Chapter 1065

"Tell the centurion that we're all right!" Right guard counted the number of people, surprise report: "everyone is here, no one was injured!"

Chu Han is relieved that this is the result of upgrading. In addition to those soldiers who were directly killed by stones, those who had passed through the valley were in a mess. At this time, they all cowered and hid under all kinds of construction machinery. They looked like cockroach heads and mice. They looked very powerless.

"Hey, come here!" A shout came from behind. Chu Han looked back and saw that a centurion was waving to him. He went suspiciously and pointed to the stones blocking the mouth of the valley: "you take people to move these stones!"

Chu Han didn't move: "why?"

The other side was angry: "asshole, the stone blocked the road, don't move the troops behind how to come over!"

Chu Han sneered: "hum, are you deaf? What I asked is why we should move!"

The other side was stunned for a moment, and then laughed wildly: "ha ha ha, a little centurion of infantry dare to talk back to me. This is the rule of the army. When the infantry see the cavalry demoted, I have the right to order you!"

The left guard ran over and said in a low voice, "centurion, what he said is true!"

Chu Han was very depressed, so he had to point to the stones: "I said, the lightest of these stones are several hundred jin. How do you want us to move them? It's not realistic at all!"

The centurion of the cavalry said angrily, "hum, you can do it if you want. If you say anything more, I will behead you and show you to the public for the crime of disobedience in front of the army!"

Chu Han was very angry: "well, I want to see what you can do!"

"To die!" The centurion of the cavalry really tried hard to pull out his sword and was about to cut it. At this time, there was another sound of fighting in the distance. A cavalry rode over and cried out from a long distance: "centurion, it's bad. There's an enemy ambush ahead!"

As soon as the centurion's face changed, he looked at Chu Han and put away his sword: "hum, since you don't want to do the work of those folk men, I'll arrange a good job for you. Follow me to block those enemies!"

Chu Han was still angry and wanted to play tricks. The left guard reminded him, "centurion, promise him. Only by killing the enemy and doing meritorious deeds can your rank be promoted!"

"Can I upgrade?" Chu Han was immediately moved. He glanced at the centurion of the cavalry and said, "OK, today I'll show you what the real vanguard is. Brothers, give me a rush!"

Shua! Chu Han gave an order, and he rushed out with dozens of soldiers under his hands. The speed was so fast that ordinary horses couldn't catch up with him. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in a piece of smoke.

The centurion of the cavalry was stunned: "this, this is still infantry. How can it be faster than us? No, I'll catch up with you soon!"

"Hey, hey!" His subordinates gave a smirk and said: "centurion, don't worry. There are only dozens of them. No matter how fast they run, they can't fight the enemy's ambush. Since he annoys you, we might as well sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. When he dies, they will also consume the enemy's troops. You can make up for it."

"Ha ha!" The centurion of the cavalry laughed unkindly: "good idea, I'm not wrong about you. Then, let's do it. The brothers are a little tired after riding all the way. Let the horses have some grass to rest first. As for the war ahead, I think the most ambush is a small team. It's enough to give them to the vanguard troops!"

"Yes, Centurion has a good idea!" The cavalry soldier flattered each other again. They looked at each other with a smile and gave out a licentious smile.

Dong Dong! Looking at Chu Han, he rushed out several miles at a time and soon met the enemy. When he looked around, he saw that all the soldiers were infantry, but the number was a little large, which was almost ten times that of him.

A closer look, those infantry are not star, Chu Han relieved: "very good, left and right guards obey orders, give me up, kill those guys clean, if anyone is injured, don't say it's my soldier, I can't afford to lose that person!"

"Yes The left and right guards can also see the situation clearly. For those enemies who don't have a single star, they can fight more than ten people, not to mention that the enemy's forces are ten times or twenty times their own. The more they come, the more military achievements they can earn.

Under the absolute strength difference, Chu Han's men didn't need to put any formation at all. They rushed up and ran faster one by one, which means they didn't have to come late.

On the contrary, the enemy was encircled. Several centurions who rushed to the front looked at each other and said, "what do they mean, to die?"

"Hum!" The other one snorted coldly: "take care of his grandmother. Kill her. Let's all give it to me. Ouch!" As soon as he finished his hard work, a fireball hit him and hit him in the face. After a scream, he fainted and the whole army was in chaos.

"Hey, hey!" At the same time, the left guard, who was leading the charge, gave a smirk and took back his left hand: "the power of fireball is niucha. It can knock down a centurion from such a distance. If it is closer, it will kill him directly!" Then we should speed up.The right guard stopped him: "be careful, you are a mage. Let me take charge of the attack!" As soon as the words fell, the sword in his hand flashed, and there was an extra aperture. The whole person also speeded up abruptly, and rushed into the enemy in the blink of an eye.

The left guard ran for a few steps and found that his speed could not compare with that of the right guard, so he had to give up. Seeing that the two sides had fallen into a big scuffle, he could not play well as a mage in the past, so he found a slope nearby and began to aim at the spot.

"It's not right!" Chu Han was hundreds of meters behind them, and a group of cavalry was waiting quietly. The centurion of the cavalry put down his telescope: "it's strange when the vanguard became so fierce that they didn't wait to breathe when they beat ten at a time!"

"Let me see!" Another centurion of the cavalry snatched the telescope, looked at it carefully, and took a cold breath: "well, it's true, Lao Xue. They're not playing pig and eating tiger. Their combat effectiveness is almost the same as that of the hero troops!"

The way to make up for this is to offend the old man

Boom! More than two hundred cavalry began to charge, but the battle ended before they reached the battlefield. They were staring at the scene in front of them. All the hundreds of small soldiers from the small kingdom of heaven were killed, and Chu Han were safe there to absorb experience.