Chapter 646

"I said, what kind of fuel does this car burn?" After the formation of the submarine, Heiyu T1 kept a very high speed to sneak under the sea for three hours, and it didn't seem to slow down at all. Chu Han was shocked by its strong performance and endurance.

Radish: "Sir, I have three sets of engines, which need to consume ordinary gasoline respectively. Aviation fuel is already Lingshi, and now I use the third set of psionic engine. According to the current consumption rate, the stored Lingshi can guarantee that I can run well for 1800 hours."

Chu Han calculated and found that Heiyu T1 could run at full speed for four and a half days: "I'll go. It's too exaggerated. Is the energy density of Lingshi really that high?"

Radish: "Sir, it's actually higher than you think, but it's hard to get the Lingshi. At present, I only store more than ten medium grade Lingshi. If I can have the top grade Lingshi, it will run for half a month without any problem." It finally took the initiative to answer once.

Chu Han was stunned again. A stone could make the engine of Heiyu T1 run at high speed for half a month. He had never heard of this terrible efficiency. If it could be popularized, it would change the world situation completely.

But when he thought about it carefully, Chu Han calmed down again. Without mentioning the manufacturing cost of the psionic engine, it was hard to find the spirit stone that it needed even if it could be made in batches. Old Xue got more than ten pieces from the left and right Dharma protectors of the demon sect, but now he belongs to Pangu base: "by the way, what about those spirit stones I brought back?" Looking at nanwazi, he suddenly wanted to get those spirit stones back.

"It's in this car!" South Wazi "innocently" pointed below: "you boy, don't think I embezzled those spirit stones!"

"Cough, that's it!" Chu Han embarrassed smile: "I said, no wonder radish power is so strong, it is to eat I brought it back delicious ah, ha ha!"

Chat a few, ease the awkward atmosphere for a while, Chu Han asked: "South Wazi master, where are we going?" Although Heiyu T1 is constantly scanning the obstacles in front of him, his vision under the sea is limited. He can only see more than ten meters away.

"Oh, we're going to go back to Jiangyuan city by way of donghaiwan. We'll send your friend back first!" South Wazi coldly glanced at Jack and said with deep meaning.

Chu Han heart move: "send him back?" It seems that Jack and nanwa have been completely restrained since they saw him.

Jack didn't raise his head until he heard nanwazi mention himself. He looked at Chu Han with embarrassment: "Dashen, I've already told nanwazi my identity. He doesn't believe that I will follow you wholeheartedly, so he decided to send me back to the black market first!" When I speak, I feel a little aggrieved.

Chu Han frowned. Although Jack's martial arts are not as good as that of Nan Wazi, he is also the peak of ghost world. He is much better than himself. He doesn't want to let go of such a powerful little brother: "hmm? Elder nanwazi, why do you think so? "

There was a flash of light in nanwazi's eyes: "is this hard to explain? He is a member of the dark hall of the black market, and also participated in the last attack against you. Do you believe him completely just by virtue of his family's words? "

"This!" Chu Han is in a dilemma. Looking at Jack who has lowered his head, he also thinks that he can't completely believe this big black man. Maybe his simplicity and loyalty are all pretended. But if he is sent back to the black market, isn't he going to let the tiger go back to the mountain or send the sheep into the tiger's mouth?

Chu Han also wanted to fight for it: "well, you shouldn't send him back to the black market square. There is no humanity in that place. What if the owner of the black market square knew what he had done for me and killed him suddenly?"

Nanwazi chuckled: "ha, I didn't expect you to care about him. It seems that you have established a deep relationship between life and death. Don't worry, I won't let him die easily. Before sending Jack back, I will train him first."

As soon as Chu Han's eyes turned, he immediately thought of something: "do you mean to cultivate jack into a man like Nangong Rui?"

"Congratulations on your correct answer!" Nanwazi pointed out: "nangongrui used to be a member of the black market square just like Jack. Under our careful training, he has grown into an elite backbone of the base. With Jack's ability and wisdom, I believe he will do more."

"All right then!" At this point, Chu Han has nothing to say. Anyway, Jack doesn't seem to be very opposed to the plan. Besides, if he is really in danger, it's not a big problem for him to run away with his strength.

Because it's a long way to go, Heiyu T1 has to be under the sea for a day and a night. Fortunately, food has been prepared in the car for a long time. As for physiological problems, it can also be solved through the independent space above. Besides the narrow space, Heiyu T1 now looks like a multi-functional RV in the water.

After a few hours, Chu Han and the others ate something together, and he was already a little sleepy. He asked radish to put his seat flat and raise both sides to make a bed. After saying hello, he went to sleep."Chu Han, Chu Han!" I don't know how long later, Chu Han heard someone calling his name in the daze. The voice seemed to come from far away, and there was a very special force, which made him stand up involuntarily and walk along the direction of the voice.

Click! A pair of chains suddenly handcuffed him, and there were two more black-and-white ghost messengers with long tongues in front of him. One of them dragged him forward, and the other leaned over with a pamphlet and looked at his face carefully.

"Stop, old black, it seems that there is a mistake!" After a few steps, the white ghost messenger closed the pamphlet and stopped the Black Ghost messenger who was still selling the chain in front of him: "this man's life is not over, and he seems to have something to do with curator Zhong. He has the smell of Jiangyuan embassy!"

Nigger bad smell speech stops a pace, came to stretch a nose to smell hard: "I depend on, why don't you say earlier, how do now?"

"Sure!" The white ghost difference stretched out a finger and yelled at Chu Han's forehead. Then he took the Black Ghost difference to hide furtively and discussed in a low voice: "we do this..."

At the same time, with that decision, Chu Han's brain flashed a white line. He completely woke up. He couldn't move. He could only stare at everything around him. He was dazed everywhere. He couldn't see where it was, but he felt very desolate. Far ahead, there was a mountain shrouded in black fog, thousands of meters high.