded. He began to walk aimlessly in the domain of the demon emperor, hoping to find out the background of the man in black.

Fang Haotian is experienced in such a search.

Previously, in Hongwu world, he used this method to check the hidden sub halls of the so-called temple, and he found them one by one.

Although the demon Empire domain is tens of thousands of times larger than the whole Hongwu world, the enveloping surface of Fang Haotian's soul induction is ten million times larger than that at that time.

Now, he is the soul emperor level.


The soul is constantly shrouded and searching.

In the process of searching, Fang Haotian met some evildoers and killed them as soon as he thought about it.

Of course, he was always concerned about the situation of Liu Ningyu and Gongsun Wudi, and had been in contact with the demon cutting Immortal Emperor.

The separation of the demon Immortal Emperor has gone deep into the lake, but Gongsun Wudi and others have not been found.

With the power of the demon Immortal Emperor, if he can't find anyone, Fang Haotian doesn't have much hope to go in, so Fang Haotian can only wait patiently.

Although he couldn't find the nests of those people in black, there were no wins in punishing evil and eliminating evil, which added a legend to the demon Empire: the sword God in white.

In order not to let the man in black know that he is investigating, Fang Haotian does not show his true face, so no one knows that the God of the sword in white is him.

A month later, he came to Sanyi city.

Sanyi city was named after three powerful heroes who fought against the demon clan many years ago.

Fang Haotian stayed in Sanyi city because a strange thing happened in the city a few days ago. A 10000 person gang in the city was destroyed overnight.

Countless strong men and the city Lord's residence searched the city with all their strength, but they couldn't find any clues.

Originally, it was not a big thing to destroy the gang, but after the gang was destroyed, the wealth of the gang was not taken away. It can be seen that the murderer of the gang is determined to kill without any wealth.

After Fang Haotian learned this, he thought of those people in black collecting souls and was suspicious.

His soul sense enveloped the whole city, and he sat in a restaurant in the city.

Fang Haotian ordered the best food and wine in the restaurant.

Now he, there is no need to save, can't eat much money.

In the process of looking for the traces of those people in black, Fang Haotian regarded himself as traveling, eating and drinking what he should eat and drink.

After three days in the city, no major event happened in the city. Fang Haotian didn't gain anything after three days in the city.

"Maybe not."

Fang Haotian was about to leave. Suddenly, he found something in his eyes. After flashing, he left.

There lived an old couple in an unaffordable yard in the south of the city. Their appearance was so ordinary that even Fang Haotian ignored them.

But just now, a middle-aged man suddenly found them.

The old couple working in the yard saw the middle-aged man and went into the lobby, followed by the middle-aged man.

The lobby door is closed.

The ordinary couple's expression suddenly changed, and there was a cold breath surging on them. They were no longer ordinary people.

The old couple sat high above the knife, while the middle-aged man knelt down.

Middle aged humanitarian: "report to the black envoy, everything is ready, and you can act tonight."

"How about the city Lord's mansion?" The old man said, "does Liu Heng doubt us?"

"No, he obeys his subordinates. I won't let him doubt it," said the middle-aged humanitarian. "After checking for so long, he has given up, so we start at this time, and he can't respond. However, to be on the safe side, I will lead liangzhifeng to help me kill the poor mountain thieves. This can not only lead him out of the city, but also secretly collect his soul and kill two birds with one stone. As long as he is not in the city, no one in the whole Sanyi city is the opponent of the two black envoys. "

"With you in the city master's residence, we can do things in the city at ease," said the old man. "But this time we have to do better. After the Xing family is destroyed, all our wealth will be taken away. Don't let people doubt that we have something to do with the iron crown gang."

"I see." The middle-aged man promised, "my subordinates will go back to the city master's house first."

"Go." The old man waved.

Middle aged people leave.

The old man said humanely to the old woman around him: "it may be slower for us to collect souls like this, but at least the movement is not so big, which is difficult to attract the attention of the demon fairy emperor. After destroying the Xing family, we will go to other cities to destroy the two great forces and then transfer them. "

"Yes." The old woman said humanely, "we can collect souls without attracting the attention of the demon fairy emperor. I believe we can complete the task and survive."


The old man got up and walked in.

The old woman followed.

They soon entered a secret room with a black statue.

Although it is a statue, it exudes a submissive majesty.

The old couple knelt down together and prayed piously.

"Holy emperor's divine power..."


The middle-aged man returned to the city Lord's house.

He is Bai Shishi, the chief manager of the city Lord's residence. When he returned to the city Lord's residence, he went to see the young city Lord at the first time.

The city master looks really young, but his cultivation is not low. He is the top level of golden fairyland, almost comparable to the level of Mengshan ancestor. It is unusual for someone with such strength to be the city master in this remote town.

"The chief manager has been working hard for many days." The young city Lord respected the middle-aged man very much. "What can I gain today? If there is no harvest, withdraw all the people back. The murderer of the iron crown gang may just seek revenge. He has left the city after the event. "

"My subordinates think so," said Bai Shishi, "but isn't the city Lord always killing those mountain bandits who have been in trouble for many years? My subordinates finally found out the entrance of their nest. They will act tonight. What about the city's idea? "

"It's up to you." The young city Lord showed his full trust in Baishi and obeyed his words. "Go down and get ready."

"Yes." Bai Shishi promised to quit. He also closed the door.

As soon as Baishi left, Fang Haotian appeared around the city master.

The city Lord asked, "Your Highness, why don't you catch him now?"

"If he had an accident in advance, those people would not act tonight. If he wanted to move, he had to wait until those people appeared," Fang Haotian said. "These are small fish. I want to use them to catch big fish. Maybe I've been tracking down for a long time, and I found a breakthrough here tonight. "

In fact, the city Lord Ren Banhu is not young. He is not only from Mengshan sect, but also of the same generation as Mengshan's ancestors.

Of course, Fang Haotian secretly checked it with his soul and made sure that Ren Banhu really had no problem before he appeared.

It is precisely because of the Mengshan sect that Ren Banhu honored Fang Haotian as his highness, but Fang Haotian honored his martial uncle as his disciple.

Fang Haotian stayed in the city Lord's residence.

Ren Banhu was calm on the surface, and Bai Shishi arranged to suppress the thieves tonight.

On the surface, Sanyi city is calm, but secretly, fierce waves have surged.

However, since Fang Haotian had been informed in advance, the fierce wave could not start. The key lies in whether Fang Haotian can find a breakthrough, find out the origin of the man in black and find a more important person above the black envoy.

The night finally came.

"Lord." Bai Shishi came to report to Ren Banhu, "the people are all together."

"Then let's go." Ren Banhu went out.

Bai Shishi glanced inside. After confirming that Ren Banhu had no other preparations, he smiled and turned around to follow Ren Banhu.


Under the leadership of Ren Banhu and Bai Shishi, nearly 30 strong city masters quietly left the city in the night and went in the direction of Liangzhi peak.

When it was about a hundred miles from the city, Ren Banhu suddenly stopped.

Bai Shishi was surprised and asked, "city Lord, what's the matter?"

Ren Banhu said with a smile, "we won't go to Liangzhi peak."

Bai Shishi's face changed slightly, while those strong men in the city Lord's house were very confused. They didn't understand why the city Lord suddenly changed his mind.

"Why?" Baishi asked aloud, "it's rare to find out the nest of those mountain thieves..."

"In fact, they are just a group of poor people," Ren Banhu shook his head. "I always knew that they existed and that they robbed rich and unkind people in recent years, so I turned a blind eye. Inspector Bai, do you really think I'm stupid enough to listen to you? "

Baishi's heart sank suddenly, and he felt a little uneasy. On the surface, he was still calm and said, "Lord, are your subordinates doing anything bad?"

"You did a good job in everything," Ren Banhu said. "For example, you killed the Xing family tonight."


Bai Shishi's mind was shocked and his face changed sharply. He knew that his identity had been exposed.

His face suddenly became ferocious: "when did you doubt me?"

"Tonight," said Ren Banhu, "there are changes in the city tonight, but you let me leave the city. Moreover, you have followed me for many years. When you know my character and who is on the two finger peak, I can't lead people to suppress them, but you still put forward such a proposal to lead me out of the city. "

"It seems that you have never trusted me. Otherwise, you can detect changes in the city, and I can't help but know," Bai Shishi's breath surged and smiled ferociously, "but it doesn't matter. Since you know my identity, you'll do it. You'll find it's ok if you don't know."


Bai Shishi's momentum suddenly surged, which was not his usual strength, but his hidden strength.

The strength is so strong that he is a master.

"You all die, your soul is purer." Baishi patted Ren Banhu with his big hand.

"You dare!"

The strongmen of the city Lord's residence began to be a little confused. They didn't expect that the chief manager whom the city Lord trusted most had a problem. At this time, only three or five people could react when they saw him shooting at the city Lord.

In the rage, the three or five people had to stop it.

But one man was faster than them. He stood in front of Baishi after he had a son.

White clothes, negative sword, peerless demeanor.

The man in white grabbed Baishi's fist as soon as he raised his hand.