Feel Fang Haotian's killing intention, and those who besiege you are awe inspiring.

After glancing at each other, the old man stepped forward and said, "we are the people of Huangji sect. We are chasing villains and have no intention to harass Youyun pass. Please don't interfere with the general."

Although Fang Haotian was young, the people of huangjizong saw his extraordinary strength and must be a general in Youyun pass, so his tone was polite.

Otherwise, with the status of emperor Jizong, they would not be so kind to a young man.

"Villain?" Fang Haotian smiled calmly, "what a coincidence, this villain is my brother. Do you want me to intervene?"

The faces of emperor Jizong changed.

They also suddenly understood why Jun Wuye had to run to Youyun pass all the way because he had someone at Youyun pass.

"So the general will defend the villain?"

The face of the old man who had a big feud with Jun Wuxie of huangjizong suddenly sank.

Although they give face to Youyun pass, they only give face, which does not mean that emperor Jizong is afraid of Youyun pass.

If Tang Zheng or the three first-class generals came, they naturally could not afford to leave immediately, but they came only a young general, and they didn't have much fear.

"In fact, for me, if you want to kill my brother, you are the villains." Fang Haotian said with a smile, "a group of villains came to Youyun pass to kill my brother. Hehe, if I stand idly by, am I still human? But I don't want to embarrass you too much. Well, as long as you make an apology to my brother and he accepts it, you can go. "

Huang Jizong's face changed slightly.

The old man's breath suddenly burst: "what if we don't apologize?"

Fang Haotian suddenly asked Jiang Yuanxing, "Jiang Jianshi, what is the crime of attacking the demon slaughtering army at Youyun pass?"

"If you don't want to go back, you'll go back!"

Hearing the two people's questions and answers, the people of huangjizong knew that the two people must step in to help the king without evil and would not stop. When the breath surged, the weapons in their hands were raised, or their fists were clenched.

Fang Haotian then looked at you and said with a smile, "brother Wuxie, how about our brother skewing the old one later?"

Jun Wuxie could see that Fang Haotian didn't see the emperor Jizong. He knew that Fang Haotian's strength had far exceeded his imagination. He couldn't help wondering how strong Fang Haotian was now, so he nodded and said, "brother, I've been chased by these bastards for more than a month. I'm a little tired. I'll have a rest. Just help me send them away."

"Yes." Fang Haotian nodded gently, then glanced slowly and said, "apologize or follow me back to Guan to take the crime of attacking the demon slaughtering army, you choose."


The old man's answer was a roar.


Huang Jizong's strong men shot at the same time and killed Fang Haotian, including Jiang Yuanxing and Jun Wuxie.

Jun Wuxie doesn't move, Jiang Yuanxing doesn't move, and Fang Haotian moves!

"Get down!"

Fang Haotian suddenly drank like thunder, and even the white clouds above his head were scattered.


Emperor Jizong had only three people who could stand, and the others fell in response.

Jiang Yuanxing and Jun Wuxie are awe inspiring.

The three people standing in huangjizong also looked at Fang Haotian with a shocked face: "patrol envoy of Youyun pass, xuanhun double martial artist Fang Haotian!"

"I'm so famous that even the people of emperor Jizong know it. It's an honor!"

Fang Haotian chuckled.

But he said it was a pleasure, but he was cruel. The nine soul sword ran over him directly.

There are three people on the other side, nine soul swords, and every three soul swords deal with one person.

Each soul sword shows different sword moves, which is equal to nine Fang Haotian.

Three soul swords against one person is equal to three Fang Haotian against the last one.

Soon, the three were beaten to the ground by the nine soul sword. Everyone was hurt. The most serious one was the old man who had a big feud with Jun Wuxie. One of his arms was cut off by the sword.

"Brothers at the foot of the mountain, help, come up and tie them up."

Fang Haotian suddenly drank.

I only saw some dark forests under the random stone ridge, and the sergeant of the demon slaughtering army immediately appeared. His body flashed and all the good players.

These people are not from the patrol camp, but now the patrol camp is very famous. Fang Haotian has become a celebrity of Youyun pass. Some sergeants of other camps know him.

Even if ordinary sergeants don't know, some commanders or generals must know.

These people are from the nearest camp. They came early when they heard there was a big news here. However, when they saw Fang Haotian and Jiang Yuanxing appear later, they temporarily watched the change under the luanshiling.

Hearing Fang Haotian's words, they knew that Fang Haotian had found them, so they hurried up.

The three of huangjizong were seriously injured. The rest were limited to chaos by Fang Haotian's soul skill, so they were tied up one by one without any resistance.

"Take them back and punish them for attacking the demon slaughtering army." Fang Hao said, "if anyone dares to let them go without permission, I, the inspector, will be the first to go to him to explain."

Fang Haotian wants to explain. Now everyone in Youyun pass knows how big or small it can be.

He went to the Quartermaster camp to explain and killed a general with royal background on the spot.

Therefore, hearing his aboveboard threat, the leader of the Sanpin general, who looked like he was in his thirties, looked awe inspiring and hurriedly told Fang haotianbao that the witness would bring Youyun pass back to the military justice camp, and would tell Fang Haotian what he said.

Of course, he didn't say much, but the meaning was also obvious. He wanted to tell Fang Haotian that it was none of their business how to treat people in the military legal camp after they were sent to the military legal camp. If something goes wrong, I hope Fang Haotian won't trouble them.

Fang Haotian naturally understood, thanked them and asked them to take the people of huangjizong away after hard work.

He believed that huangjizong would certainly cause some things after they were brought back to the pass, and some people would jump out. As for the purpose of these people, Fang Haotian didn't care for the moment. The military law camp or the military master's house had their own judgment.

But if there is no reason, just because the other party is huangjizong, Fang Haotian, who is the patrol envoy, will have to ask and listen to the explanation.

The reason why Fang Haotian did this was that the people of the angry emperor Jizong pursued and killed Jun without evil. Second, he always felt that things were not so simple on the surface. He felt that an invisible big hand was attacking him.

Jiang Yuanxing also saw this. Looking at the escorted emperor Jizong, he was thoughtful. Haotian said, "I think something's wrong. Someone may want to use emperor Jizong to deal with you. These people may be poor and ignorant chess pieces. The ultimate goal of the people behind is you."

Fang Haotian nodded deeply.

Jun Wuye was startled and said, "Haotian, so the people of huangjizong deliberately asked me to escape here to use my relationship with you to plot against you? Then who is your enemy? "

"Enemy......" Fang Haotian smiled, "this is not the enemy's business anymore. But it's hard to tell for a moment. Brother Wuye, come with us first. Let's talk about the past. We'll talk about what's going on then. "


Anyway, Jun Wuye is really happy to see Fang Haotian and Fang Haotian is so strong now.

Fang Haotian and Jiang Yuanxing take Jun Wuye back to the patrol camp.

Jun Wuye heard that Fang Haotian was an officer when he was a patrol envoy at Youyun pass, so he was chased and killed by the people of Huangji sect before he wanted to come to Youyun pass to find Fang Haotian.

Now after entering the patrol camp, he knew that Fang Haotian, the patrol envoy, was actually the top general of the patrol camp and a third-class general in Youyun pass. However, he had great power and was able to kill the third-class general first and then. He knew that Fang Haotian, the patrol envoy, had a great military position in the demon slaughtering army in Youyun pass.

For the other Haotian, Jun Wuye is a brother and an old friend. In times of difficulty, he wants to come here to find him at the first time. This is his trust and his sincerity to be his brother, so Fang Haotian is also very happy.

But now the situation of the patrol camp is different from that of other camps. Fang Haotian can't wash the dust with a high profile when his old friend comes. He can only ask people to cook more dishes in his room and buy some pots of good wine in guanwai town.

Naturally, only Han Bin and Jiang Yuanxing will accompany them.

At the dinner table, Han Bin and Jiang Yuanxing were curious about the past of Haotian and Jun Wuye.

Fang Haotian took the opportunity to say everything he could say before.

After learning that Fang Haotian met Jun Wuye, Han Bin and Jiang Yuanxing both felt interesting. At the same time, they increased a lot of favor for Jun Wuye.

A chivalrous man in the name of a killer is a true righteous man and worthy of respect.

"Brother Wuye, since you don't have a better place to go now, why don't you join our patrol camp and become a swordsman temporarily?" Fang Haotian suddenly put forward at the dinner table, "although joining the demon slaughtering army requires some strict assessment and review, and many generals come in from the selection competition, you are different. I believe the military Lord is willing to make an exception for you."

Fang Haotian dares to say this because Jun Wuye was chased and killed. When he came here, he was Tang Zhengshi's policeman.

To Fang Haotian's surprise, Jun Wuye took out an identity card with a smile. It turned out that Jun Wuye also participated in this year's demon killing selection competition and won the third place at that point, but he was originally assigned to other places, but he encountered some trouble on his way to office. Finally, he mistakenly entered a relic and his strength increased greatly, But by the time he came out of the ruins, he had missed his appointment.

When he was still thinking about whether to continue to take office, he was recognized by the old guy of huangjizong. As a result, huangjizong's people pursued him. Finally, he simply came to Youyun pass to find Fang Haotian.

"Originally, you were also a member of the demon slaughtering army. That would be better." Fang Hao said to heaven, "it seems that the military Lord knew this, so he warned us to save people."

"It's settled." Han Bin took up his glass and said, "come on, let's drink to adding another swordsman to our patrol camp."


Four cups collide and one drink bottoms out.

The next day, Fang Haotian asked the military master's house for instructions about Jun Wuye. He soon got instructions and agreed that Jun Wuye would become a swordsman in the patrol camp. The military spy would be sent in a few days.

After you became a swordsman in the patrol camp, the four closed the door for discussion for two hours and came out.

Patrol envoy, official patrol!