The twelve evil guards have amazing evil Qi.

It's not because those people are from Tianlong hall that they want to kill people.

For the twelve evil guards, only the master is in their eyes, and everyone else can be killed.

"Don't kill."

Nangong fog cold suddenly screamed.

Fang Haotian smiled and told the twelve evil guards not to kill. If Nangong fog is cold and silent, Fang Haotian doesn't mind letting the twelve evil guards kill directly.

These people are here to kill him. Why can't he?

But these people are only small characters of Tianlong hall. Since Nangong Wuhan pleads for them, it's better to give him face and not kill him.

The twelve evil guards have Fang Haotian's soul mark. Within a certain distance, Fang Haotian can communicate with the twelve evil guards directly and silently.

"Bang bang!"

Twelve experts of Tianlong hall were beaten to death.

The twelve evil guards could not kill because of Fang Haotian's order. They took care of themselves and didn't kill people.

"Lord Shawei..."

"Don't kill me."

"Run away! They have been controlled by Fang Haotian! "

"Run away!"

... at the beginning, some people in Tianlong hall were lucky, but they were scared after more than 40 people were injured by the twelve evil guards.

Twelve evil guards are equal to nine great masters.

Even a single strength can't be blocked by an ordinary expert.

The experts of Tianlong hall were driven away by the twelve evil guards.

Nangong Wuhan looked at Fang Haotian and said anxiously, "you have erased the soul mark of the twelve evil guards. My father will be angry when he finds out that he has lost contact with the twelve evil guards. With his emphasis on the twelve evil guards, he is very likely to come in person. "

"Come in person?"

Fang Haotian frowned slightly.

He knew that Nangong grand, as the leader of Tianlong hall, was absolutely the best in Yuanwu county. However, his strength is much stronger than that of Wei shaqing during the war. He is not afraid of the magnificent arrival of Nangong, but has a little expectation in his heart.

But he also knew that if Nangong magnificence appeared now, the most embarrassing would be Nangong Wuhan and Zhong Kui.

Nangong Wuhan and Zhong Kui obviously thought of this, and although they recognized Fang Haotian's strength, they had not reached the point that Fang Haotian could resist Nangong's magnificent existence.

Therefore, in the complex mentality of not wanting to face Nangong magnificence and fearing that the arrival of Nangong magnificence would hurt Fang Haotian, Nangong Wuhan and Zhong Kui advised Fang Haotian to leave quickly.

"Brother Fang, let's go!" Zhong Kui said, "the hall leader will give me a chance to explain. As long as he believes I haven't betrayed Tianlong hall, he won't do anything to me. "

Having said that, he was very clear in his heart. If Nangong comes, even if he doesn't kill him, his life will be hard.

"Brother Haotian, hurry up!" Nangong Wuhan also advised, "Uncle Kui has been with my father for so many years. My father knows who he is. He won't do anything to Uncle Kui. But you... Although we have known each other for a short time, I think you are a very good person and a friend worthy of deep friendship. I really don't want my father to hurt you. "

They advised each other with sincere eyes.

Fang Haotian thought about it, but he didn't want Nangong Wuhan and Zhong Kui to be difficult, so he nodded.


Fang Haotian waved his hand and took away the twelve evil guards directly in front of Nangong Wuhan and Zhong Kui. Then he shouted, "night moon, Xiaobai, let's go."


Xiaobai falls on Fang Haotian's shoulder, and the virtual night moon falls on Fang Haotian's side.

Seeing Fang Haotian take away the twelve evil guards as soon as he waves, he has seen the virtual night moon and Xiaobai suddenly appear. It's nothing to know that Fang Haotian has a living treasure Zhong Kui. Nangong fog cold was startled.

The treasure that can accommodate living people and easily take away the twelve evil guards is definitely a heaven level space treasure at the same level as his father's blue sky sharp shuttle. It's a priceless treasure in the whole Yuanwu County!

Fang Haotian hugged Zhong Kui and Nangong Wuhan and said, "let's go first. I hope we can see you in the beast hall soon."

Zhong Kui and Nangong fog cold returned the ceremony. They were also relieved that Fang Haotian was willing to go, and were also moved. They are all smart people. It can be seen that Fang Haotian is willing to leave because he doesn't want to embarrass them.


Fang Haotian and the empty night moon flew up.

At this time, there was a sharp sound of breaking the void on the void.

The sound of breaking the air seemed far away, but the next moment a blue light had reached the top of the valley.


Nangong fog cold and Zhong Kui's face changed dramatically.

They knew that blue light was a sharp shuttle in the blue sky, and Nangong was magnificent.

Fang Haotian and the empty night moon also have sharp changes in their faces. Subconsciously, they are about to fall.


Two sword lights suddenly cut out.

One to Fang Haotian and the other to the empty night moon.

The two sword lights, like two hot suns, shine brightly and dazzling in this area. It seems that no matter what ghosts in the world can be transparent and clear under the sword light like the scorching sun.

What a powerful and terrible blow.

"Nine peaks in Yuanyang! The south palace is magnificent! "

Fang Haotian and the empty night moon suddenly turned pale and shot at the same time.

The night moon golden Gang sword in the virtual night moon's hand spread a golden sword shield around her body.

Fang Haotian is ten swords together.

"Huangji supreme kendo."

"Nine soul sword array!"

The sword moves, and the soul power surges wildly.

Under the urging of kendo, the emperor's supreme sword boldly met the sword light that cut at him. The nine soul sword array is the sword light that cuts into the virtual night moon.


With two loud noises, Fang Haotian and Xu Yeyue were shocked and fell into the valley at the same time.


Fang Haotian was a man who carried 90% of the two sword lights, so a big mouthful of blood gushed out after landing.


The virtual night moon was only affected by the residual force, and her face turned white and then returned to blood color.

Her heart trembled.

The two sword lights are really terrible. If Fang Haotian's nine soul sword array didn't help her block the sword light first, she would die.

And in the face of such instant danger, we can see a person's heart.

The virtual night moon knows that Fang Haotian's most powerful now is the nine soul sword array. When in danger, Fang Haotian protected her with the nine soul sword array and protected him with the strongest strength, which proved that she was more important in his heart than his life.

If a king treats me like this, what else can I ask?

Even if you die the next moment, you will have no regrets in this life.

"Nangong must be magnificent." Fang Haotian wiped the blood off his mouth with his hand. "Although it was a raid, I was seriously injured at once. My shortcomings are becoming more and more obvious in front of such great experts... I still have a little gap with them!"

Fang Haotian fully realized his shortcomings and became more aware of his shortcomings.

In terms of soul martial arts, Fang Haotian does have the power to compete with Nangong grand master, but his Xuanwu cultivation is still too low.

Although he has the reason of fighting style, his defensive power is stronger than that of experts at the same level, and his strength is also stronger than that of experts at the same level.

However, compared with such great masters as Nangong magnificence, there is still a gap of more than four in his five cultivation accomplishments in Yuanyang territory.

"If I were eight heavy soldiers in Yuanyang territory, even a raid would not hurt me... Cultivation, Xuanwu cultivation, I must improve my Xuanwu cultivation as soon as possible, otherwise I will never reach the level of a great expert like Nangong magnificence..."

In the air, the blue light disappeared, and then a tall and dignified figure of huaiwu hung over the valley.

The pressure of not being angry and self threatening shrouded down, making everyone in the valley seem to be carrying a thousand kilograms of boulders.

"I really deserve to be a soul warrior. With the five cultivation accomplishments of Yuanyang territory, you can stop me from dying. Boy, you are really a genius. " Nangong landed grandly and slowly, "but how talented you are, there is always a weak process. You are still too weak... How dare you take my twelve evil guards? You must die today. "


"Hall leader!"

Nangong fog cold and Zhong Kui shouted at the same time, and their body shape flashed in front of Fang Haotian and virtual night moon.

Fang Haotian looked up. Indeed as expected, Nangong was magnificent. He really came.

"It's so powerful. It really deserves to be the leader of Tianlong hall and one of the two leaders in charge of the territory sealed by barbarians."

Fang Haotian was awe inspiring,

The Lord of the beast hall is now weak and has real power. He has been completely in the hands of the Lord of Tianlong hall and the Lord of Yuanwu hall.

As the leader of Tianlong hall, Nangong is one of the two leaders in power.

"Beast, treason! You are so brave that you dare to collude with the demon clan and mingle with Fang Haotian, a traitor of the human race. You are a capital crime. "

Nangong was magnificent, his eyes were swept, and his voice was extremely angry.


Zhong Kui knelt down directly and cried, "Hall master Mingjian, my subordinates have never colluded with the demon clan, let alone betrayed the Tianlong hall."


Nangong foghan didn't kneel, looked up at Nangong grandly and said, "I've found out that Kui Shu and Fang Haotian didn't collude with the demon family..."

"Shut up." Nangong drank grandly and abruptly, raised a simple sword in his hand, and oppressed it with terrible power, "roll aside and deal with you when I kill Fang Haotian."

"Hall leader."


Nangong foggy cold and Zhong Kui looked up with pleading eyes.

"Get out!"

Nangong was magnificent and extremely annoyed. He photographed it with his left hand.

Bang bang!

Nangong Wuhan and Zhong Kui, who dared not fight back, were directly beaten away.

Nangong's magnificent shot was very heavy. Nangong Wuhan and Zhong Kui were injured and spewed blood.

But as soon as they landed, they "whooshed" and stood in front of Fang Haotian and virtual night moon.

"Hall leader, please listen to the explanation and show mercy!"

"Father, Fang Hao can't be killed!"

Nangong fog cold and Zhong Kui shouted.

"Do you really think I dare not kill you? Do you really want to do the right thing with me? "

Nangong landed a few meters magnificently and reached the height equal to the valley wall.

"My subordinates dare not!"

"I dare not!"

Nangong Wuhan and Zhong Kui bowed their heads, but their kneeling bodies did not move, stubbornly blocking Fang Haotian and the empty night moon.

Looking at the two people who dare not resist but are stubborn and kneeling, Fang Haotian was moved in his eyes and said: "get up, you two. It's my blessing to know you. I'll take your righteousness... Then he looked at the empty night moon.

"Be careful."

The empty night moon understood Fang Haotian's meaning and gave an emotional advice.

Fang Haotian nodded and said to Su Qingxuan, "let the night moon go in."


With a flash of white light, the virtual night moon disappeared around Fang Haotian.

"The space treasure for living creatures... I had to see the twelve evil guards. He took it in."

Nangong's magnificent eyes twinkled for a moment, followed by his left hand to shoot again and beat Nangong Wuhan and Zhong Kui to fly.

Look at Fang Haotian, such as electricity!