Chapter 806

Seeing that Ding Mo insisted on his own judgment, Chu Han was a little strange and pointed to the body of the man on the ground: "he is clearly a human being. Although he is dead now, he can't be a thousand year old ghost!"

Eh? All of a sudden, Chu Han was stunned, because his soul would be three-dimensional soon after his death, and his spirit should be able to see it. But nearly a minute later, the soul of the man on the ground still stayed in his body, and there was no sign of leaving his body.

As a result, Chu Han looked at the man carefully, and saw that he was short and thin, and had no muscles. He didn't look like a martial arts practitioner, and his face was old. He looked sixty or seventy years old, but just now he was able to break through the window on the second floor, showing some abnormality.

Whoo! When Chu Han was wondering, the man who should have died on the ground suddenly stood up, and the speed was very fast. For a moment, there was a remnant shadow, accompanied by a strong wind.

"Be careful!" After Chu Han exclaimed, he grabbed Ding Mo, who was still in a daze, and stepped back a few steps. However, he saw that the man's eyes were not opened, and there were several bleeding wounds on his chest, which were left behind after he was hit by his own thunder arc. Most people suffered such serious injuries.

After the man stood up, he did not attack immediately, but stood in the same place, his head drooping slightly, as if walking dead.

Chu Han looked at each other warily, and suddenly noticed something. He exclaimed: "I'll go. This guy didn't breathe and heartbeat. Is he a zombie in legend?"

"No, the living dead!" Ding Mo came back, put his hand on his eyelids, recited a few pithy words, saw some of the ways, and immediately explained: "brother Chu, this man's body and soul have been controlled by the foreign ghost, and the ghost is trying to rush out!"

"And that?" Chu Han hears speech a Leng, isn't the fierce ghost most like to devour the wandering soul? When did you start to drill into living people? And the man who possessed it died, and he couldn't run out of it. Is that too shameful?

No matter what Chu Han thought, Ding Mo quickly took out a piece of black wood from his arms. Er, the scientific name of this thing should be rotten heart divine wood. It looks much more exquisite than that of Ye Tiange. It should be Ding Mo's original divine wood.

After holding his own destiny, Ding Mo became more confident. He took a good look at the direction of the living dead man on the opposite side, then raised his left hand and began to spell.

Buzz! After Ding Mo read it silently for a few seconds, the living dead on the opposite side finally had a reaction. His body swayed back and forth, and there was a strange sound in his body, as if something was spinning.

Hearing that voice, Ding Mo's eyes suddenly brightened. After biting his own lips, his speaking speed doubled out of thin air. At the same time, his left hand was rapidly changing various postures, and his middle finger was always facing the direction of the living dead.

With Ding Mo's acceleration, the buzzing sound in the body of the living dead became more and more clear. Finally, his skin began to swell. At this time, Ding Mo took time to pause and yelled to Chu Han: "brother Chu, be careful, the fierce ghost is going to rush out!"

Bang! Before Chu Han had time to respond, the man's body on the opposite side exploded directly and became flesh and blood all over the sky. At the same time, a mass of black fog also rose up, gradually distorted and became a ghost.

Huh? Chu cold saw what the as like as two peas were, and then looked puzzled. He looked exactly like the living dead before death, and that should be his soul. So, where is the ghost ghost?

Ding Mo is also stunned, he stopped to pinch Jue to recite incantation: "this is how to return a responsibility, fierce ghost?"

Chu Han shrugged: "you ask me, I ask who to go!"

The ghost on the other side looks around blankly, and suddenly looks at Chu Han and Ding mo. they are considering whether they want to move. The ghost's expression suddenly becomes extremely tangled and painful. One hand pinches his neck, and the other hand desperately tries to stop it.

"Is this guy crazy?" Chu Han had planned to pull out the Lingcha sword. At this time, seeing this scene, he gave up the idea. He was just very curious to ask Ding Mo beside him.

Ding Mo shook his head, and his face was covered with a circle: "I have been in contact with countless souls, but I have never encountered such a situation. Maybe, maybe the fierce ghost invaded the soul of that man?"

Chu Han's heart thumped: "no, it won't be. Can the soul still be possessed?"

Ding Mo is also a tangled face: "I don't know, in short, now the other party's breath is very chaotic, there are two kinds of Yin Qi, one strong and one weak, but can be in a state of balance, so can only make this seemingly unreliable speculation."

Click! At this time, another window on the second floor was broken. Chu Han looked up in amazement, but Li Fugui was looking out and pointed to the ghost: "Huhu, great Xia, that's my martial uncle!"

"Your martial uncle?" Chu Han found that he was more and more confused. At this time, Li Fugui gave a bitter smile and cried: "yes, it's a bit complicated. Please don't kill him. I'll go down with my father!"

As the voice fell, Li Fugui turned back to pick up something, and then jumped down. His weight of more than 200 Jin directly caused a small earthquake, and two deep footprints appeared on the ground. To Chu Han's surprise, this guy's physique was surprisingly good, and he didn't get hurt at all.Li Fugui carried a wooden box in his hand and went straight to the ghost. After a moment's hesitation, he opened the box and quickly retreated to Chu Han.

Whoo! At the moment when the wooden box was opened, a strong black fog appeared. In less than half a second, the ghost was completely wrapped up. Chu Han could no longer see the situation inside, but could hear the sound of crying and howling.

"What's the matter, my wife and them?" Seeing that Li Fugui is safe and sound, Chu Han realizes that the previous phone call may be fake, so he immediately asks.

Li Fugui looked at Chu Han with guilty conscience and said bitterly: "great Xia, I'm wrong. I shouldn't use your woman to lead you here, but I have no way to do it!"

Chu Han was angry when he heard this: "what do you say? You planned all this? What about Qingqing

Li Fugui sneered: "ha ha, it's upstairs. I've been hypnotized. I'm resting!"

Chu Han sank his face and looked at each other coldly: "hum, you dare to use me, aren't you afraid to die?"

As soon as Li Fugui's face changed, he knelt down and said, "Wu Wu, great Xia, please forgive me. If I offend you, I may die, but if I don't lead you here, I have no way to live!"