Chapter 1170

The bald doll is naturally a little kid. He quickly responded: good. As an experiencer of taoyunshen watch, you not only don't cherish this opportunity, but lose a whole month. As a punishment, the system has reduced your level to level 3.

Chu Han is very aggrieved, but he didn't lose it on purpose. Before he started to cry, the little boy sent another message: ha ha, in fact, I lied to you. Once you become the owner, no matter how long the taoyunshen watch is lost, you won't be punished. As for why the interface changes, you should have thought about it.

Er! Chu Han's face was encircled. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly had an idea: is it related to information life?

Little boy: Well, it's not too stupid. To tell you the truth, the so-called information life is actually the catalyst of human civilization. In the whole universe, when every civilization develops to a critical point, there will be a demon from all the negative emotions of intelligent life. As long as we overcome it, the intelligent civilization can go further. Similarly, only that one Intelligent life goes further to find a way to overcome it.

Chu Han almost vomited blood: Hey, hey, isn't this a paradox? According to the information of my avatar, human civilization has only level 0. If we can't defeat information life, we will never reach level 1. But if we want to defeat it, we must first rise to level 1. It's too pitiful. Who designed it?

Kid: I'm sorry, before you get to level 8, there's no comment. I can only give you a little hint. It's a great existence. Without it, the world would be finished.

Well, although it's still a little difficult to understand, Chu Han can only ask for advice modestly: since there is this rule, does it mean that there are loopholes in the paradox?

It's just a good clue for us to master the time table. It's just a miracle for us.

Chu Han is nervous: how long does it take, and what does that miracle mean?

Kid: the time is not fixed. In your human condition, it's about three to five years. Once there is no way to crack the loophole within five years, the devil will have the upper hand. As for the miracle, it's about you.

Chu Han: me?

Kid: that's right. Didn't you find that after you became the owner of the taoyunshen watch, you have been accompanied by miracles. In fact, it has something to do with a hidden function of the taoyunshen watch. If you agree to a condition, I will consider telling you.

Chu Han certainly won't hesitate, now even if it is to let him reduce ten years of life, also can decisively promise: you say!

Little boy: near the solar system, there is a private manor of mine, which is occupied by a group of pirates. If you can help me drive them away, in return, I will make it through this disaster.

Chu Han: no problem!

Kid: Well, before I start to help you, I want to remind you that those pirates are very powerful. Now they are ready to cross the countdown 10, 9, 8

Chu Han began to see a colorful vortex in front of his eyes. In addition to what the little boy said, he suddenly realized something and quickly made a paragraph: wait a minute, let me explain a few words first.

Kid: sorry, it's late. 3, 2, 1, time channel is open!

Boom! With an earth shaking roar, Chu Han's body began to rush into the colorful vortex uncontrollably. All kinds of pictures flashed in front of his eyes. First, he was lying on the seat of the plane and sleeping. Until he got off the plane, he was pushed by yixiantian and Chu Sanya for a long time, but he didn't wake up. Then the whole airport would be under martial law, and a large number of people in black combat clothes rushed in and killed him His body was put into a special black box.

Then, the black box opened, and Chu Han's body was surrounded by another group of scientists. He was examined with various devices, but he was unable to wake him up.

After trying to wake him up dozens of times, the scientists seemed to give up and put him in a large refrigerator filled with light blue liquid.

In the process of awakening treatment, nangongqin, liuqingqing, leitingting, Lingyin, Xiaoqin, anyouqi and other women all came to see themselves more than once, and gently told him something in his ear, and finally left with disappointment and sadness.

Before the large refrigerator was closed, Chu Han's parents, his daughters who had visited him before, his master, all the predecessors of Ling Zhongshan, Hu Cheng and Lao Xu of Chutian group all got together and held a simple farewell ceremony. At last, all of them burst into tears, and Liu Qingqing even fainted in tears

Later, it was cold and dark. Chu Han could only hear the sound of something ticking and the sound of liquid flowing every other time. He gradually understood what it was like that he had been put into some kind of hibernation device. Maybe it would be until human beings found a way to wake him up that the large refrigerator would be reopened.

"Are you awake?" I don't know how long later, Chu Han heard a voice again in his mind, which was very clear and beautiful, just like a little kid who just started to babble, little kid? He had an idea and suddenly opened his eyes."What's this?" Seeing everything in front of him, Chu Han was stunned. In that dream, he could see, hear and feel the change of temperature, but there was no emotion fluctuation. It was like a machine until now

What appears in front of Chu Han is a vast starry sky. All the stars are rapidly retreating. Some smaller meteorites and meteors have even turned into a ray of light. Before, he could not even capture any details, but at this moment, his mind can clearly display a series of accurate data, including those meteorites The volume, the weight, the constituent elements, and the method of destruction.

Welcome to the future!

Hearing this, Chu Han's heart couldn't help pausing for a moment. At the same time, the world around him also began to rotate. He watched a gray planet bump against him. Well, it was his body that bumped against the planet.

Bang! The impact happened very quickly, and the result was very unexpected. Chu Han hardly felt any resistance. In his memory, he could even feel the pressure and temperature when he passed through the center of the earth, as well as the residual temperature brought by the hot magma.

"Don't be distracted!" The little boy became serious: "you have entered the streamer speed, any impact will bring unimaginable disaster, but fortunately, the star just now is a death star, there is no life..."