The attack and defense war of the county king city is in full swing.

Around the city, where the shadow is, there is a mess and devastation.

At the head of the city, murderous and clanking.

At this time, the warriors of the county King City, whether they are big public or private or selfish, have joined the war at this time. No matter who and who always have any grudges and grievances, how wrong, at this time, they also put aside their grievances and resist the magic robbery.

Because everyone knows that if the city is not protected, there will be no living population in the whole city, and they will become things in the belly of the devil.

Outside the city, demonic Qi and demonic shadow are crazy.

Before the demons came, the magic flute gave them a death order: either die or capture the county king city.

So the siege demon has no way back.

The bloody heads of demons were left behind by the masters above the city, but countless Terrans were killed and eaten by the siege demons.

The war is becoming more and more fierce, more and more people are dying, and more and more demons are dying.

Whether it's at the top of the city or in the wilderness outside the city, the strong wind blows past and cries like a cry.

Under the city, demons are like a black torrent, which almost encircles the county king city. As long as one city gate is lost, I'm afraid that the whole county king city will really fall into disaster in an instant.

But the defense of the four gates is very strong.

The four guards of Tsing Yi who stayed in the county king city played a very powerful role at this time.

Each of them took a Terran expert to guard a city gate, and beat the flying demons in Yuanyang again and again.

The demon leader who led the army to attack the city this time is the crafty sword, unique Sabre and the six nine cultivation demon masters who left with the magic flute.

The eight masters didn't attack at the beginning. The people in the county king city can easily resist the devil's attacks again and again.

But when these eight demon masters suddenly joined the war, the situation in the county king city began to be a little tight.

At this time, the deceitful sword is against green armour and the unique sword is against green B. the other six jiuzhong cultivation are demon masters, two against green C and two against green B. the other two are against Jiang Shifu and one against a nine major master in the King City of Shangjun.

The eight masters of the devil seized the most powerful combat power of the county king city at once.

Among the demons, there are also a large number of Yuanyang realm experts who attack wildly with their powerful demon bodies. Although they try their best to resist with the strength of Gu Donghu and other princes in the city, the situation becomes more and more critical with the continuous death of human Yuanyang realm experts.

In fact, there are no fewer Yuanyang experts in the county king city than those in the magic army.

It's just the four gates of the county king city. People in the city don't know which gate the devil's Yuanyang realm master will attack, so they can only divide the power equally.

But the demons attacking the city are different. They are not evil creatures without wisdom. In many attacks, they sometimes suddenly concentrate a large number of Yuanyang realm experts to attack a city gate.

The sudden concentration of demon masters can catch the Terran masters unprepared almost every time. When some masters from other city gates come to support, a large number of Terran Yuanyang realm masters have been killed.

After the demons played this way more than ten times, the damage of the Terran Yuanyang realm experts is far above the demon army. Although there are many experts like Gu Donghu in the city, everyone knows that if the four guards of Qingyi can't kill the eight demon experts as soon as possible, or the Terran experts can't come up with a way to solve the demons' sudden focus on attacking a city gate, The county king city must be lost.

And Gu Donghu and others judged that there might be a city gate lost in two hours at most.

Demons are so ferocious that as long as a city gate is lost and they rush in, the consequences are really unimaginable. Even if the devil can be driven out, it is estimated that unimaginable ordinary citizens will become the number of demons, with millions of deaths and injuries.

Bailishang has been fighting side by side with Gu Donghu. He is covered with blood, including his own blood and the blood of the devil he killed.

Looking at the fierce and fearless attack of the devil one after another, his face was dignified to the extreme. He shot a demon master in Yuanyang who flew to the head of the city and said in a hurry: "senior brother, if we can't think of a good way again, the situation is not good!"

Gu Donghu grimaced and cut off the devil who climbed to the city with a knife. Hearing Bai Lishang's words, he said in a deep voice: "we can't understand the devil's attack intention in advance, and the demons seem to know which city gate of our city is weakened every time, which proves that many latent demons in our city are constantly borrowing information to the demons in a way they understand. We suffer a great loss at this point. To stop this situation, we must first remove the hidden demons in the city. "

"But now it's too difficult to find out the hidden demons in the city." The bailishang felt powerless. "It might be possible if he searched slowly at ordinary times. But now everyone is fighting hard. If someone is wronged in case of mistakes, a bad one will chill everyone's heart. "

Gu Donghu is also very helpless: "yes, if we check now, it will make some people feel that we are a big enemy. We don't want to fight the enemy at present. Instead, we take the opportunity to eradicate the dissidents and expand the strength of Yanyun gang..."

While fighting the devil, the two martial brothers discussed, but there was nothing they could do.

Zhu Yan, who has been fighting with the two people, has been in the intersection of heaven and man since the moment the devil attacked the city.


Bailijun suddenly let out a cry. A demon master's claw suddenly grabbed bailijun's shoulder and wanted to tear her out of the city and eat her.

Zhu Yan roared and fought back the demon master recklessly. Seeing that his wife was just about to die, he suddenly figured out that under such circumstances, he had no choice.

Even if he is how to hide, once the city is broken, it doesn't matter if he dies, and his wife must die.

"I know someone may have a list of potential demons in the city." Zhu Yan suddenly pulled bailiyun close to Gu Donghu and bailishang.

Bailishang was stunned at first, then his face changed sharply and looked at Zhu Yan in horror.

Bai Liyun was also a smart woman, and soon thought of a possibility. Her face was a little pale due to injury, and her eyes suddenly became very strange when she looked at Zhu Yan.

Gu Donghu was also stunned, but he didn't react as much as Bai Lishang and Bai Liyun's father and daughter because he knew that Zhu Yan had a problem in advance. Instead, he smiled happily. Then his face suddenly sank and said, "Zhu Yan, I actually knew something about you. I've been waiting for you. Now I'm glad you can confess. But now is not the time to talk about anything else. Tell me who that man is. "

Zhu Yan pointed out the old man who was only 30 meters away from here. At this time, he was struggling to kill the devil and showed great courage.

The hundred mile merchant looked at it and said in a surprised voice, "it turns out that he is a deep-seated devil. No wonder I know nothing about a master like him. I don't know who he is. "

"Younger martial brother, hold here." Gu Donghu said, "the sect leader knew about Zhu Yan, but the sect leader didn't say anything. Zhu Yan may have difficulties, so don't embarrass him now. Wait until later."


Gu Donghu suddenly shot in the direction of the old man.

Bailishang gave Zhu Yan a hard shave. Bai Liyun suddenly snorted angrily, fiercely shook off Zhu Yan's hand, then clenched his teeth and tried to kill the devil. It seemed that he would vent his hatred on the devil.

"Jun'er." Zhu Yan closely protected Bai Liyun, "although I have difficulties, I'm wrong to hide from you. If this great difficulty is difficult to solve, I will die to apologize to you. "

After hearing this, Bai Liyun seemed more angry and angry.

Bailishang said in a cold voice, "just die? Hum, I'll settle with you later... Take good care of Juner. "


Zhu Yan nodded heavily, and then his breath suddenly changed and became much stronger.

Although his wife is very angry with him and resents him deeply, he feels relaxed after he confesses that he has always been a devil chess piece. At this time, he no longer needs to hide his strength. What he has to do now is to give full play to his strength to protect his beloved woman, and then kill more demons to redeem his sins.

Soon, there were some riots over there. Only when Gu Donghu forced the old man to a desperate situation and the other party broke out evil gas, the people next to him knew that it was always a devil, so everyone worked together to take down the old man.

Gu Donghu used a secret skill of Yuanwu gate to search the soul of the old man for the first time, and mastered the list of hidden demons in the city.

Gu Donghu began to secretly unite with several trusted, powerful and respected senior experts in the city and began to clear them according to the list.

With a list, the action will be smooth and fast.

After the demons on the list were cleared, Gu Donghu immediately found that the demons outside the city did not move in an orderly manner as before. They seemed to become blind flies at once, and their playing method became much simpler.

However, the wise people in the magic army soon knew that the layout of the city had been removed, so they simply re arranged the array. Although the tactics are not as sophisticated as before, they still bring pressure to Terran experts.

Seeing that the devil soon adjusted and the war was still unfavorable to the Terran, Gu Donghu and others really had nothing to do.

An hour later, Qingjia and the eight masters of the devil were still in a dilemma, so the disadvantage of the war to the Terran was more obvious.

Suddenly, a city gate was rushed in by hundreds of demons and killed on a large scale immediately. Finally, although the people in the city succeeded in killing hundreds of demons, it also meant that they were not far from the city gate.

The demon army obviously realized this, and knew that the Terran defense force had reached a very low point, so the attack was more crazy.

Situation, with each minute of time, the Terran is in danger.

The situation is getting worse and worse, and finally reaches the worst.

"It's time to carry out the final plan!"

A respected old man suddenly sighed helplessly.